Message from the Chancellor

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to students, faculty and staff on Thursday, November 13, 2015.

The recent events at the University of Missouri and elsewhere in the American Academy remind me of the importance of our commitment to diversity and tolerance, and our obligation to provide a welcoming and supportive campus for all students, faculty, staff and visitors.  I hope you will join me in reaffirming these values.

I encourage you to engage each other and our students in discussions about the important issues of our time and to advance ideas and concerns that will help us improve our programs and our campus environment.  The free exchange of ideas and perspectives are founding principles of UWGB that will serve us well in this time.

Thank you and Go Phoenix!

FAQ regarding campus reorganization

Monday, October 26, 2015 the UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following memorandum and reorganization frequently asked questions from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff to follow-up university planning communications that were sent to campus on Monday, September 28, 2015.

To: Faculty and Staff
From: Gary L. Miller
Date: October 26, 2015
Subject: FAQ regarding campus reorganization

Reorganizing UWGB for the Future
The Future Imagined
Frequently Asked Questions

United Way

The UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following message from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff on Monday, October 26, 2015.

It’s my pleasure as Chancellor to announce that this week our campus will begin its annual United Way campaign under the leadership of Rick Warpinski.  I’m sure I don’t need to tell you of the unmet human needs in the Greater Green Bay area; the United Way addresses those needs in an organized, deliberate way that deserves our support.

My senior leadership team is one hundred percent committed to financially support the United Way and I hope you’ll consider joining us in that effort.  We could all feel good about supporting a comprehensive approach to addressing our community’s substantial needs.

Please join us in supporting the United Way this year.  So many of us are so fortunate; we need to remember those less well off at this time of year.  It’s the right thing to do.

Gary L. Miller

Oregon Shootings

The UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor sent the following e-mail message from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff on Friday, October 2, 2015.

To the UWGB Community:

I know all of you have heard about the terrible shooting yesterday at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon.  I ask all of us at UWGB to join Georgia and me in holding our colleagues in Roseburg close to our hearts during this difficult time.

On behalf of all of you, I extend our deepest sympathy and best wishes to all of those who have been touched by this tragedy.

Message from the Chancellor

The UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following message from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff on Monday, September 28, 2015.

Dear Colleagues,

I am attaching a memo and two supporting documents related to important university planning activities.  I urge you to read the documents in the following order:

  1. Memo from GLM to University Community titled:
    University Reorganization.
  2. Memo from John Lyon to GLM titled:
    Governance Endorsement.
  3. White paper titled:
    The Future Imagined: Reorganizing UWGB for Innovation and Growth.

As explained in Memo # 1, there will be many opportunities to discuss these plans.

Thank you all.


University Reorganization
To: Faculty and Staff
From: Gary L. Miller
Date: September 28, 2015
Subject: University Reorganization

Governance Endorsement
To: UWGB Community
From: John M, Lyon, Chair University Committee
Subject: UC endorsement of the “Future Imagined” Document
Date: September 24, 2015

The Future Imagined: Reorganizing UWGB for Innovation and Growth
Gary L. Miller, Chancellor
September 28, 2015

New Book on Interdisciplinarity

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary L. Miller sent the following message via e-mail to employees on Thursday, September 10, 2015:

Dear Colleagues,

I want to draw your attention to a new book about Interdisciplinarity in the American academy.  The book is titled  Undisciplining Knowledge: Interdisciplinarity in the Twentieth Century by Harvey Graff (Johns Hopkins University Press). My leadership team and I will be reading the book this semester.  I encourage you to join us.  Also, a recent issue of Inside Higher Education included an interview with the author. You can find that interview by clicking here.

Thank you all for your great work.


2015 Fall Convocation

UWGB Fall Confocation Aug 26., 2015

The Fall 2015 Employee Convocation kicks off the academic year at 10 a.m. Wednesday, August 26, in the University Union’s Phoenix Room.

Date:  Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: Phoenix Room, University Union

  • Introduction of new faculty and staff
  • Introduction of Named Professorship recipient
  • Presentation of Founders Association Awards for Excellence
  • Remarks by Chancellor Gary L. Miller
  • Lunch in Leona Cloud Commons

R.S.V.P.: RSVP by August 21 to Geno McKenna,