
Dear UW-Green Bay Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Martin Luther King Jr. stated, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” We must follow Dr. King’s words.

As I reflect on events in Atlanta, Boulder, Minneapolis, Knoxville, and countless others, I think back to an email that I sent to the university community last year with David Jones, Chief of Police at UW-Green Bay.  We have committed to do better by making UW-Green Bay an inclusive and safe place for all of our students to study and live.  To me, there is nothing more important than this commitment and the actions we take along our journey to use education to make our region a more equitable place.

I know many of you are struggling.  While I feel helpless to prevent violence in our society, know that you have the collective strength of your university behind you to keep moving forward.  Attached you will find just a few of the things that UW-Green Bay has done to get better this year.  We are committed to the journey.  Every day we must try to fly.  We do so by supporting each other, challenging ourselves to be better human beings, learning from each other, and giving back.  I urge you again to seek support if you need it and persist. Education and continual personal growth empowers you and makes communities stronger.

Our journey must continue.


Michael Alexander

UW-Green Bay Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Update

Corey A. King
Vice Chancellor for University Inclusivity and Student Affairs

  • Engaged all university faculty and staff in a EDI competency awareness training.‌
  • Revised and launched six institutional strategic goals and relevant objectives through the UW-Green Bay’s Council for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
  • Collaborated with the YWCA to engage the University leadership including deans, department chairs in IDI Competency Development Program.
  • Selected as a First-Gen Forward Institution by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA). UW-Green Bay is the first UW-System institution to receive this designation.
  • Launched the Institute for Woman Leadership—committed to eliminating the barriers that narrow professional opportunities for women, pioneering programs and events, to benefit women with access to experts and supportive networks.
  • Implementing the Summer Bridge Program focused on open access and reducing the achievement gap for students.
  • Forged the UW-Green Bay Libraries Inclusive Reads & Conversations Program. Monthly dialogue with guest speakers on brief reading based diversity, equity, and inclusion topics.
  • Launched a website #WhyUWGB Faculty & Staff Testimonials to creating an environment that recognizes, values and respects the differences we all bring to the workplace, allowing everyone to do their best work.
  • Identified, for all new students, an ABC’s to EDI awareness training module through AliveTek. This module entitled “Brave & Bold Dialogues: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” will be implemented in Fall 2021 through the First Year Seminar.
  • Identified a local barbershop to provide on campus services.
  • Reimagined the Office of Disability Services to the Office of Student Accessibility Services with a greater emphasis for student access.
  • Implemented BIPOC R.I.S.E. (Reaching Intersectional Strengths through Engagement) to provide BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and multicultural students) with academic, emotional, psychosocial, relational and professional support.
  • Expanding the Pride Center to location campuses.
  • UW-Green Bay has recently dedicated $1.5 million dollars to advance innovative and strategic initiatives across the institution, many of which are related to inclusivity and equity.
  • UW-Green Bay has five Employee Resource Groups that are available to provide support to employees and provide a link between the faculty/staff community and institutional inclusivity efforts.
  • Developed recruitment procedures (including language in our postings and required inclusive interview questions) to ensure that our institutional commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and equity is exemplified in our hiring process.
  • Moving forward with inclusion of inclusivity and equity organizational competencies in position descriptions and staff performance evaluations in the near future.

NERR Kickoff Event

Hello Faculty and Staff:

I would like to introduce myself and invite you to an upcoming virtual event in support of an exciting university initiative, the designation of a Bay of Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR).

I am in a new role at the university, Director of Freshwater Strategy. My work is focused on building both on-campus and community partnerships around water. In this capacity, I am the state lead for the designation of the Bay of Green Bay NERR. Green Bay is the world’s largest freshwater estuary, and the designation of a NERR will provide new opportunities for research, education, stewardship, and training around water.

Upon designation Green Bay would be the third NERR within the Great Lakes and the sole representative for the Lake Michigan-Huron biogeographic region. Joining this national reserve system will celebrate our Eco U history and future, and build our campus connections around water.

I invite you to learn about the designation of a Green Bay NERR and UW-Green Bay’s role in the designation at a virtual public kickoff event. The same event will be offered at two times with live captioning at both events:

  • Monday, April 12, 4 to 5 p.m.
  • Thursday, April 15, 7 to 8 p.m.

