The Driftwood #14: Cooking at Home

February 25, 2021

From the Driftwood Kitchen

his semester, The Driftwood will bring you easy-peasy recipes for new cooks. We’re talking REALLY easy—and fast.

A Ramen Upgrade

Upgraded RamenThings couldn’t get more simple than handy-dandy ramen packets. That’s why we’re going to share an easy way to upgrade your ramen. This is definitely a recipe that you can change as much as you want! You can make a lot of variations using different ramen packets and sauces. That’s why this is one of my favorite simple creations!


  • Chicken breast ramen packet (or your choice of flavor)
  • ½ cup of shredded carrots
  • ½ cup of red cabbage
  • 3 tablespoons of sesame oil (can substitute vegetable oil)
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce (optional for flavor)


  1. The chicken and cabbage need to get chopped up. I like to cut my chicken into chunks and my cabbage into inch-length strips.
  2. You’ll need a pan to start cooking your cabbage and carrots together with 1½ tablespoons of sesame oil. This is one of those that you cook until you feel the vegetables are done. I like mine to stay pretty crispy, so I cook them for about 10 minutes at a medium temperature.
  3. In another pan, cook your chicken with the remaining oil. This is cooked on medium until the chicken is done with no pink on the inside. Make sure to cut a piece in half to make sure no pink remains. You don’t want raw chicken!
  4. It’s finally time to start making your ramen. Follow the instructions on the package to make the noodles, but don’t throw in the spices? packet unless you want that flavor! Sometimes I’ll skip the packet and use my own seasonings to get the flavor I’m looking for!
  5. It’s finally time to combine all of our ingredients but don’t turn off the stove yet! We want all of it to cook together for at least 5 minutes. This is the time to throw in any soy sauce or other sauces you might want. Feel free to garnish with whatever you like (including the fried egg and scallions in the photo example). That completes this recipe. Enjoy!

—Whisper McDonald

Ground Beef with Scallions Ramen

Yield: 1 serving. Time: 10-15 minutes total. 


  • One ramen packet (Your choice of flavor)
  • ½ lb. ground beef
  • 2 stalks of scallions, sliced
  • 1 egg
  • 2 Tbsp. of vegetable oil
  • 1 Tbsp. of fish sauce (optional)
  • Salt & black pepper to taste


  1. In a pan, place over high heat until it becomes hot, then drizzle in your oil.
  2.  Once that oil becomes hot enough, season your ground beef with salt and pepper, and carefully toss the ground beef into the pan. Cook out your beef thoroughly.
  3.  Fill a separate small pot halfway with water, and place it over a stove on high heat. Let the pot sit until it comes to a rolling boil.
  4.  Once the water is boiling, toss in your noodles, and cook it out for 2-3 minutes. Combine noodles with the artificial seasoning that came in the packet.
  5.  Transfer your finished noodles into a bowl.

Time to assemble your dish:

  1.  In your noodles, drizzle in 1 Tbsp. of fish sauce.
  2.  Lay your ground beef on one side of the bowl; be generous with the protein.
  3.  Add your cooked egg (cooked however you like).
  4.  Lastly, place sliced scallions on top of the egg as a garnish.

And you’re done! Enjoy it while it’s still fresh!

—Bruce Kong

Delicious DIY Mini Pizzas 

mini pizzas pictureEven though pizza was invented in Italy, it’s America’s favorite dish! According to a survey in Reader’s Digest, 21% of U.S. adults reported if they could eat only one food for the rest of their lives, it would be pizza. The frozen kind is all right, but that can’t even compare to my family’s favorite quick, easy, and super tasty homemade mini pizzas. Bonus: you get to create them to your exact liking!


  • 1 package refrigerated flaky biscuits (Pillsbury Grands work well)
  • ½ cup pizza sauce
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (cheddar or mozzarella work well)
  • Your choice of toppings! Here are some recommendations:
    • Meats (pepperoni minis, bacon bits, chopped ham, sausage crumbles)
    • Diced veggies (olives, onions, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes)


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grease a cookie sheet.
  2. Place the biscuits on the cookie sheet, spreading the dough slightly with your fingers.
  3. Spread one tablespoon of sauce and sprinkle two tablespoons of cheese on each biscuit. Add your desired toppings.
  4. Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until done. Serve and enjoy!

—Mallory Allen, Cooking Editor

Driftwood #14: Phoenix Crossword

Feb. 25, 2021

Phoenix Crossword:
The Marinette Campus Edition

Click on the puzzle image below to get a PDF you can print out and complete! We’ll publish the answer key in the next Driftwood. 

Click on the image to download a PDF of the crossword.

We’ll publish the answer key in the next Driftwood.

Meanwhile, here’s the answer key for the Feb. 12th Phoenix Crossword

Sydney Sebert, Puzzles Editor, with Mallory Allen




The Driftwood #13: February 12, 2021

The Driftwood is our student-centered e-newsletter for the Marinette campus. We’ll bring you tips for navigating life as a masked-and-distanced or online student, as well as suggestions for entertaining yourself while you’re social distancing.

In this issue: 

The Driftwood is published by the UWGB Practicum in Literary Publishing class.

Books Editor: Olivia Meyer
Cooking and Movies Editor: Mallory Allen
Gaming Editor: Whisper McDonald
Haunted WI Editor: Aleida Toebe
Health & Fitness Editor: Bruce Kong
Music Editor: Sydney Sebert
News Editor: Kira Doman
Puzzles Editor: Sydney Sebert
School Tips and Anime Editor: Jasmine Hanson
Self-Care Editor: Angel Wolske

Interested in being on the Driftwood staff? Enroll in ENG 224: Practicum in Literary Publishing for the spring 2022 term!

