Marinette Students Featured at the CAHSS Virtual Conference
From May 4-15, students from all four campuses presented or posted work at the UW-Green Bay College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Virtual Conference. The Marinette campus was ably represented by several students, and you can still view their work on the conference website.
The Importance of Being Earnest play reading: Theatre Professor Rebecca Stone-Thornberry was to direct a production of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest this spring, but then COVID-19 hit. The cast was able to assemble online and deliver a virtual reading for the conference. The play features Marinette students Cassidy MacArthur as Miss Prism and Kenan Pulver as John Worthing. Rounding out the cast are: Noah Steffen (Algernon Moncrieff), Lisa Atkinson-LeBoeuf (Lady Bracknell), Brittany Welch (Gwendolyn Fairfax), Hannah Fields (Cecily Cardew), Glenn Sellen (Dr. Chasuble), Gary Pansch (Lane), and John Thornberry (Merriman). This recording is also on YouTube.
- Northern Lights Literary & Arts Journal 2020 Launch Party Video: Northern Lights features poetry, fiction, nonfiction, photography, and art from students, faculty, and alumni from the Marinette and main campuses. At the May 7th launch party, contributors read from or talked about their works. The Northern Lights Journal, plus a recording of the launch party, are both up on the conference site. Tracy Fernandez Rysavy’s Practicum in Literary Publishing class, made up of Sierra Adams, Breanne Bedgood, Emily Burns, Cassidy MacArthur, and Indigo Ramirez, served as the journal’s editorial staff, and many more students contributed to it.
“All About Mexico” poster: Mallory Allen, Mara Allen, Madi Moberg, Viola Smith, and Marcus Young contributed a poster entitled “All About Mexico and Its Fascinating Culture” for their GPS Spring Seminar with Dr. Jessica Warwick.
- Hand. Foot, and Mouth Disease poster: Mallory Allen, Mara Allen, and Madi Moberg also contributed a poster about hand, foot, and mouth disease, as part of Dr. Jessica Warwick’s Human Biology class.
- Human Trafficking and Dating Violence Awareness Projects: Professor Rysavy’s GPS Spring Seminar converted their capstone service projects to digital formats after classes went online. Those projects included the following:
A group from that class created a video to share their research on human trafficking; group members include: Camryn Biegler, Julia Gordon, Nathaniel Ireland, Stephanie Plotzeck, and Finn Sundberg.
- A second group launched a website featuring a video interview with a police officer and a survey on human trafficking awareness. The website authors are: Morgan Falkenberg, Tyler Kuester, Mara Reiswitz, and Tyler Ries.
- The last group created a Google Slides presentation to share their research on dating violence. Group members include: Avery Katzbeck, Becca Leander, and Ty Thomas.
- In addition, Kyle Rusk and Alyssa Smith created posters encapsulating the small-group research and work.
- Mara Allen Research Paper: Mara Allen posted a research paper entitled, “Comprehensive Sex Education is a Necessity for Students Across the US,” written for Professor Roshelle Amundson’s English Composition II class.
- Sarah Freerking Research Paper: Professor Amundson’s English Comp. II student Sarah Freerking posted a research paper called “What is the Cost of a Life?”
- Su Jin Research Paper: Su Jin posted a research paper entitled, “The Korean Peninsula Shall Seek Reunification,” written for Professor Amundson’s English Comp. II class.
- So Hee (Erin) Jung Research Paper: Professor Amundson’s English Comp. II student So Hee Erin Jung posted a research paper called “Radical Reunification in Korea.”
- Tuan Tran Research Paper: Tuan Tran posted a research paper entitled, “How Pride Gives & Takes,” written for Professor Amundson’s English Comp. II class.