Driftwood #18: Gamers’ Corner

April 30, 2021

Long-Distance Game Night

Looking for some fun games you can play with friends at a distance, or even friends across the world? Here are some recommendations for you!

Editor’s Verdict: Groovy Mobile App

Plato iconWhat’s better than one game? Multiple games! Plato offers just that and more, with over 40 games to choose from (my favorites are Sea Battle, Literati, and Pool), the ability to play against people from all over the world, and group chats you can join to talk to new people. With so many different games on offermost of which are both solo and group playable, you are sure to find a game that you enjoy, including familiar ones like Checkers, Chess, and Skeeball. This versatile app is easy to use, great for those distanced game nights, and awesome to have to play games with friends across the globe, not to mention it’s free! All of that earns it the “Groovy Mobile” verdict this week. Available on the Apple Store and Google Play.

The Ship: Murder Party
Editor’s Verdict: Honorable Mention

the Ship posterThe concept of this game is simple: find your quarry and assassinate them. But watch out for the person who is hunting you in turn. Gather your friends up to play The Ship: Murder Party, but don’t trust anyone as you explore the map, taking care of both your character’s needs and looking for weapons. And watch out, because you may get caught by the cameras, workers, or each other, and you just might just end up in jail. There are many weapons for you to choose from, and fun times to be had for those who play with their friends or solo. With a fun premise, good graphics, and an easy-to-use interface, this game earns the “Honorable Mention” verdict this week. Available from Outerlight Ltd. on Steam, as well as other platforms.

—Jasmine Hanson, Games Editor

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