March 9th, 2023
Everyone has that one thing they enjoy more than anything to pass the time. It might be knitting, clothespin art, or even painting. For those of you looking for new or more challenging hobbies, we’ve got you covered. Below, we’ve picked out ultimate, step-it-up activities to push your perseverance and boost your creativity.
Steel Models
One night while at my family’s house for dinner, my brother presented a project to my husband; he’d purchased a steel model kit from our local crafts store, a tank, but figured out shortly after that it was more work than he thought it would be. My husband accepted, having put together a few already, including a replica of an old Farmall tractor, a train set, and a mail truck. The process is more tedious than difficult, but it’s well worth the shiny little display piece. Model toys became something of a big deal in the 1930s when the perfection and wide-spread availability of plastic came into play, according to Plastic injection-mold technology made previous balsa wood models inferior, and to save on production costs, pre-built designs became self-assembled projects for customers. And somewhere down the line after years of success, companies like Fascination’s Inc. began producing buildable steel models from flat, four-inch by four-inch sheets.
Metal Earth® models consist of a few steel sheets with perforated, pre-cut parts. To put them together, you simply snip them from the cut-out and bend the tabs into place, creating a 360° replica of anything from a Transformer to the Golden Gate Bridge, both of which will surprise you with their stunning detail. And unlike the plastic models of today, these are highly affordable with costs ranging from $5 to $30. So, if you’re ready to make this your ultimate hobby, I advise you to pick up a pair of tweezers. Your fingers will thank me later. For a closeup look at the detail and complexity of building Metal Earth® models in specific, see this YouTube video.