The Driftwood #43: Self-Care Corner (Part 2)

Tips for to Doing a Digital Detox

outdoor yogaSet yourself up for success and plan for your detox by picking a reasonable timeframe for the cleanse. Then, try the following activities to take your mind off your gadgets:

  • Volunteer, read, learn a new skill, and socialize with loved ones.
  • Spend more time in nature.
  • Consume information mindfully. By putting your phone down, you can look at the world differently and take in information you wouldn’t before. Go to nature spots you wouldn’t before and learn more about what surrounds  you.
  • Go out and shop with friends and don’t bring any phones. Just have it be your group and shopping, and have some fun.
  • Go out and eat with friends and talk about what is going on in your life and theirs.
  • Be with family and enjoy the time you have with them. Life is short, and people need to live it to their best ability. You can do that without a phone.

—Mackenzie Hebert

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