February 10, 2022
Celebrity Q&A: Tom Holland
Tom Holland is an English actor who has starred as Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far from Home and, the most recent one, Spider-Man: No Way Home. Q: What are your thoughts on executing almost all of your own stunts? A: I don’t do everything. There are some things that I just can’t do, and I am very happy for my double to do it if he can do it better. If there is a version of the stunt where it just looks better with him doing it, then he should do it for the sake of the movie.
—Source: Coup de Main
Q: What is your favorite Spider-Man costume?
A: The homemade one, since it was much more comfortable.—Source: Coup de Main
Q: How does Peter feel towards M.J.?
A: I think it’s really nice for him to have someone to lean on and how Peter accepts M.J. for who she is.—Source: Coup de Main
Q: Has Peter Parker matured in any way?
A: I think we are seeing a very similar Peter Parker to the one we saw in Spider-Man: Homecoming. I really enjoyed in the first one the aspect of seeing a teen with superpowers. I really want that to come across again. He is still a teen, who just wants to enjoy himself.—Source: Coup de Main
Q: What is your favorite Christmas movie?
A: One of my favorite Christmas movies since I have a strong connection with it, because of my mom, would be Just Friends with Ryan Reynolds.