College Applications: Advice from Advisors

Applying to college is an exciting (and stressful) time of a student’s life. The application process can be overwhelming and sometimes students might wish they could know what goes through an Admission Advisor’s head while they are reviewing applications. We have gathered some insight from UW-Green Bay’s admissions team on what they think are the most important factors in college admissions.

Let’s meet our experts, Admissions Advisors from UW-Green Bay:

Continue reading College Applications: Advice from Advisors

The Applicant Statement Uncovered

Maybe I’ve watched too many CSI or Law & Order-like shows, but I seriously believe I’m like an investigator when I’m looking at college applications. I am always looking for evidence of success.  When reviewing applications, the first thing we review is a student’s high school record. We are paying special attention to the types of rigorous courses, and the quantity of those courses, that the student has taken during all four years of high school. We also look at overall performance and trends over the entire high school record. In investigator speak: discovering any patterns or abnormalities.

Continue reading The Applicant Statement Uncovered

#OnlyatUWGB  - Professor Edition

UW-Green Bay faculty are known as sensational teachers, researchers, authors, and mentors who have received state and national recognition for their teaching, but some of the best things about UWGB professors are the little things. We asked students and alumni about the memorable experiences that stuck out to them about the professors that they have had at UWGB. Here’s what we heard…

Continue reading #OnlyatUWGB  - Professor Edition

Graduate from college with less debt…do your homework!

Congrats! Those first steps of writing essays, paying application fees and sending transcripts are done. Phew! Now you can sit back, relax and wait for those acceptance packets to start rolling in, right?  Wait, don’t start relaxing yet! We know you are the type of incoming freshmen who wants to graduate with less debt—so listen up. Now is the perfect time to begin growing your understanding of the Financial Aid world.  We are here to guide you through the months between applying to college and receiving Federal Financial Aid to go to college.  So what can you do now to help better understand the “ticket price” of your future education? Continue reading Graduate from college with less debt…do your homework!

Accepted to UWGB-Now What?

Phew, getting in was the first big step toward coming to college. What’s next you ask? Well, we have tried to make it as simple as we can. We have a checklist for freshman and transfer students entering UWGB in Fall of 2012.

Also, join our UWGB class of 2016 on Facebook to get connected and ask questions of your fellow classmates.

Once again, congratulations on your acceptance and GO PHOENIX!

Stressing over the application statements?

No worries! I’m here to help. I’ve read a lot of application statements and I’ve collected some tips on how to complete the statements with ease:

1)     Write it in a format that allows for spell check. Trust me people. We are spell check babies, we need it. The UW-System application doesn’t have spell check in it. Don’t free type in the statements…we see way too many spelling mishaps! Continue reading Stressing over the application statements?

Back to School Time

Can you feel it? The excitement is building. In one week, the entire freshmen class will be coming to campus to move in to housing and attend FOCUS Orientation. This is my favorite time of year. People are checking out where their classrooms are, getting their books and materials for class, meeting new people and running into old friends. Everything is building to the first day of class. Continue reading Back to School Time