Mar. 17-31, 2020
Featured Service: Phoenix Cares
Do you have concerns about another student, issues on campus, or do you need help yourself? Phoenix Cares is the place to let your voice be heard, even while classes are online. If you have feedback on ways that the campus can better serve its community, bring it to the Phoenix at There are three general categories that your query can be channeled into: reporting hate/bias incidents, students of concern, and general concerns. UW-Green Bay wants all its students to succeed, and they can’t correct problems if they don’t know they exist.
Get Help with Your Classes
During this period while classes are online, you can still get help with your classwork:
UW-Green Bay’s Coronavirus Website: Visit the new coronavirus section of the UW-Green Bay websites for tips to help you learn from home. The site also offers news updates related to Coronavirus and all four UW-Green Bay campuses.
Contact your professors: Your professors will be happy to answer questions by email, and they may also offer phone or virtual options as well. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for a call or video-conference session if that would be helpful.
Don’t forget about Brainfuse: This online tutoring service offers 24/7 tutoring in math, writing, and many other subjects, and it’s free for all UW-Green Bay students. Visit the Marinette Campus Learning Center website and click on the Brainfuse logo, or click here to go directly to our UW-Green Bay Brainfuse site.
Friends: Homework can be easier when you do it with a friend—even remotely. Call, Facetime, Skype, or text friends, and have a virtual study group or discussion about assignments.
—Indigo Ramirez, Campus Clubs & Services Editor