The Quill #2: AWE News #4

March 3, 2025

Sierra on the Move:
Notes from our Marketing & Engagement Intern
Northern Lights table

As we get closer to the Northern Lights deadline, you might see Marketing & Engagement Manager Sierra Nyokka out and about on our UWGB campuses handing out copies of the 2024 journal — and reminding you to submit.

Pictured above is Musa Abdikadir, English major and friend of the Northern Lights who has kindly been helping Sierra as she runs around our campuses. Below is a close-up of Sierra’s artfully arranged table.

Sierra writes: Northern Lights: A Literary and Arts Journal presented a table in the Student Union celebrating Black History Month and Presidents Day on January 17, 2025. The display featured Representative Shirley Anita Chisolm (1924-2005), the first Black woman elected to Congress in 1968, representing New York’s 12th Congressional District. In 1972, “Fighting Shirley” ran for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Presidents Day Northern Lights table and artwork
Despite being denied a place in the televised presidential debates and dealing with an underfunded campaign, she won 152 delegate votes, 10% of the total votes. During her illustrious career, Chisholm held important positions including on the House Rules Committee. She was a tireless advocate for “racial and gender equality, and the plight of the poor.” Chisholm retired from politics in 1983 after serving seven consecutive terms.

Also featured on that display was Frederick Douglass (1818-1895), the first Black man to be nominated for Vice President of the United States on the Equal Rights Party ticket with Victoria Woodhall (1838-1927), a women’s rights and labor activist. Over his lifetime, Douglass was a prominent abolitionist, orator, writer, social reformer, and statesman. In 1877 during the presidency of Rutherford D. Hayes (1822-1893), Douglass held the position of U.S. Marshall of Washington, DC.

More information about Congresswoman Chisholm can be found here. More information about Fredrick Douglass can be found here. Books, photographs, and artwork provided by Sierra Nyokka, Marketing & Engagement Intern for Northern Lights Journal.

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