UW-Green Bay Council of Trustees Update

The UW-Green Bay Chancellor’s Office emailed the following from Chancellor Michael Alexander to the UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff on Wednesday, July 22, 2020.

Dear Faculty and Staff,

We are very fortunate to have a Council of Trustees (COT) that supports UW-Green Bay in important ways.  The group had a special meeting on Tuesday to discuss important changes to its structure and work for the future.  The changes are summarized below.

  1. The leadership structure of the COT has been changed to allow for a clear leadership transition sequence.  The executive committee will now be made up of a chair, past chair, vice chair (future chair), and secretary (future vice chair).  We have benefited for a long time from the tremendous leadership and support of Craig Dickman, Current Chair, and Lou LeCalsey, Past Chair.  I am thrilled to announce that Dr. Tina Sauerhammer Dean has accepted our invitation to become the next Vice Chair and that Cordero Barkely has agreed to be the next Secretary of the COT. Craig, Tina and Cordero are all distinguished alumni, who will be tremendous in their roles.
  2. The COT structure has been changed to include standing committees of Advocacy and Athletics.  In addition, each year the COT will decide on Impact Initiatives to work on.  This year, they will include Health, Mental Health, and Wellness; Social Justice; and Economic Resilience.  These committees are in alignment with our mission and will serve to connect the work we are doing as a University to the broader community and connect the community back to us.

Thanks to Tony Werner and Ben Joniaux for their work in support of this new structure.  It is vital that we connect the work we do to the communities we serve.  I am grateful to work with a Council of Trustees that is fighting for us, is fully supportive of our mission, and is willing to put time and resources behind making our University and, therefore, our region, a better place.


Michael Alexander

UWGB Council of Trustees

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Wednesday, January 6, 2016.

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that Mr. Lou LeCalsey has agreed to continue his role as Chair of the UWGB Council of Trustees.  At this time of great opportunity for the university, it is my desire to shape our interaction with the Trustees in order to organize their great influence in support of our strategy.  Having Lou continue in his role will lend continuity and extraordinary experience to this process.

I am deeply grateful to Lou for agreeing to continue in this role.  I hope you will join me in thanking him for his service to UWGB – which extends more than 30 years.

Thank you for all your great work on behalf of our students and the Green Bay community.

Gary L. Miller