2021-2022 Civic Scholars: Zea Miller

Hello! My name is Zea Miller and I am currently a sophomore at UWGB. I’m double-majoring in Political Science and Environmental Policy and Planning (emphasis in policy) and minoring in Global Studies. My internship site is at Annie Jackson Elementary through the Green Bay Area Public Schools, and my supervisor is Tammy VanEss!

One of my big projects this semester is the Career Day we are hosting at Jackson Elementary. Throughout this time, I’ve been curating a PowerPoint presentation highlighting different career clusters and jobs. I’ve been putting emphasis on the fact that you don’t have to go to college to be successful. The college path isn’t for everyone, and it’s important to acknowledge that. However, if students do decide they want to go to college, there are career pathways in the PowerPoint that highlight that, too! 

Throughout this past semester, I have been working on my networking skills by emailing and calling local businesses and organizations in hopes they would like to attend Career Day. I’m impressed with how much I’ve grown professionally since starting the Civic Scholars Leadership Program. This internship has only spurred my growth!

Zea Miller

2022-2023 Newman Civic Fellowship

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The search for UW-Green Bay’s 2022-2023 Newman Civic Fellow has begun! We are excited to start the search for our civically engaged student who stands out as a public leader. This year, with 4 campuses, we are excited to see who will be  nominated as the UW-Green Bay Newman Fellow. The student must have at least one year of academic study remaining and must apply by Friday, January 18th, 2022 8 AM CST. All faculty and staff are encouraged to continually nominate students through this form. The Center will contact the student to begin the application process. Read about the past UW-Green Bay Newman Civic Fellows here!