Affording College – How Paige is Funding her Future

“I had close to zero career interests,” said Paige Anderson, Green Bay Preble High School graduate, and now junior at UW-Green Bay. As a first-generation student, Paige didn’t know if college was for her.  It was her high school psychology class that hooked her on learning about the human brain and behavior. Suddenly, Paige found something that intrigued her – a career she wanted to pursue.

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A Day in the Life of UWGB-Manitowoc Student Gwen Olson

Hardworking. Bold. Passionate.

These are just a few words that define life as a UW-Green Bay student – so it’s no surprise that freshman Gwendolyn Olson easily fits the description. Born and raised in Manitowoc, Gwen has just a three-mile commute to the Manitowoc campus, where she’s pursuing an Applied Associate’s Degree and working towards double majoring in Art and Food Science with an emphasis in crop modification. For someone so involved, the day has to start early – 6 a.m. to be exact. “I tend to wake up [early] so I can go for a run at the campus gym or by the lake. On some mornings, I take my younger brother to school,” Olson says.

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Making History

Meet Scott Barrell: a former student whose research led to a bow and arrow showdown in the campus quad. Scott isn’t your average college student; he’s a bright and hardworking individual who wanted to be challenged, so he tackled ground-breaking research and found someone on campus to help him do it. That ‘someone’ was Greg Aldrete, a highly regarded and well-decorated History and Humanistic Studies professor here at UW-Green Bay.

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Coming to UW-Green Bay – by Ciera L’Huillier

If you were to ask me when I was 14 years old or even when I was 17 years old if I was going to go to college, I would have never hesitated my “Yes!” as an answer. But boy did that change at 18. A month before I left for college I actually regretted making the decision to go. All of my sisters commuted to college, so for me to be the first one to move out was a crazy concept for us to wrap our heads around. My house was always loud and boisterous but most of that was because I was living in it. Yes, I sang every day at the top of my lungs and yes I was the loudest storyteller, so it was difficult to imagine any form of quiet in our house after I left. It was crazy how a decision I felt so certain about could become such a gray area in a matter of a few months. And really all I needed was this summer to have that effect.

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Math Problems

“I’m just bad a math.”
“I’m not going into a STEM major, why do I need all of this math?
“I’m not going to use Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus etc….in real life.”

My high school counselor sat me down my junior year for selecting my senior year classes and informed me that even though I had taken the mandatory three years of college-prep math (Algebra, Geometry, and Advanced Algebra- actually I took Algebra 1 twice, but that’s a story for another time) it was in my best interest to take Pre-Calculus my senior year. As you can imagine, I was likely giving him the look your math-challenged students give you that reads: “Seriously?”  He went on to say things that, in hindsight, rang very true:

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#OnlyatUWGB  - Professor Edition

UW-Green Bay faculty are known as sensational teachers, researchers, authors, and mentors who have received state and national recognition for their teaching, but some of the best things about UWGB professors are the little things. We asked students and alumni about the memorable experiences that stuck out to them about the professors that they have had at UWGB. Here’s what we heard…

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Accepted to UWGB-Now What?

Phew, getting in was the first big step toward coming to college. What’s next you ask? Well, we have tried to make it as simple as we can. We have a checklist for freshman and transfer students entering UWGB in Fall of 2012.

Also, join our UWGB class of 2016 on Facebook to get connected and ask questions of your fellow classmates.

Once again, congratulations on your acceptance and GO PHOENIX!

Back to School Time

Can you feel it? The excitement is building. In one week, the entire freshmen class will be coming to campus to move in to housing and attend FOCUS Orientation. This is my favorite time of year. People are checking out where their classrooms are, getting their books and materials for class, meeting new people and running into old friends. Everything is building to the first day of class. Continue reading Back to School Time