The Quill #2: Fictional Fiancé

March 3, 2025

For the romantics among us who like to read reviews before we shop….

Fictional Fiancé: Hugo Vega

Hugo VegaFirst appearing in the dating-simulator game Dream Daddy, created by Game Grumps, Hugo Vega is one of the many dating options a player can pick. Hugo is a middle-school English teacher who loves to wear bowties, loves the smell of books, and surprisingly is big into wrestling. This shy, nerdy dad with a secret special interest opens his heart up to you, but is he truly a good choice to date? Well, he’s in a dating-simulation game, so I’d hope, but let’s find out on this edition of Fictional Fiancé!

Gentleman Material: ★★★★★

Hugo is a respectful gentleman at heart, who shows that he likes to take things slowly, believing in careful steps in order to grow a relationship. He also puts the “manly” in gentlemanly with his hardcore wrestling interest and ability to perform said wrestling moves.

Looks: ★★★★★

Not only is this man incredibly pristine and handsome, but he also dresses dapper to boot. His image is that of a man who would hold every door and kiss your hand every time he sees you. If that doesn’t scream husband material, I don’t know what does. Also, Hugo reminds me of Harvey from Stardew Valley, so that’s a big plus. 

Affection: ★★★☆☆

Hugo is shy with his affection, but he is still affectionate even if it’s not too overt.

Charisma: ★★★☆☆

While Hugo isn’t so suave and gets flustered easily, his geeky nature is a charm all itself.

Intelligence: ★★★★★

The guy knows his stuff! Mention anything about 18th-century literature, and he will probably verbally produce an entire scholarly article.

Fanciness: ★★★★★

Hugo is a very fancy guy. He’ll take you out to taste the most delightful imported cheese and then book a reservation at the fanciest place in town.

Romanticness: ★★★★★

If you’re looking for cute and simple romance like going out for coffee together or going out to aquariums and art galleries, Hugo’s got you covered. If you’re lucky, he may even write you a romantic poem while he’s at it.

Overall Dateability: ★★★★★

It’s too bad the “sim” in dating sim stands for simulation, because otherwise I would have already proposed!

—Alex Lopez, Fictional Fiancé Editor

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