March 3, 2025
Fantasy Fight Club: Elektra Natchios vs. the Red Hood
When it comes to trained killers from the Marvel and DC universe, none are more quintessential and lethal than Elektra and the Red Hood.
First off, let’s give a brief introduction to both of our contenders. Let’s welcome the ladies first! Stepping into the ring at an unsuspecting five-foot-nine and 130 pounds is Elektra! At a glance, one would not expect this little lady to have a kill count of over one hundred. Elektra Natchios is the pseudo-sidekick to Daredevil; however. she’s no traditional sidekick. She has no qualms about using her Sai (Okinawan piercing weapons) or even her bare hands to bring about one’s end with her extensive martial arts training or Olympic-level athleticism.
Now, let’s welcome our other contender for tonight, standing at 6-foot-nothing and a striking 225 pounds, Jason Todd, also known as Red Hood. Red Hood is classically trained in martial arts by various groups and individuals. Additionally, he is also trained in marksmanship and has a strong preference for pistols, specifically of the Israeli variety.
Taking a deeper dive into Red Hood, or Jason Todd, he is also trained by the League of Assassins and various martial artists, meaning he may have more training than Elektra. Additionally, his favorite weapon, his dagger, can canonically cut through Batman’s armor and arsenal, a nearly impossible feat. Now, one may say that Elektra still has the upper hand because she was an Olympic-level athlete, but this skill would only go so far against Red Hood.
In conclusion, After a mighty, drawn-out trading of blows, slashes, shots, and stabs, as the battle rages on, Elektra begins to fumble, her training being outclassed by Red Hood’s years of experience. Eventually, Red Hood emerges victorious, Elektra’s Sai taken as trophies.
Now, let’s get onto the main fight for tonight! Batman vs. Daredevil!