UW System Budget Update

The UW-Green Bay office of the Chancellor forwarded UW System President Ray Cross’s message regarding the budget to faculty, staff and students on Monday, May 8, 2017.

May 8, 2017

UW Students and Colleagues,

Last week, the Wisconsin Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee (JFC) began voting on the 2017-19 biennial budget. I would like to share with you several highlights of the UW System budget request as we expect JFC will vote on our provisions mid-to-late May.

  • We put forth a reasonable budget request totaling $42.5 million, which aligns our resources with the state’s greatest needs as identified by more than 5,000 citizens, students, business and community leaders, faculty and families in our listening sessions around the state.
  • The request included an increase of $19 million in additional financial aid through the Wisconsin Grant program so that all students in need are served. The Board also passed a plan that freezes tuition in year one allows for an increase of no more than inflation in year two.
  • Our faculty and staff work incredibly hard – and our institutions compete for talent at a national and international level. UW System asked for a compensation increase of 2% in each year of the biennium. We are also working with the legislature to ensure the UW System remains part of the compensation reserve so that our staff get the same pay increases as other state employees in future budgets. To best serve our students, the UW System needs to be able to continue to attract and retain talented faculty. We are working with the administration and legislature to refine the formula and metrics associated with outcomes-based funding. While often referred to as performance-based funding, I agree with members of the Joint Finance Committee who believe we should focus on investing in, measuring, and rewarding outcomes rather than inputs. Metrics should be measurable, have value to the state, and protect our commitment to a comprehensive and quality college experience.
  • We need appropriate teaching and living spaces for our faculty and students, and we continue to advocate for our capital budget, which renovates, remodels and maintains our existing buildings. The maintenance plan we submitted affects about 3% of our existing inventory – and renovates only 1.6% of our gross square footage. Project costs go up when delayed, and if we can make the necessary repairs now, it will save taxpayers and students millions of dollars in the future. Projects at UW-Milwaukee and UW-Extension have already received formal support, and UW-Platteville, UW-Parkside, and UW-Madison may be added to the list in the future.

Looking Ahead

The UW System will receive new state dollars for the first time in nearly a decade. This demonstrates an appreciation for the value and economic impact UW System brings to Wisconsin. Historically, Wisconsin has received at least $10 in economic impact for every $1 of State funding invested in UW System. Conservatively, the UW System’s impact to Wisconsin’s economy is $15+ billion each year.

Both the UW System’s budget request and the Governor’s budget proposal focus on college affordability and accountability. While some of the tactics are different, we are heading down the same path.

Our message throughout this budget has been consistent and clear: now is time to invest in the UW. We are actively working to ensure the UW System’s final budget supports our mission of being an affordable, top tier public university system. We must provide solutions for our state’s unique problems, while driving economic prosperity for all of our citizens. By working together with stakeholders across our institutions, I am confident that our best and brightest days as a System lay ahead. Thank you for your help and support in this endeavor.

Good luck with your finals, congratulations to all those who are graduating this month, and enjoy the upcoming summer!

President Ray Cross

Budget Challenges & Opportunities

The UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following memorandum from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff on Monday, March 20, 2017.

Per this communication, Chancellor Miller will visit each of the UW-Green Bay colleges and various administrative and support units to discuss and take questions. See the schedule »


Challenges & Opportunities – Budget Memorandum
To: University Community
From: Gary L. Miller
Date: March 20, 2017
Subject: Challenges and Opportunities

We’re Rockin’ the Resch!

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty, staff and students on Wednesday, February 15, 2017.

Good afternoon!

Students, alumni and staff are working hard to create a homecoming tradition on campus and I hope you’ll participate.  Next week, Wednesday, February 22, marks the start of Spirit Week when students have fun events and activities set up for everyone.  Themed dress up days are as follows:

Wednesday: Packers Pride Day (Wear Packers gear and get 25% off UWGB spirit wear at The Phoenix Bookstore)
Thursday: Go Green, wear it too! (Free GB Bandana with $10 purchase at The Phoenix Bookstore) and check out Phoenix Nite in the Phoenix Club at 7:30 p.m. There’s free pizza!
Friday: Show your Phoenix Pride! (Sing, hum, or display the words to our fight song for 20% off UWGB spirit wear at The Phoenix Bookstore) and then come out for Rock the Resch!

The culminating event of the week is Rock the Resch, which is completely FREE for students. Rock the Resch starts with a tailgate party and ends with us cheering on the Green Bay men’s basketball team to a win! Attached is more information about Rock the Resch. You need to register at https://rockthereschstudent17.eventbrite.com by Thursday, February 23 to attend.

I’m excited about this important initiative to build school spirit. Check out this video of Coach Darner and me showing just how excited we both are!

There are already over 450 people registered for Rock the Resch and I hope to see you there.