Register here

Emily Tyner
Director of Freshwater Strategy

Wellness Check-In

Dear Students,

As we approach the end of the semester, we know many are exhausted after what has been an incredibly trying year since the pandemic caused us to separate last March.  The end of any academic year is difficult, and there’s no denying that the pandemic has individually affected us, in different and profound ways.  More than ever, we must be patient and kind to ourselves and each other.

For the next six weeks, it will be crucial that we all take care of each other. It’s what caring communities do. If you are struggling in any way, please seek help.  If you see another student struggling, please encourage them to get help.  We continue to invest in resources to support you. They can be found on the Phoenix Cares website or the resource, SilverCloud. In the fall, the University will implement the Kognito online and blended learning programs for student, faculty and staff development that are tailored to the academic setting with a primary focus on mental health and suicide prevention. Asking for help can be difficult, but it is also a vital for those who need support. Please use it and remember that reaching out for help and support is the ultimate sign of strength.

We value hard work and dedication, but more importantly we must value our mental and physical health.  We encourage you to communicate as much as possible. Practice self-care. Support each other.  Please try to get outside, take a break, and keep your education in perspective.  You are almost finished with the semester and the weather is starting to turn for the better. You can do this; we believe in you.

In the last weeks of the semester, we want you to do our best to celebrate our ability to persevere and even thrive this year.  We are inspired by what our students have been able to accomplish together.

On Thursday from 9:00-11:00 and Friday 8:00-10:00 this week, we will be outside of the new Coffee Shop in the Student Union.  If you are on campus, please come by, say hi, and we can have a quick conversation so we can hear how you are doing.  Let’s do something radical and interact.  Carefully, not in large groups, wearing masks, etc., but interact. The coffee (or tea) is on us.

Keep going. Don’t stop believing. And please take care of yourselves and each other.


Michael Alexander

Corey King
Vice Chancellor for Inclusivity and Student Affairs

Kate Burns
Interim Provost of Academic Affairs

Statement Regarding Recent Anti-Asian Violence

To  Faculty, Staff and Students:

Today, UW-Green Bay affirms our commitment to the Asian, Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities.  We further stand in unity and solidarity with the AAPI communities to denounce the violent actions that have been escalating against them in the last year.

According to Stop AAPI Hate, a nonprofit that tracks incidents of discrimination, hate and xenophobia against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S., it has received nearly 3,800 hate-incident reports across the country since the onset of the pandemic.  The university continues to provide a safe and supportive environment for students, faculty, and staff.  Students may access services and resources through the Wellness Center, the Dean of Students Office, and MESA.

Faculty and Staff have access to support and resources through the Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity and Kepro (Employee Assistance Program).

In addition, the University has tools in place to report bias incidents and hate crimes online.

Recently, through the Strategic Priority Initiative, the University pledges to further our inclusivity efforts through funded proposals such as Bystander Program for Violence Prevention, BIPOC R.I.S.E Program, Achievement Summit with Green Bay Area Public, Bias Inside Us 2022, and the Embedded EDI Faculty and Student Consultants.

We are in this together and must find ways to go beyond words and take action in standing against hatred.


Michael Alexander

Corey King
Vice Chancellor for Inclusivity and Student Affairs

Kate Burns
Interim Provost of Academic Affairs

Strategic Priority Initiative Funded Proposals

Dear UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff,

After review by Area Leaders, the Strategic Budget Committee, and the Cabinet, the following 29 proposals have been approved for funding to further our Strategic Priorities.  22 of the proposals were funded from the $1.5 million we set aside for this purpose.  Two proposals were funded by the UW-Green Bay Foundation, three were funded from central one-time funds in Business and Finance, one was funded by Student Affairs/Seg Fees, and one from CARES Act money.

It is my hope that these proposals will accelerate our ability to achieve our strategic priorities.  Area Leaders will be communicating with campus and the leaders of the proposals on plans for accountability to help make sure the proposals are fully realized over the next year.  The Controller’s Office will be reaching out to each person with a funded proposal to establish a Project Funding Code in the coming weeks.

There are many other proposals from the 89 submitted that we wanted to fund, but did not have the funds to do right now.  If you have transformative ideas, please continue to share them.  We have set up an email address at to make sure they will all be considered as funding is available and to continue to consider the proposals we could not get to in this announcement.

I urge you to continue to think big.  Thank you to everyone who submitted ideas and proposals.  We will be better as a result.

Strategic Priority Initiative Funded Proposals

  1. Achievement Summit with Green Bay Area Public School District – $25,000

A program for middle school African American, Native American, Latino, and Asian boys and girls that would be a safe space to be embraced culturally and an opportunity to see themselves positively in an academic setting.