Questions or News Items? Contact The Driftwood’s advisor, Tracy Fernandez Rysavy.

Driftwood #13: Campus News #1

February 12, 2021

Writing Workshop with WI Poet Laureate

Dasha Kelly Hamilton

On Wednesday, February 17th, join us as newly designated Wisconsin Poet Laureate Dasha Kelly Hamilton facilitates a virtual writing workshop at UWGB centered around self-love, self-image, and Black History Month. Kelly Hamilton will also perform some of her spoken-word poetry during the program.

Brought to you by the UWGB Office of Student Life and Black Student Union, this virtual event runs from 7 to 8 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.

To receive the Teams link to this workshop, register here

In addition to her new job as Wisconsin Poet Laureate, “Kelly Hamilton is a … performer, novelist, and alum of HBO’s ‘Def Poetry Jam,'” according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. “She also has been an arts envoy for the U.S. Embassy, working in cultural exchange programs in Botswana, Toronto, Mauritius, and Beirut.”

Driftwood #13: Campus News #3

February 12, 2021

UWGB Jazz Ensemble Plays On

jazz ensemble concert

Even in a pandemic, the UWGB Jazz Ensembles are still making music (with some extra precautions, that is!). Wind instrumentalists are using slotted masks in order to still play, and all the members are social distancing and practicing on the Weidner Center stage. A lot of music students and UWGB musicians did not think that music classes or ensembles would be able to be held this semester, but luckily, the professors and staff of the UWGB music department did their best to make sure the show could go on! This could add a level of difficulty for the musicians to be able to feel fully comfortable, but it seems like they are able to let the music take over and still make gorgeous sounds that can inspire and transcend through any troubles we might be going through. Make sure to check out the next concert, which will be live-streamed on the Weidner Center’s Youtube channel on April 27th 2021, time TBA.

—Sydney Sebert, Music Editor

Driftwood #13: Campus News #4

February 12, 2021

Free Student Success Workshops

GPS logoThe UWGB GPS (Gateway to Phoenix Success) program is holding  virtual workshops this semester to help give students the tools you need to succeed.

Best Practices for Online Communication
Join us on Zoom on Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 3:00 p.m. for an interactive workshop that will help you sound more professional as you learn to apply academic writing and language to online discussions and emails.

Join our Zoom Meeting here on Feb 16th.  (Meeting ID: 977 7981 1022. Passcode: 9Kt0Z5.)

Self-Care Practices: Mindfulness

Take a break from your midterm studies on Wednesday, March 10 at 12 noon to learn about self-care practices you can use to help relieve stress. We will practice meditation and have an open discussion about other self-care practices.

Join our Zoom meeting here on March 10th.  (Meeting ID: 913 9185 8823. Passcode: FCeMC3.)

Driftwood #13: Campus News #5

February 12, 2021

Fifth Annual Liberal Arts Essay Scholarship Competition

Scholarship OpportunityThe UW-Green Bay Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the fifth annual Liberal Arts Essay Scholarship Competition. This undergraduate essay competition aims to promote understanding of the purpose and value of a liberal arts and science education. We invite eligible students from all four campuses to submit essays for the competition.

This Year’s Topic: How has a liberal arts education prepared you to be successful during the pandemic and make positive contributions to society in a post-pandemic world?

All essays will be judged by a group of UW-Green Bay faculty. Two student essays selected as winners of the UW-Green Bay competition will receive an annual continuing scholarship of $1000 for up to three years or completion of a baccalaureate degree (whichever comes first) to cover educational expenses at UW-Green Bay. Recipients will be notified in spring 2021.

This year’s competition is open to any UW-Green Bay undergraduate student in good academic standing who plans to enroll at least half time for at least one semester during the 2021-2022 academic year.

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2021

Visit the UWGB website for more information.

Driftwood #13: Campus News #6

February 12, 2021

Give Blood on March 1

Red Cross logoMarch is National Red Cross Month. You can help the Red Cross celebrate by giving blood on March 1st from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the Pine Tree Mall in Marinette.

Sponsored by NWTC-Marinette and the UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus. The two campuses are holding a friendly competition to see which institution can bring the most blood donors to this event. Help your campus earn bragging rights!

If you are interested in donating, sign up for an appointment time at the Red Cross website. Enter zip code 54143 and the March 1 date to find our event.

The need for blood donations remains constant, even during a pandemic. Read about what the Red Cross is doing to keep donors safe from COVID-19 here.

Driftwood #13: Northern Lights

February 12, 2021

Northern Lights: Call for Submissions

Northern Lights CoverHas the pandemic awakened your inner poet or artist? Do you have some great short stories or photographs just begging to be shared with a wider audience? The  Northern Lights Literary and Arts Journal submission window is now open!

Northern Lights features art, photography, poetry, nonfiction, and short fiction, and is open to students, alumni, and faculty/staff from all four UWGB campuses.

Interested in submitting to the 2021 Northern Lights? Submit your work through our website.

If you have questions, e-mail Tracy Fernandez RysavyNorthern Lights advisor, and English literature and creative writing lecturer on the Marinette campus.

Northern Lights on Social Media

The Northern Lights is on Facebook and Instagram! Please follow us to stay connected to the journal.