March 11, 2021
Student Spotlight: Peter “Woodie” Woodruff
Woodie is the perfect example of why nontraditional students are key to both the success of the Marinette Campus, as well as the job industry. He is a junior working towards a Bachelors in Business Administration and a minor in Supply Chain Management. His goal is to enter the corporate level in the Aviation field.
Not only is he a working student, but Woodie is also a veteran, having served 11 years in the United States Army. During his time in the Army, was stationed both state-side and overseas, took courses, received multiple awards, and completed his A&P License (Airframe and Powerplant).
Woodie currently works as a Lead Quality Inspector for Enstrom Helicopter Corporation, has been the Union President of Local 2183 for five years, and lives in the area with his wife and daughters (one of whom also attends the Marinette Campus). He decided to continue his studies locally (vs. an online university) after meeting with our campus Information Specialist Pam Olson and CEO Cindy Bailey.
“It was a no brainer for me,” Woodie describes. “Education was instilled in me while I was in the Army. I was told by my leadership that education is a lifelong endeavor, an exercise of the mind that cannot ever be filled. I was told success in life is dependent of this exercising.”
“The professors have all made a huge impact on me. Professor Kallgren stands out for both his charisma and influence as a mentor.”
At his graduation for his Associates Degree on our campus, Woodie told the keynote speaker, Romy Blystone, a quote that ended up going in Blystone’s speech, “How do you eat a whale?… One bite at a time. The philosophy behind it is sometimes college seems daunting and too big to accomplish, but through focus and determination, it can be done.”
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