Go Phoenix!

Gary L. Miller

Rock the Resch - Students
Promotional flier for students

Promotional Flier for Alumni, Faculty & Staff (pdf)

Preventing harassment and sexual violence

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to the campus community on Wednesday, February 8, 2017.

It is my pleasure to welcome you back to the beginning of the 2017 Spring Semester.  I hope you have found time in the past month to rest and rejuvenate. As you know, UW-Green Bay is committed to maintaining a campus community that ensures each student, faculty and staff member can work and learn together in a place that is free of discrimination including harassment and sexual violence.  Part of our campus’s vision provides for an environment that promotes personal and professional growth. Harassment in any form violates the dignity of an individual and threatens the integrity of this great University.

Eliminating and preventing harassment requires an ongoing, demonstrated commitment from all community members.  Therefore, UW-Green Bay is launching new online training for all faculty, staff and students designed to prevent these behaviors and remind us about the importance of this topic.  Faculty and staff will complete a course titled “Intersections: Preventing Harassment and Sexual Violence” which will be delivered to provide you skills to identify and prevent, guide conduct, and educate on the importance of reporting any and all abusive conduct. Included in this training is information on all forms of discrimination based upon protected characteristics along with information on UW-Green Bay’s policies and procedures.

In the next week, you will receive an e-mail from “University of Wisconsin- Green Bay” with the subject line “UW-Green Bay Harassment and Title IX Training.” The e-mail will include the information necessary to complete the training.

Training will take approximately one-hour and is self-paced, allowing you to come and go as you please until course completion. All faculty and staff must complete training by Friday, March 31, 2017.  Additional courses on FERPA, Executive Order 54, and Ethics will be rolled out in fall 2017.

Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or (920) 465-2846 with any questions and/or to request a reasonable accommodation. Thank you for your commitment to providing an environment free of harassment and sexual violence.

Gary L. Miller

2017 Campus Celebrations

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Friday, January 20, 2016.


Each and every time students, parents, visitors, board members or donors attend an event at UW-Green Bay, they should feel special and walk away with a sense of Phoenix pride. We want all events at UW-Green Bay to be special and memorable.
In the coming months, personnel from the Office of the Chancellor will be working diligently to align University events with campus priorities to best honor and thank the campus community. The list includes some changes to long-standing University events.

Our annual Faculty and Staff Cookout in May 2017 will now be the event where we will honor:

  • Years of Service
  • New UW-Green Bay Retirees
  • Employment Anniversaries
  • Faculty and Staff Emeriti

We believe this gives the campus community and close friends and family the best opportunity to celebrate these important milestones together.

In August of 2017, during Fall Convocation, we will continue to:

  • Welcome New Employees
  • Honor Named Professorships
  • Announce Founders Awards
  • Honor Endowed Chairs

Georgia and I look forward to celebrating these honors and milestones with all of you. Watch the Log for additional details as these events draw near.

Go Phoenix!

Gary L. Miller

Happy Holidays from UW-Green Bay

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Wednesday, December 14, 2016.

As the University heads into the frenzy of finals and the hectic days leading up to winter break, I want to share my gratitude for your many contributions during the Fall 2016 semester. Your service to our students is inspiring, and together we are transforming lives while developing the great minds and great leaders of tomorrow. On Saturday, we will confer degrees upon more than 400 students who will go forward and make the world a better place. It is indeed a time for celebration.

In the weeks ahead, I hope you will find time to rest. Rejuvenate. And treasure the things that matter most: family, friends and freedom. If you are traveling this holiday season, please do so safely. We need you.

It’s been said that the holiday season brings out the kid in all of us. In that spirit, we’ve conjured up a little elfin fun with the help of one of our favorite mischief makers, Phlash on a Shelf. You can check it out here: Phlash on the Shelf

Happy viewing…and Happy Holidays!

Gary L. Miller

Thanksgiving Message from the Chancellor

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Monday, November 21, 2016.

As we approach Thanksgiving and our winter holidays, I want to express to you how grateful Georgia and I are to join you in the unique opportunity we have to work together at UWGB.  Your commitment to the transforming power of knowledge and understanding, and your deep dedication to our students and this community inspire us each day.  Thank you.

As you gather with your family and friends during the coming Thanksgiving weekend and through the holidays, we hope you will join us in reaching out to those less fortunate than ourselves.  In this we may, together, make our world a much better place.

With Gratitude,

Gary and Georgia

Statement to the University regarding civility and tolerance

The UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following memorandum from Chancellor Miller to students, faculty and staff on Wednesday, November 16, 2016. The statement includes declarations of civility and tolerance for people of all backgrounds and orientations.


Statement to the University regarding civility and tolerance
To: University Community
From: Gary L. Miller
Date: November 16, 2016
Subject: Statement to the University regarding civility and tolerance