Teaching with Technology Certificate and Course Enrollments (2024-25 AY)

CATL is continuing the “Teaching with Technology Certificate” program this year! Instructors interested in learning more about how to leverage Canvas and other tools for effective teaching, regardless of modality, are encouraged to participate and complete the full certificate.

The Teaching with Technology Certificate consists of three “Learning and Integrating Technology for Education” (LITE) courses that act as progressive steps in a sequence. Instructors will earn a digital badge after completing the first and second courses in the series, and the Teaching with Technology Certificate after completing the third course. Full-time instructors for the 2024-25 academic year will also earn stipends after completing the second and third courses in the sequence.*

Note: If you have already completed the Distance Education Certificate, this is not a new credential; it has simply been re-titled, so there is no need to re-enroll.

Course Availability, Deadlines, & Compensation

LITE 101: Course Modalities & Technologies

  • All full-time instructors are automatically enrolled in LITE 101: Course Modalities & Technologies. The course will remain open indefinitely, and there is no deadline for completion.
  • LITE 101 is not tied to a stipend.
  • All instructors working toward the Teaching with Technology Certificate who complete LITE 101: Course Modalities & Technologies will be able to enroll in LITE 201: Course Design the following semester.

If you are not a full-time instructor but would like to be added to the course, please email CATL@uwgb.edu.

LITE 201: Course Design

  • Registration for the Spring 2025 cohort of LITE 201 is now open. Register by Jan. 31, 2025. The course will open on Jan. 7, 2025.
  • Full-time instructors who complete LITE 201 within the 2024-25 academic year will qualify for a $250 stipend.*
  • All instructors working toward the Teaching with Technology Certificate who complete LITE 201 will be able to enroll in LITE 301 the following semester.

Register for LITE 201

LITE 301: Course Revisions

  • Registration for the Spring 2025 cohort of LITE 301 is now open. Register by Jan. 31, 2025. The course will open on Jan. 7, 2025.
  • Full-time instructors who complete LITE 301 within the 2024-25 academic year will qualify for a $250 stipend.*
  • All instructors who complete LITE 301 will receive the Teaching with Technology Certificate.

Register for LITE 301

*Only full-time instructors for the 2024-25 AY are eligible for compensation. To receive compensation, participants must receive approval from their unit chair. Instructors that have already met their maximum overload payment for the contract period do not qualify for compensation.

If you have questions about these courses, please contact CATL at catl@uwgb.edu. If you have questions about compensation or the payment process, please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu.

Course Descriptions

The first course in the series is called LITE 101: Course Modalities & Technologies. This self-paced course includes information about the different course modalities offered at UW-Green Bay, as well as the technologies you might use for teaching in each one, including in-person teaching. This course also serves as the foundation of the Teaching with Technology Certificate series because it provides an overview of our specific distance education modalities and the technologies that will help you to be successful in them.

LITE 201: Course Design (formerly called Trail Guides) picks up where the first course leaves off. LITE 201 course centers on developing learning pathways for students. This self-paced course is for you if you would like to explore how to develop courses more systematically using evidence-based practices. Through LITE 201, you will develop two modules for a course in Canvas. LITE 201 is self-paced but offered on a semester basis.

In LITE 301: Course Revisions (formerly called Retreats), you will be encouraged to reflect on your own teaching practices. LITE 301 focuses on the process of using feedback, reflection, and scholarly teaching practices to refine classes. You will, for example, explore scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) literature relevant to issues in your course or to revisions or teaching innovations you are considering. You will also engage with several of your colleagues through synchronous and asynchronous activities designed to support your efforts in reflecting on and refining your teaching practices. LITE 301 is offered as a cohort-based, semester-long community of practice.

LITE 115 Course: Enhancing Course Videos with PlayPosit

Is there a teaching technology that you’ve heard CATL talk about but haven’t gotten the chance to try out yet? Want to learn a new tool alongside fellow instructors so you can swap ideas and tips? In addition to the three courses in the Teaching with Technology Certificate, CATL is offering supplemental professional development training courses that explore certain teaching tools and techniques in more depth!

Learning and Integrating Technology for Education (LITE) 115: Enhancing Course Videos with PlayPosit will equip you with the guidance you need to start building interactive videos, called “bulbs,” for your own courses. Work through each module at your own pace as you discover the basics of PlayPosit, build your first bulb, and finally implement PlayPosit bulbs in one of your courses. Participants will also learn how to monitor bulbs and use PlayPosit’s analytics to reveal data on student engagement and achievement that may be informative for planning future iterations of a course.

