The Fun of Walmart

Lots of stuff
If Walmart has one good thing going for it, it’s that it has almost everything. From food to makeup to medicine to its own pharmacy, it’s got a lot. And the best part is the food is generally safer to consume than the food at The Dollar Tree. It doesn’t matter that the corporation makes $173 billion dollars per year yet pays its employees so little, the store had to offer food drives to their own workers! Who can be mad when there’s all this stuff to choose from?
It is a petting zoo full of “service dogs”
You should normally never pet a service dog. They are hard at work and have a job to do. However at least 50% of all Walmart “service dogs” are not actually service dogs. No, many (not all, but many) are random dogs whose owners throw “service dog” vests on them as they want to bring their dog in the store and not get in trouble. This is because Walmart technically has a no-pet policy. However, most Walmart employees don’t get paid enough to care.
So how do you know if it’s a service dog or not? Most service dogs do not pay any attention to others. Even if a person is trying to grasp their attention, the dog will continue doing its job. However, these Walmart dogs will get excited to see other people. I have had “service dogs” jump on me, run up to me, knock over items, begin eating packaged food, and knock items down. One even came up to me, sniffed me, and indicated it wanted to play. Another Walmart dog ran up to my friend and started humping his leg. That was a very interesting day.
(Trigger warning: mention of sexual assault.)
There is no better way to expand your mind than to talk to other people. This is especially true at the hotbed of culture that is Walmart. You will have some of the most eye-opening conversations, as well as some of the best quotes to hang on your wall.
One time, this woman saw that I’d gotten a pedicure with neon-green coloring. She said to me, “That’s a really pretty color.”
“Thank you!” I replied.
“Yeah, I bet it stops you from being raped.”
I did not know what to say after that.
Another time, I was with a very close friend of mine. He was from France. A Walmart customer interrupted us to ask him where he was from.
“Sur Neuilly mostly; it’s in France,” he said.
“Oh, so are you a communist?” the customer snapped.
“Sir, I don’t have time for this.” my friend replied. That was very funny.