The Driftwood #42: Music Recs #2

5 Reasons to Support Local Music

There are several reasons why you should support your local music scene. Here are a few:

  1. You’ll have a source of entertainment! People living in small towns always need a place to be and something to do. Why not support a small band?
  2. Local bands love the support! Going out to see live music gives that band the extra push they may need. You inspire them like they could inspire you.
  3. You could meet new people and make new friends.
  4. Tickets are cheap! But they help support that small local band in a big way. Your support helps keep the local bands alive.
  5. Your favorite band was once in that small, unknown band’s shoes. Imagine seeing your number-one fave when they were just starting out! How cool would that be? You can say you liked them before they got big.

—Ginger Knauer

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