Event Follow-Up: Ride the Active Learning Train

At CATL’s most recent Wacky Wednesday event on September 25, we embarked on a cross-continental ride aboard the active learning train with the engaging board game “Ticket to Ride.” This hands-on session gave us a chance to “lay the tracks” for active learning strategies that can improve student retention and success in any discipline.

Active learning shifts the focus from passively receiving information to actively engaging with the materials. Research shows that engaging your students in this way improves retention, critical thinking, and success across various disciplines. Plus, active learning doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming for instructors to implement. If you’d like to get a 1-on-1 demonstration of active learning, reach out to CATL and we will be happy to meet with you.

Our Wacky Wednesday events are a fun, casual way to see these methods in action. If you missed the ride, don’t worry – there will be plenty more stops on the active learning line! We hope to see you onboard for future sessions, where we’ll continue to experiment and have fun with innovative teaching techniques.

Mark your Calendars!

Make sure to save the date for our next Wacky Wednesday on Nov. 20, 2024. More details to come.