Prerequisites: None (though completion of LITE 101 is recommended)

When: Registration for the 2025 J-Term section of LITE 115 is now closed. Stay tuned for future opportunities to register.


Participants will earn a digital badge for completing each of the three modules in LITE 115 that you can include in your email signature or embed in online portfolios or resumes as evidence of your commitment to professional development! Participants will not be obligated to complete all three modules and may participate at whichever level fits their interest and capacity.


If you have any questions about LITE 115 or PlayPosit in general, please contact CATL (CATL@uwgb.edu). You can also check out our blog resources on PlayPosit as well as a selection of step-by-step guides in the UWGB IT Knowledgebase.

Upgrading Outdated Kaltura Players in Canvas

If you use Kaltura to embed videos in your Canvas courses, you may have noticed a change in the appearance of the video player for newly embedded videos. Kaltura video embeds created since August 5, 2024, use an updated “v7” player, which offers faster loading times and new features, including a searchable transcript panel, which improves accessibility and provides students with another way to engage with video content. This change did not upgrade previously embedded videos, so older video embeds still use the now-outdated “v2” player. Because vendor support is ending for the v2 player, we are encouraging UW-Green Bay instructors to replace old v2 player embeds while preparing future Canvas courses and providing resources in this post which will help you accomplish this task.

Why Upgrade?

It is important to upgrade your video embeds because Kaltura will no longer be providing support for the v2 player after December 30, 2024. While we expect v2 player embeds will continue to function for the foreseeable future, no support will be available for future v2 player issues, which could be caused by updates to Canvas or internet browsers. Upgrading embeds now will ensure that you will not need to do so in a panic if v2 player embeds unexpectedly break in the future. Upgrading will also allow students to take advantage of the new search and transcript features added to the v7 player. More information on this player transition is available in this Universities of Wisconsin KnowledgeBase article.

How to tell if your video uses the v2 player?

A side-by-side comparison image of the v2 and v7 Kaltura players. The v2 player on the left has a rectangular play button. The v7 player on the left has a circle-shaped play button.

To help instructors identify video embeds that use the outdated v2 player, a small warning indicator is now visible in the upper left corner of the v2 player during the first ten seconds of playback. This warning indicator first appeared on December 2, 2024, and is a sure sign that the video embed uses the old player. The v2 and v7 players are also visibly distinct in other ways. Before playing a video, the only control visible on the v7 player is a circle-shaped play button in the middle of the player. The outdated v2 player shows additional controls at the bottom of the player before playback, and the play button in the middle of the v2 player is rectangular. More tips for distinguishing between the video players are available in this IT KnowledgeBase article.

How to upgrade players?

Upgrading a single video embed is easy: edit the Canvas page, delete the existing video embed, and then use the My Media tool to create a new embed of the video from your My Media library. You can find more information on manually replacing video embeds in this guide.

Perhaps you use enough videos in your Canvas courses that the thought of finding and manually replacing all those embeds feels overwhelming. If this is the case, we’ve developed a procedure to upgrade all video embeds in a course at once! This procedure uses the Search tool in Canvas to find all v2 player embeds in a Canvas course and replace them with v7 player embeds automatically. By following this procedure, you may be able to upgrade all of the Kaltura video players in a course in as little as five minutes. We recommend first watching the video below to learn how.

The full set of instructions for using this procedure are available on this guide page. For most courses, running this process one time using the find and replace codes provided in the instructions for replacing “Standard Player LTI Embeds” will update all of the video players in the course. We recommend that instructors who want a quick way to update their players try this once to see if it works. Chances are that it will work, but if it doesn’t, you won’t break anything in your course—the search tool just won’t find any matching players. Rest assured, in the very unlikely scenario that something does go terribly wrong with your find and replace attempt, there is an “undo” button for reverting all changes.

When this find and replace doesn’t work on the first try, the process gets trickier. The find and replace codes for “Standard Player LTI Embeds” won’t find any matching players if you selected alternate players (like the “Download/Share/Embed” and “Simplified” players) in the advanced options menu while embedding or if you embedded by copying iframe embed codes from My Media instead of using the button in the Rich Content Editor. The challenge in these cases is remembering which player(s) you used and determining which alternative find and replace codes from the guide will work to upgrade those embeds. The find and replace codes used in this procedure each target a single, specific embed type. If you mixed and matched the players and methods you used to embed videos in a course, you may have to perform multiple find and replace operations in the same course to upgrade all of the videos.