  1. AI Tech Chat Bot – $60,000

Procure a chat bot product to help GBOSS provide virtual customer assistance 24/7.

  1. Archival Digital Initiatives Scanning Equipment – $35,500

Procure an overhead, large-bed scanner and image scanner to assist with the broad concept of making archival materials more accessible and widely available.

  1. The Bias Inside Us 2022 – $70,000

The Smithsonian Institution, committed to leading and encouraging civil dialogue on important issues facing our nation and the world, is leading a community engagement project called The Bias Inside Us. The goal is to help visitors understand and counter their implicit biases and build capacity in communities to convene dialogue that will increase empathy and create more inclusive schools, communities, and workplaces. UW-Green Bay will host the exhibit January 15 – February 13, 2022 in the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts.

  1. BIPOC R.I.S.E. Funding – $38,200

The mission of BIPOC R.I.S.E. (Reaching Intersectional Strengths through Engagement) is to provide BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and multicultural students) with academic, emotional, psychosocial, relational and professional support. This is achieved through engagement with academic, peer, community and professional mentors who desire to be in long-term, ongoing relationships with BIPOC students.

  1. BP Logix Project Assistant & ImageNow Evaluation – $159,000

The Business and Finance Division proposes hiring a two-year project employee to assist the business automation specialist with transferring our paper-based forms to an automated workflow process utilizing the recently implemented BP Logix. Additionally, we would like to request that the ImageNow software be evaluated to determine if an upgrade is feasible to fully utilize ImageNow for official record retention purposes in compliance with UW System policies.

  1. Bystander Program for Violence Prevention – $51,975

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Wellness Center in collaboration with the Division of University Inclusivity & Student Affairs, faculty, staff and students is seeking Strategic Priority Funding to purchase and implement the Bringing in the Bystander College Prevention Program: Partner Program, with the objective of increasing the capacity of students, faculty and staff to identify and appropriately respond to issues relating to sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and other forms of interpersonal violence.


  1. Center for Personal Financial Planning – $80,000

The purpose of the Center for Personal Financial Planning is to build a culture that increases awareness and engagement of personal financial well-being within UWGB and across the NE WI community. The Center will provide a design-principled space that welcomes creative and academic student collaborations, inspires community service philanthropy, promotes improved student and citizen well-being.


  1. Class (CLSS) Scheduler for CourseLeaf – $48,000

CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS) streamlines how we produce the class scheduling each term – everything from inputting, editing, validating, approving, and updating the course offerings. CLSS will benefit all four UWGB locations and improve the efficiency with which we schedule courses across those locations.


  1. Consultant Support for DOE Strengthening Institution Program Grant – $22,500

Contract with consultants to assist UWGB with the capacity and ability to submit a grant proposal to the US Dept. of Education’s Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) grant program, with an anticipated due date of late-spring/early summer 2021. The Strengthening Institution’s Program is one of the Dept. of Ed’s most competitive programs. It allows eligible need-based institutions the opportunity to apply for a $2 million grant over five years to support ANY initiative(s) that can/will help make the institution stronger.


  1. Embedded EDI Faculty and Student Consultants – $95,000

Request funds to support a program that would train and embed up to 10 EDI faculty consultants into specific colleges and/or academic programs. After an in-depth summer training program, they would partner with up to 10 undergraduate interns in those same academic areas. During the academic year, EDI faculty consultants would provide ongoing training and consultation services within their own academic domain on topics such as inclusive syllabi, reducing equity gaps, inclusive pedagogy, and more. 

  1. Esports – $100,000

Build out an Esports location on-campus while developing a program that can be launched in Fall 2021, leveraging our existing on-campus Esports (UREC Recreational Esports & Phoenix Club Console Gaming). Develop a program to enhance campus recruitment, and increase student engagement, resulting in increased student retention.

  1. Family Engagement Program – $20,000

Bring together a working group with the purpose of implementing a Family Engagement Plan/Program. This group will develop an annual Family Engagement Plan, create a Family Engagement promise and create a database of family contact information to share information, send invitations to events/programs that will facilitate further engagement.


  1. IT Initiatives – $200,000

IT area leaders will prioritize the allocation in a collaborative way to advance the strategic priorities and mission of the university.


  1. Kognito Interactive Simulations – $90,600

Purchase and implement the Kognito online and blended learning programs which utilize simulated experiential role play practice scenarios for student, faculty and staff development that are tailored to the academic setting. Topics include: 1. mental health, 2. suicide prevention, 3. sexual misconduct prevention, 4. alcohol and other drug prevention, 5. military cultural competency.


