Hi, my name is Annelise Frank and I am a Sophomore at UWGB! I am currently studying Design Arts and plan to go into Graphic Design after graduating in 2024. During this semester, I have had the wonderful opportunity to work as an intern at Green Bay City Hall under Laura Schley who is the Public Arts Coordinator for Green Bay. Over the past six weeks, I have been able to do many cool things such as
designing merchandise for the Green Bay Swag Shop on Redbubble! I have also attended meetings to see the inner workings of a city government system, have begun collecting data for a UWGB Public Art database/map, and many other things as well!
Out of all the things I have been a part of due to this internship, I would have to say that my favorite part is assisting in design for the Outreach Team! I love being able to make designs and get feedback from those who work at City Hall. It’s fun to see the process of how things get done in City Hall and being a part of it is even more exciting!