Teaching with Technology Certificate: LITE 101 Course

The first course in the Teaching with Technology Certificate series is called Learning and Integrating Technology for Education (LITE) 101: Course Modalities & Technologies. This self-paced course includes information about the different course modalities offered at UW-Green Bay, as well as the technologies you might use for teaching in each. LITE 101 serves as the foundation of the Teaching with Technology Certificate series and provides the essentials you need to be successful on the path to building your course if you elect to continue to the next courses (LITE 201 & LITE 301).

Prerequisites: None

Next course in the series: LITE 201: Course Design*

*If you completed either Foundations of Teaching with Canvas or Teaching with Technology Basecamp prior to Fall 2022, you already meet the pre-requisites for LITE 201; however, you are encouraged to use LITE 101 as a resource and/or complete the course for a badge because it includes information, such as course modalities, that the other two courses did not.


Every participant who successfully completes LITE 101 will earn a digital badge that you can include in your email signature or embed in online portfolios or resumes as evidence of your commitment to professional development!

LITE 101 badge with a lantern in a snowy landscape

Earning Criteria

    1. Reviewed technology that supports teaching in a specific modality, such as In Person or Virtual Classroom.
    2. Demonstrated how technology can enhance student learning experiences.
    3. Compared and contrasted the different technologies available at UWGB to support student learning experiences.
    4. Identified the technology available at UWGB that supports student learning experiences in their own courses.


Click one of the questions below to expand the accordion.

All full-time instructors will be automatically enrolled in LITE 101 in cohorts based on academic unit. Check your email for an invite from University of Wisconsin Canvas or Instructure Canvas (notifications@instructure.com) and click the Get Started link to gain access to the course.

LITE 101 is a self-paced Canvas course organized by module, with one module for each of UWGB’s course modalities. To complete the course, you will need to pass six multiple-choice quizzes with a score of at least 80% or higher and complete the final in-course feedback survey. Doing so will also grant you a digital badge.

Unlike Foundations and Basecamp, LITE 101 covers in detail the various teaching modalities offered at UWGB. Even though there is some content overlap between Foundations, Basecamp, and LITE 101, the resources on course modalities and integrating technology across all modalities will be insightful for instructors who have completed one of these previous self-paced introductory courses.

If you completed Foundations of Teaching with Canvas and/or Teaching with Technology Basecamp prior to Fall 2022, you already meet the prerequisites to take the second course in the Teaching with Technology Certificate sequence, LITE 201: Course Design. If you have not completed either of these courses, you will need to complete LITE 101: Modalities & Technologies to continue in the Certificate sequence.

The Teaching with Technology Certificate consists of three consecutive courses: LITE 101: Modalities & Technologies, LITE 201: Course Design, and LITE 301: Course Revision. LITE 101 is replacing Basecamp in the certificate series as of Fall 2022. Learn more about the Teaching with Technology Certificate.

LITE 101: Modalities & Technologies is not being offered for compensation, however, the stipends for LITE 201: Course Design and LITE 301: Course Revisions are $750 each for the 2023-24 academic year. As a result, instructors will earn $1500 for those two classes in total.

Yes! All UWGB staff and faculty are welcome to take the LITE 101 course. We hope this course can be a resource to help educators at our institution familiarize themselves with UWGB's modalities and the technologies that support them, including Canvas. If you are not a full-time instructor but would still like to be enrolled in LITE 101, please email CATL (CATL@uwgb.edu).



If you have any questions about LITE 101: Course Modalities & Technologies or the Teaching with Technology Certificate  in general, please contact CATL (CATL@uwgb.edu).