The Quill #2: Movie Recs #2

March 3, 2025

Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Beauty and the Beast posterOne movie remake that I really love and think was well done is the live-action Beauty and the Beast. And I’m not just saying that because of the good memories of seeing the live action in the theater with my best friend. Belle has always been one of my favorite Disney princesses, and when the remake came out in 2017, that reawakened my fondness for the story.

There were several things that this adaptation of Beauty and the Beast added onto the original. For example, the set design and costumes brought life into the film with more detail than what was able to be done in the original animation. They did particularly well with Belle’s iconic yellow gown.

The writers also developed more of the Beast’s character in the live-action remake. This starts in the opening scene where it is revealed more detail on how the prince became the Beast. In the original film we are only shown this scene through a sequence of illustrations on stained glass windows. The remake acts out this same introduction scene at a ball and gives us more detail on some of the cruel actions the Beast had done to his kingdom prior to being cursed.

This adds on to the original story by giving us more background information that helps us to better understand certain elements of his character. Another addition that I enjoy was when he got his own song, “Evermore.” This is one of the major differences from the original animation that I love. By writing a new song for the Beast, we can better see how his feelings have developed throughout the film. These additions to the original story are what make the updated Beauty and the Beast a good adaptation

Available on Disney+. 

—Clover Cicha

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