UW-Green Bay Theatre and Dance welcomes ALL current UWGB students to participate in all aspects of production work.




by Lucy Prebble

Production Dates: October 13-15, 21-22

Directed by Rebecca Stone Thornberry

Synopsis: Dr. Lorna James and Dr. Toby Sealey are conducting a medical drug trial testing the effects of a new anti-depressant. When two participants (Connie and Tristan) fall for one another, how can anyone be sure of where their feelings originate? Could their deepest emotions be caused by the drug? Connie and Tristan try to discover the origins of their feelings for one another and to manipulate the drug trial in their favor, but this may prove to be their undoing. Dr. Lorna James and Dr. Toby Sealey’s relationship stands in counterpoint to Connie and Tristan’s. The two doctors have a troubled past relationship as well as differences in their beliefs about whether depression can be successfully medicated. Through the interplay of science, psychology, love, and romance, Lucy Prebble’s play examines bodily autonomy, choice, and human connection.

Please be aware that this play contains strong language, kissing, and depictions of sexual activity. The department plans to consult an intimacy coordinator. An audition disclosure form will be included with the regular audition form.

Character descriptions:

Note: Actors should be comfortable playing the characters’ genders and ages but do not have to themselves be those genders / ages.  

      • Lorna James: Female. 47. A former smoker. Has had a former sexual relationship with Toby. Suffers from depression but refuses to use medication to control it. Precise and clinical. Believes she is fully in charge of the experiment. English dialect.
      • Toby Sealey: Male. 45. Believes in the efficacy of the drug. Has had a former sexual relationship with Lorna. Believes Lorna should use medication to control her depression. Has a sense of humor. Does not know if he can trust Lorna with the experiment. English dialect.
      • Connie Hall: 26. Has a boyfriend. This is her first paid study and she’s not sure what to expect. Nervous and anxious to please, she loosens up after meeting Tristan. Presents as wealthier and more educated than Tristan. English dialect.
      • Tristan Frey: 30. An Irishman who is also a decent tap dancer. A casual smoker. He’s done lots of these studies, is a bit of a rebel, and takes pride in breaking the rules. Irish dialect.




Music by Tom Kitt

Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey

Production Dates: November 17-19

Directed by Thomas Campbell

Music Direction by Benjamin Olejniczak

Choreography by Denise Carlson-Gardner

Synopsis: Elizabeth, a recent divorcée, has returned to New York City to reignite her life and find a new purpose. At the outset of this contemporary musical, Elizabeth is presented with a moment, a seemingly innocuous moment where she is presented with a choice. At this point, Elizabeth’s story is split, and we get to track her life following two different trajectories – one where she makes the choice, another where she makes a different choice. In one life we follow Beth, who takes a phone call that leads to a lucrative profession as a city planner. In the other life, we follow Liz, who does not take the phone call and falls in love with a young doctor. Both stories share the same characters and show how their lives are impacted by a single person and the choices they make.

Please be aware that this play contains strong language, kissing, and depictions of sexual activity. The department plans to consult an intimacy coordinator. An audition disclosure form will be included with the regular audition form.

Character descriptions:

Note: Actors should be comfortable playing the characters’ genders and ages but do not have to themselves be those genders / ages.


      • Anne – Kate’s girlfriend. Age: 30 – Vocal range top: C5; Vocal range bottom: E4
      • Elena – A city planner. Age: 20 – Vocal range top: C5; Vocal range bottom: E4
      • Elizabeth – An urban planner, newly returned to New York City. Age: 38 – Vocal range top: E5; Vocal range bottom: A3
      • Kate – Elizabeth’s neighbor, a kindergarten teacher. Age: 30 – Vocal range top: F5; Vocal range bottom: A3


      • David – A pediatric surgeon. Age: 30
      • Josh – A doctor and Army Reservist. Age: 30 – Vocal range top: A#4; Vocal range bottom: C2
      • Lucas – Elizabeth’s college friend, a community activist. Age: 38 – Vocal range top: Ab4; Vocal range bottom: B2
      • Stephen – Elizabeth’s grad-school colleague, a city planner. Age: 40 – Vocal range top: D4; Vocal range bottom: D3


      • Various citizens of New York City. Gender: Any

PLEASE NOTE: All performers cast in If/Then may be needed to execute scenic transitions and/or run-crew duties to facilitate the flow of the production.




  1. Schedule an Audition Appointment using the Acuity Appointment Scheduler (link below). You will be asked to register to the site, allowing us to send you a confirmation and reminders. Then you will select a 30-minuteaudition time.


  1. Download, complete, and print the UW-Green Bay Audition Form as well as the Intimacy Disclosure Form (below) – these forms will be used for both productions. Please read them carefully and fill out completely. Bring the forms to your audition. (Extra copies of the forms will be available at the audition and can be picked up in Theatre Hall room 331).

Audition Form – UWGB TnDv.8.16.22

Intimacy Disclosure Form



Wednesday, Sept. 7 from 6-9pm

      • Auditions for both The Effect and If/Then will be held together in University Theatre in Theatre Hall – report to the lobby of University Theatre and stage managerment will direct you where to go.
      • to be considered for both shows, prepare a ~90sec piece from a contemporary musical (from the past 30 years) AND prepare a contemporary monologue ~60sec in length.
          • NOTE: for those auditioning for IF/THEN, live accompaniment will not be available. You must provide your own recorded accompaniment for the audition. For problems or questions, contact Dr. Campbell (campbelt@uwgb.edu).
      • to be considered for ONLY The Effect, you need only prepare a contemporary monologue ~60sec in length
      • You will be notified at the end of the night if you are called back for either production

Thursday, Sept. 8 from 6-9pm

      • Callbacks will be held for The Effect(in Jean Weidner Theatre) as well as a Dance Audition (in University Theatre) for If/Then 
      • To be considered for the musical, you MUST attend the dance audition
          • Attire: Wear clothes you can move in- Dance shoes required (jazz, ballet or character shoe – Do not wear sneakers or tennis shoes.  You will stick to the floor).
          • You will learn a short routine and perform it in small groups
      • For those auditioning for both productions, we will schedule those called back for The Effect accordingly so you can attend both the callback and the Dance audition.
      • Callback lists and information will be posted on the THEATRE BLOG (here) and on the Theatre Callboard on the first floor of Theatre Hall.
      • You may be given specific material to prepare for the callback.

Friday, Sept. 9 from 6-9pm

      • Callbacks for If/Then – consisting of scene work and additional vocal work
      • Callback lists and information will be posted on the THEATRE BLOG (here) and on the Theatre Callboard on the first floor of Theatre Hall.
      • You may be given specific material to prepare for the callback.


If you are interested in auditioning but cannot attend the first audition, please contact Dr. Thomas Campbell (campbelt@uwgb.edu) as soon as possible. Every effort will be made to schedule an alternative time.

Perusal Scripts for THE EFFECT and IF/THEN are available for 1-day check-out in Theatre Hall 331 (open Mon-Fri 8:30am- 4:30pm). You are strongly encouraged to read the script prior to auditioning,

It is our intention to cast both productions by Sunday, September 11. As the rehearsal periods will overlap, it will not be possible to be cast in both productions. Cast Lists will be posted on the THEATRE BLOG (here) and on the UWGB Theatre and Dance Facebook page.

Rehearsals for THE EFFECT will begin Tuesday, September 13

Music Rehearsals for IF/THEN will begin the second or third week in September.

Students cast in Theatre Mainstage productions are required to register for Theatre 336, Production Practicum: Performance, 1 cr.



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