Need Help?

In those tricky cases, please do not hesitate to reach out to CATL for assistance. CATL staff have the knowledge and experience needed for identifying the player types and embed methods used in a course, and we are happy to provide guidance when the standard find and replace codes do not work in a course. If you have tried the procedure with the standard codes, didn’t have success, and are unsure of what to try next, please fill out this survey to request assistance from CATL. Please only submit courses you are preparing for an upcoming term or sandbox courses that you regularly use and update; CATL staff will not have the capacity to work on concluded courses or honor requests to update “all my courses.”

Fall 2024 Events & Programming Overview

Find all of CATL’s fall events and programming all in one place! We already have drop-in hours, training courses, workshops, and several other events on the calendar with more to come.

Teaching with Technology Certificate (LITE 101, 201, & 301 Courses)

The Teaching with Technology Certificate program consists of three courses that act as steps in the certification sequence: Learning and Integrating Technology for Education (LITE) 101, LITE 201, and LITE 301. Participants will earn a badge after completing the first and second courses in the sequence, and the Teaching with Technology Certificate after completing the third course. Full-time instructors who complete the second and third courses may also be eligible for a stipend.

LITE 350: Teaching with an Equity Lens

LITE 350 badgeLITE 350: Teaching with an Equity Lens is a semester-long community of practice where participants work their way through the Peralta Equity Rubric. Participants focus on one class they teach and apply elements like technology, Universal Design for Learning, and connection and belonging practices while seeking feedback from colleagues to create an equitable class experience for all students. Full-time instructors who complete the course may be eligible for a stipend.

CATL on the MOO-ve: College Drop-In Hours

CATL is bringing our services to you with more College Drop-in Hours this fall! Each week, one of CATL’s instructional designers, instructional technologists, or our Canvas administrator will be holding drop-in hours in each of the four colleges on the Green Bay campus, with additional virtual offerings.

  • CAHSS & CSET drop-in hours | Mondays, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
  • CSB drop-in hours | Tuesdays, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
  • CHESW drop-in hours | Wednesdays, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
  • Virtual drop-in hours | Thursdays from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.

2024 Election: Free Speech, Politics, & The Classroom

Prepare for the upcoming election season by attending a session on the intersection between higher education and politics on Friday, Sept. 6, at 9:30 a.m. in MAC 206 and via Zoom. Experts from the Provost’s Office, Dean of Students Office, Policy & Compliance, and CATL will respond to your questions and invite you to engage with case scenarios that could arise in your own classroom.

Wednesdays with CATL

Wacky Wednesdays

Take a short break, enjoy snacks and good company, and try games or engagement strategies you can use in your classes! Join the CATL team for a little fun at these “Wacky Wednesday” events.

Workshop Wednesdays

Join CATL for open computer lab time where you can experiment with technology that can enhance your teaching, see live demonstrations, and get your questions answered.

  • Sept. 11 | 3 – 4:30 p.m. in LS 102 | Open Lab on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI)
  • Oct. 9 | 3 – 4:30 p.m. in LS 102 | Open Lab on Accessibility

Co-Writing Community

Tara DaPra, one of CATL’s Instructional Development Consultants, will lead another “Co-Writing Community” this fall via Zoom from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. on Fridays. A co-writing community is a zero-obligation, zero-preparation, zero-outside work activity. Use this time to work on creative or scholarly projects that might otherwise get pushed aside by the demands of teaching. All faculty and staff are welcome!

“Teaching with AI” Book Groups

Cover image of Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human LearningCATL is leading discussion groups around the book Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning. Participants will be grouped based on themes (e.g., by discipline or teaching modality) and meet roughly three times this semester based on their availability. Visit the UW-Green Bay Library website for free eBook access.

How Will Generative AI Change My Course? (GAI Checklist)

With the growing prevalence of generative AI applications and the ongoing discussions surrounding their integration in higher education, it can be overwhelming to contemplate their impact on your courses, learning materials, and field. As we navigate these new technologies, it is crucial to reflect on how generative AI can either hinder or enhance your teaching methods. CATL has created a checklist designed to help instructors consider how generative artificial intelligence (GAI) products may affect your courses and learning materials (syllabi, learning outcomes, and assessment).