  1. Land-Based Teaching & Learning Center – $51,000

Develop a land-based teaching and learning center to promote understanding of First Nations history, culture, sovereignty, and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) at UWGB and within the regional community. Indigenous teaching and learning emanate from the oral tradition. The primary purpose of Indigenous education is to foster our holistic wellness and strengthen our interconnection to each other and the natural world.


  1. Marketing Initiatives – $200,000

Marketing and University Communications will prioritize the allocation in a collaborative way to advance the strategic priorities and mission of the university.


  1. Navigate Support – $86,172

Renewal of the Student Success Evaluation and Retention Coordinator (SSERC), who oversees the implementation, management, and expansion of Navigate. Renewal of the position will avoid disruption and maintain continuity with current plans for the expansion of the product.


  1. Open Educational Resources Pilot Funding – $15,000

“Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions” (UNESCO, 2017). This project aims to improve student success by encouraging instructors to adopt, modify, or create OER in UW-Green Bay courses. Instructors may apply for OER funds as individuals, small groups, or as a program and will work with one librarian and an instructional technologist regardless of the level at which they engage with the pilot.


  1. Student Run Business Organization – $13,000

The Cofrin School of Business is collaborating across the UWGB campuses to create a Student Run Business Organization (SRBO), which will provide the infrastructure to support student initiated and operated businesses. Student Run Businesses are real, independent businesses created by students to provide needed services to the University and, in some cases, the broader community.


  1. Study Tables for Success – $20,000

We propose launching a “study tables” program for students in STEM courses who are under-represented minority (URM) and/or first-generation college (FGC) students. The STS effort focuses on running regular study sessions for URM/FGC students who are enrolled in large, intro-level courses in STEM disciplines. Students who are either URMs for a given course’s discipline or FGCs will be actively and individually recruited for sessions appropriate for a course’s discipline.

  1. WE-AR UWGB Storytelling via Augmented Reality – $50,000

The Center for Games and Interactive Media proposes the creation of an augmented reality app that will allow users to utilize their smartphones while visiting various sites in Green Bay and branch campus communities to engage with site-specific digital media connected to topics such as: arts and literature, athletics, sustainability and the environment, multiculturalism and First Nations studies, history, and culture. The creation of an augmented reality app will assist in centering the university as an integral part of the city of Green Bay, the surrounding communities and branch campuses, and the greater Northeastern Wisconsin region by connecting students and faculty to business and nonprofit collaborations, particularly with digital developers, environmental initiatives, and cultural organizations.

Business and Finance (One-Time) Funded Proposals

  1. Third-Party Credit Card Vendor – $10,000

Purchase/contract with a third-party vendor to allow for online credit card payments.

  1. Community Police – $15,000

Funding to accommodate the University Police “community police” programs beyond what we are already conducting, including Community Police Academy, Self Defense, etc. Funding for increased security technology on campus.

  1. Insight into Diversity & Higher Ed Jobs Packages – $9,575

The Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity is currently engaged in increasing our efforts to intentionally and authentically connect with the local community to support recruitment and retention. However, we have struggled through the years in increasing the visibility of UW-Green Bay positions to diverse regional and national audiences. This is because there is no central budgetary support for paid advertising solutions, and therefore departments are individually responsible for funding job advertisements above and beyond our institution’s standard postings.


  1. Fusion Recreation Management Software – $75,000

The Fusion Member Portal, which will be the Recreation Team’s storefront, is a WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliant website, making the website fully accessible to customers of all ability levels. Fusion will be an integral tool to help UREC manage memberships for the following: Alumni, Community, Senior Citizens, and guest passes. Fusion will enhance the member experience and provide UREC staff with data, usage numbers to better serve students and the community.

Foundation Funded Proposals

  1. Bridge Program – $52,000

The Bridge Program is intended to provide an opportunity for new students to develop the skills necessary to be successful at the University. The pilot program will be directed at those students who are most in need of additional preparation prior to enrolling in college-level academic work, typically students conditionally admitted to the University or students who otherwise would be redirected to one of the University’s branch campuses.

  1. Polling Center – $50,000

Start a polling/survey center at UW-Green Bay, including funding for the infrastructure (computer stations, phone lines, phones, CATI software, etc.).

