How to Get Involved in College: A Guide for Students

Two students take a selfie with their mini paintings that they made at a campus event.
Maddie Paulsen (right) and Marin Piotrowski (left) hold up mini paintings made at a Pinky Swear PACK event.

Getting involved on your college campus – how and why? 

Attending college is a brave, but challenging leap of faith for many students. Once you have your class schedule, textbooks, housing and food situations sorted out, you may think you have everything covered. Homework and studying will take up a good chunk of your time, sure. But how do you have all of the fun people say you will when you go to college?  Continue reading How to Get Involved in College: A Guide for Students

From the Director’s Desk: Navigating the College Decision Process

Choosing the right college can feel like navigating a maze with countless twists and turns. With so many options available, it’s no wonder students often feel overwhelmed. As educators, it’s our job to help them make sense of the chaos and find the path that’s right for them. In this post, we’ll explore strategies and tools to guide your students through this important decision-making process. Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: Navigating the College Decision Process

Top 5 reasons to visit UW-Green Bay ASAP

photo of phoenix statue with fall colors in background

For high school students thinking about the next chapter, words like “transformative” and “exciting,” or even “unconventional” can describe the college admissions process. The path to higher education is truly different for everyone. Students are faced with decisions on where to enroll and what will be the best fit for them, not only personally, but for their educational goals as well.

College visits are crucial to making those big decisions. Additionally, prospective students are gathering information about colleges in many ways post-COVID-19. The Eduventures 2023 Student Sentiment Research findings suggest that more students are showing up to campus already knowledgeable about potential programs and cost from their own online research. Continue reading Top 5 reasons to visit UW-Green Bay ASAP

From the Director’s Desk: What is Open Access?

group of students hanging outside on-campus radio station

At UW-Green Bay, we are proud to serve out our mission and vision to be a university that fearlessly meets challenges, solves problems, embraces diversity, cares about our region and provides access to education for all who want it. We believe learning never stops and we work towards equitable access for all. So, what do we mean when we say “UW-Green Bay is open access”? It means giving every student the chance to change their life for the better with advanced education. It means we want to provide education for all who seek it. No matter where they start. No matter where they have been. No matter where they want to go. Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: What is Open Access?

From the Director’s Desk: Summer 2023

Executive Director of Admissions Rachele Bakic It’s hard to believe another school year has come and gone. As I reflect on the past year, the only words that come to mind are thank you. Thank you to everyone who brought a class to campus for a group visit. Thank you to everyone who worked with our admissions counselors to set up visits at your high schools. Thank you to everyone who helped students complete their college applications. Thank you for all that you do every day for students. Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: Summer 2023

Public Affairs – UW-Green Bay’s New Degrees & What You Can Do with Them

Do you have a desire to help people? Are you curious about societal structures and how they impact everyday life? If this sounds like you, pursuing a program of study in public affairs may be a good fit for you! As a multidisciplinary field, public affairs is broad-reaching and uses strategies and principles from multiple academic areas. It encompasses a range of career options, from City Manager to Chief of Staff for a State Legislator to a Human Rights Officer and many more.

Read on to learn more about the different public affairs programs offered at UW-Green Bay and what you can do with them. Hint: many of our students double or even triple major since the programs mentioned below are so connected, it’s usually only a few more credits to add another major! Continue reading Public Affairs – UW-Green Bay’s New Degrees & What You Can Do with Them

When Should I Start Touring Colleges?

While there is no “right” time to start touring colleges, many students begin touring colleges during their junior year of high school. Of course, that’s not to say that you shouldn’t begin thinking about college until junior year of high school. A good rule of thumb is to do some preparation prior to touring a college. This preparation can include verifying that the school has your program of study (or programs of interest if you are undecided), researching the size of campus and how far away or close to home it is. Answering these types of questions can help you create a list of potential colleges and eliminate any that don’t align with what you’re looking for. Continue reading When Should I Start Touring Colleges?

Be Mine: Free Money

Cut out heart with Be Mine written on it.Riddle us this – what do Valentine’s Day and the UW-Green Bay scholarship deadline have in common? They are (almost) the same day! Love is sweet, but so is free money for your education. Be your own valentine and submit your scholarship application by February 15.

Scholarships are free money that will help you fund your education. You do not have to pay the money back (like a loan). In this post, we’ll go over UW-Green Bay Foundation Scholarships as well as learn more from the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation about the scholarships they have available to students. Continue reading Be Mine: Free Money