Each step provides guidance on how to make strategic course adaptations and set course expectations that address these tools. As you go through the checklist, you may find yourself revisiting previous steps as you reconsider your course specifics and understanding of GAI.

Checklist for Assessing the Impact of Generative AI on your Course

View an abridged, printable version of the checklist to work through on your own.

Step One: Experiment with Generative AI

  • Experiment with GAI tools. Test Copilot (available to UWGB faculty, staff, and students) by inputting your own assignment prompts and assessing its performance in completing your assignments.
  • Research the potential benefits, concerns, and use cases regarding generative AI to gain a sense of the potential applications and misuses of this technology.

Step Two: Review Your Learning Outcomes

  • Reflect on your course learning outcomes. A good place to start is by reviewing this resource on AI and Bloom’s Taxonomy which considers AI capabilities for each learning level. Which outcomes lend themselves well to the use of generative AI and which outcomes emphasize your students’ distinctive human skills? Keep this in mind as you move on to steps three and four, as the way students demonstrate achieved learning outcomes may need to be revised.

Step Three: Assess the Extent of GAI Use in Class

  • Assess to what extent your course or discipline will be influenced by AI advancements. Are experts in your discipline already collaborating with GAI tools? Will current or future careers in your field work closely with these technologies? If so, consider what that means about your responsibility to prepare students for using generative AI effectively and ethically.
  • Determine the extent of usage appropriate for your course. Will you allow students to use GAI all the time or not at all? If students can use it, is it appropriate only for certain assignments/activities with guidance and permission from the instructor? If students can use GAI, how and when should they cite their use of these technologies (MLA, APA, Chicago)? Be specific and clear with your students.
  • Revisit your learning outcomes (step two). After assessing the impact of advancements in generative AI on your discipline and determining how the technology will be used (or not used) in your course, return to your learning outcomes and reassess if they align with course changes/additions you may have identified in this step.

Step Four: Review Your Assignments/Assessments

  • Evaluate your assignments to determine how AI can be integrated to support learning outcomes. The previous steps asked you to consider the relevance of AI to your field and its potential impact on students’ future careers. How are professionals in your discipline using AI, and how might you include AI-related skills in your course? What types of skills will students need to develop independently of AI, such as creativity, interpersonal skills, judgement, metacognitive reflection, and contextual reasoning? Can using AI for some parts of an assignment free up students’ time to focus more on the parts that develop these skills?
  • View, again, this resource on AI capabilities versus distinctive human skills as they relate to the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • Define AI’s role in your course assignments and activities. Like step three, you’ll want to be clear with your students on how AI may be used for specific course activities. Articulate which parts of an assignment students can use AI assistance for and which parts students need to complete without AI. If AI use doesn’t benefit an assignment, explain to your students why it’s excluded and how the assignment work will develop relevant skills that AI can’t assist with. If you find AI is beneficial, consider how you will support your students’ usage for tasks like editing, organizing information, brainstorming, and formatting. In your assignment instructions, explain how students should cite or otherwise disclose their use of AI.
  • Apply the TILT framework to your assignments to help students understand the value of the work and the criteria for success.

Step Five: Update Your Syllabus

  • Add a syllabus statement outlining the guidelines you’ve determined pertaining to generative AI in your course. You can refer to our syllabus snippets for examples of generative AI-related syllabi statements.
  • Include your revised or new learning outcomes in your syllabus and consider how you will emphasize the importance of those course outcomes for students’ career/skill development.
  • Address and discuss your guidelines and expectations for generative AI usage with students on day one of class and put them in your syllabus. Inviting your students to provide feedback on course AI guidelines can help increase their understanding and buy-in.

Step Six: Seek Support and Resources

  • Engage with your colleagues to exchange experiences and practices for incorporating or navigating generative AI.
  • Stay informed about advancements and applications of generative AI technology.

Checklist for Assessing the Impact of Generative AI on Your Course © 2024 by Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Want More Resources?

Visit the CATL blog, The Cowbell, for more resources related to generative AI in higher education.

Need Help?

CATL is available to offer assistance and support at every step of the checklist presented above. Contact CATL for a consultation or by email at CATL@uwgb.edu if you have questions, concerns, or perhaps are apprehensive to go through this checklist.