Student Affairs/Seg Fee Funded Proposals

  1. Jump Start 2021 – $17,700

Jump Start is a multicultural intensive on-boarding program for first-year students from multicultural backgrounds interested in learning how to be successful at UW-Green Bay.


Michael Alexander

Exciting News from Prevea

Dear UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff,

It is with great joy that I can tell you I have received word from Prevea that our faculty and staff that have interactions with students or are performing public facing functions can sign up to be vaccinated beginning Monday at 5:30pm by using the MyPrevea app. Thank you for your patience while we have supported our K-12 colleagues to get vaccinated in the last few weeks. I hope this brings brighter days ahead for everyone on our campus.

Michael Alexander

Cofrin Research Center

Dear UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff,

Today, Governor Evers included the Cofrin Research Center as part of his 2021-23 Capital Budget Request. This is an important first hurdle for us to clear in order to replace the current Cofrin Library with a building that represents the future of UW-Green Bay. If this new building is next approved by the Wisconsin State Legislature, we will have a physical space that reflects the positive trajectory UW-Green Bay is on, aligning with our current mission and vision.

This is an extremely important and exciting step for the University. Put in perspective, there has not been approval for a transformative building project on our campus in the last 20 years. The current Cofrin Library has exceeded its useful life. The Governor agrees; we are hopeful the Legislature will also see the need to invest in this campus through this building project.

A final decision on whether or not the building gets enumerated will likely come in late June after the final capital budget is approved, but for today, we should take a minute to celebrate the amazing possibilities that lie in front of us and our students. The draft renderings of the proposed new Cofrin Research Center are below.

Let’s continue to dream big.

Michael Alexander

WSJ Article regarding our location campuses

Dear UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff,

It came to my attention this morning that this article from the Wisconsin State Journal was released.  The article is entitled, “UW System looking at consolidation between UW Branch campuses, technical colleges.”  The article notes that I was assigned to work with UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone as the co-chair of a large committee of chancellors and provosts from many UW campuses to study the Wisconsin Technical College System expansion proposals and to look for opportunities for collaboration.  The committee has had one meeting and has just now begun its work.

I believe that I was assigned to this committee because of the great work we have done at UW-Green Bay to be a model in the state for how a UW campus can effectively partner with our local technical college counterparts.  We have been doing this work for years and it is something that I am exceptionally proud of.  In fact, at our Marinette Campus we even have formed the Marinette Area Higher Education Coalition that you can read about here.  As I have said many times, I believe that the future of higher education will be based on partnerships, not competition.  We should be proud that we are leading the way with models like the Coalition.

My concern is that the article uses the word “consolidation” without a full explanation of what that means.  Since I have been here and before, we have been working to consolidate pathways for students between all of our campuses and our technical college partners.  We must see the holistic way that students view higher education and work to make sure that we are creating clear pathways for students to reach their educational goals.  If that is what is meant by consolidation, I am all for it.  From the article, it can be inferred that there are broader conversations occurring on this topic from the respective leaders of the UW and Technical College Systems.  As always, I will advocate for UW-Green Bay in any discussions that I am involved in.  I will try to do what is best for our students, our faculty and staff, and our partners that we work with to create an educational ecosystem that benefits the region we serve.

Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.  I think the wording of the article has understandably caused stress particularly to our campuses in Manitowoc, Marinette, and Sheboygan.  From my perspective, we should just continue to rise above and be a leader in thinking differently about how higher education can work in Northeast Wisconsin.


Michael Alexander

Recent Passing of UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff Members

Dear UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff,

It is with great sorrow that I announce the passing of two members of the UW-Green Bay family.  Recently, John Kuhlmann, Librarian for the Marinette Campus, and Sarah Schuetze, Assistant Professor of English and Humanities on the Green Bay campus, passed away.  This is a great loss to our university community and to their respective fields. Our students have lost respected mentors and we have lost not just colleagues, but friends.

Please support each other as we grieve.  In addition to providing support for our students, I urge anyone on our faculty and staff who needs support to reach out in the following ways:

  • The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Employee Assistance Program is a free, confidential service which can provide grief support to you during this time. You have access to confidential, completely private, 24-hour, 7-days-a-week counseling and online services through the Kepro. You may contact Kepro by calling (833) 539-7285 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or visiting Kepro’s website: (Username: SOWI).  You will need to create an account to access the EAP resources online.
  • Please also feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or if you would like additional information or have any questions about the Employee Assistance Program.

Thank you for taking care of each other and our students during this difficult time.

With warmth and a heavy heart,


Michael Alexander