Memorandum: Future of the UPIC

Thursday, February 25, 2016 the UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following memorandum from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff outlining the future of the University Planning and Innovation Council (UPIC). UPIC was formed in Fall 2014 to increase participation among the campus community in a biennial-based strategic budgeting process for UWGB.

Memo: Future of UPIC

To: University Community
From: Gary L. Miller
Date: February 25, 2016
Subject: Future of the UPIC

Memorandum: The Opportunity Ahead

Wednesday, February 24, 2016 the UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following memorandum from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff as an update to last July’s Budget Memorandum he distributed similarly last July.

The Opportunity Ahead_Page_1
To: University Community
From: Gary L. Miller
Date: February 24, 2016
Subject: The Opportunity Ahead

Academic Achievement Night

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Thursday, February 12, 2016.

Excellence in academics is at the core of what we do as a university, and we will be emphasizing that commitment at the women’s basketball game on Thursday, February 11 at the Kress Events Center.  We will be recognizing the many student-athletes who have earned a GPA of 3.5 or better in the spring or fall 2015 during a halftime ceremony.

To help honor these student-athletes and thank those who contribute to their academic success, I join Athletics Director Mary Ellen Gillespie and the entire Athletics Department in inviting you – UW-Green Bay faculty and staff – to attend the game as guests of the Athletics Department.

The Athletics Department will provide a ticket free of charge for you and a guest.  Additional tickets can also be purchased for $10.

Our student-athletes’ success is made possible because of what you do for all of our students.  That is why we will be recognizing all faculty and staff colleagues in attendance during a pre-game announcement prior to the national anthem.

Here are the details:

Green Bay Women’s Basketball vs. Youngstown State
Thursday, February 11, 2015
7:00 p.m. at the Kress Events Center

Tickets ordered by Tuesday, February 9th, will be mailed via campus mail. Orders received after that date will be held at will call.

Order the complimentary tickets

Gary L. Miller

Emeritus & Service Awards Presentation

On behalf of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Chancellor Gary L. Miller cordially invites the campus community to a special presentation of Emeritus and Service Awards on Thursday, February 11 from 4 to 4:45 p.m. in Phoenix Room A/B of the University Union.

Date: Thurs., Feb. 11
Time: 4 to 4:45 p.m.
Location: Phoenix Room A/B, University Union

Lead by emcee Prof. Steven Meyer, UW-Green Bay will honor colleagues achieving emeritus status and years of service milestones to the University of Wisconsin System

Faculty and Staff Emeritus Honorees

Clifford Abbott
Forrest Baulieu
Carol Emmons
Cheryl Grosso
Pamela Harvey-Jacobs
Catherine Henze
Tian-You Hu
Warren Johnson
Ken Knauf
William Lepley
Don McCartney
Larry McGregor
E. Nicole Meyer
Stephen Perkins
Christopher Sampson
Jeanellyn Schwarzenbach
Ann Selk
Daniel Spielmann
Michael Stearney

Service Anniversary Celebrants

10 Years of Service
Kristin Aoki, Lynn Brandt, Mathew Dornbush, Janet Gomez, Steven Kimball, James Loebl, Pao Lor, John Luczaj, Ryan Martin, Michael McIntire, Nathan Rusch, Erin VanDaalwyk, Paul Wikgren, Amanda Wildenberg, Jeffrey Willems, Amy Wolf, Julie Wondergem

20 Years of Service
Gregory Aldrete, Joanie Dovekas, Deborah Furlong, Nora Kanzenbach, John Katers, Paul Pinkston, Patricia Terry, Barbara Tomashek-Ditter, Mark Wenzel, Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges

25 Years of Service
Lucy Arendt, Joseph Biese, Susan Bodilly, Therese Greve, Jennifer Ham, Tian-You Hu, Dennis Lorenz, Christopher Luedtke, Michael Schmitt

30 Years of Service
Lisa Fink, Cheryl Grosso, Donald McDowell, Christopher Sampson

35 Years of  Service
Carol Emmons

40 Years of Service
Patrea (Poppy) Grant

Mid-Year Convocation

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Tuesday, January 12, 2016.


I hope each of you had a wonderful winter break.  Welcome back to campus to begin the spring semester.

I wanted to let you know that we will not be convening for a Mid-Year Convocation this year.   We are currently planning a concluding 50th year anniversary celebration for the campus this spring..

We are making plans to recognize service milestones and retirements in another format.

Thank you.


Gary L. Miller

2015 Winter Commencement Address

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Monday, January 11, 2016.

Faculty, Staff and Students,

I am attaching a copy of Dr. Harvey Kaye’s very inspirational Commencement Address to our winter graduates.  I want to thank Harvey for his important message to our graduates and for his commitment to UWGB.



Gary L. Miller


UWGB Prof. Harvey Kaye’s Commencement Address (pdf)

UWGB Council of Trustees

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Wednesday, January 6, 2016.

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that Mr. Lou LeCalsey has agreed to continue his role as Chair of the UWGB Council of Trustees.  At this time of great opportunity for the university, it is my desire to shape our interaction with the Trustees in order to organize their great influence in support of our strategy.  Having Lou continue in his role will lend continuity and extraordinary experience to this process.

I am deeply grateful to Lou for agreeing to continue in this role.  I hope you will join me in thanking him for his service to UWGB – which extends more than 30 years.

Thank you for all your great work on behalf of our students and the Green Bay community.

Gary L. Miller

Thanksgiving Wishes

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to trustees, faculty, staff and students on Monday, November 23, 2015.


As we approach Thanksgiving, Georgia and I are reminded of how fortunate we are to have family and friends and to be on this great journey with all of you.  We hope each of you will find time to relax and have fun with those close to you over this Thanksgiving weekend.   Thank you all for your work and your commitment to this university and this great community.

Georgia and I ask you to join us in thinking about the many around us and around the world who are less fortunate than all of us and most especially, those who, because of circumstances beyond their control, are not able to live in peace.  Thank you.


Gary L. Miller

Campus Reorganization

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Tuesday, November 17, 2015.

Dear Colleagues,

I am deeply appreciative of the support of the Faculty Senate and the University Committee for the campus reorganization.  We will present the proposal to the Board of Regents at their December meeting.  As we implement the new organization in the spring semester we will continue to consult closely with the shared governance groups and academic units.

This is an exciting time for the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.  I am excited to be moving forward with you.

Thank you all.
