The Driftwood #6: Self-Care Corner

April 28-May 14, 2020

Wonky Brains and the Finish Line

Self-Care IconThis is the final lap of the semester, and we can see the finish line. If you’ve been having trouble staying on track and found yourself taking excessive breaks, let me remind you of something: Self-care is a multi-faceted tool that can be used to recover from past stress and prevent future bouts of the same anxieties. Get out of bed to do your schoolwork; go to your desk or sit on the floor, but make that transition. If you aren’t feeling particularly inspired (or you want to work but feel paralyzed), have some empathy for future-you. Future-you would appreciate it if you put away the dishes and picked up the floor. Future-you would also appreciate that energy boost from a walk in the sunshine before starting their day. This part of the race is about maintaining your pace, so get up, have an orange slice, and push through whatever tasks lie ahead of you today. We’ve almost made it.

—Indigo Ramirez, Self-Care Editor

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