2017 Campus Celebrations

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Friday, January 20, 2016.


Each and every time students, parents, visitors, board members or donors attend an event at UW-Green Bay, they should feel special and walk away with a sense of Phoenix pride. We want all events at UW-Green Bay to be special and memorable.
In the coming months, personnel from the Office of the Chancellor will be working diligently to align University events with campus priorities to best honor and thank the campus community. The list includes some changes to long-standing University events.

Our annual Faculty and Staff Cookout in May 2017 will now be the event where we will honor:

  • Years of Service
  • New UW-Green Bay Retirees
  • Employment Anniversaries
  • Faculty and Staff Emeriti

We believe this gives the campus community and close friends and family the best opportunity to celebrate these important milestones together.

In August of 2017, during Fall Convocation, we will continue to:

  • Welcome New Employees
  • Honor Named Professorships
  • Announce Founders Awards
  • Honor Endowed Chairs

Georgia and I look forward to celebrating these honors and milestones with all of you. Watch the Log for additional details as these events draw near.

Go Phoenix!

Gary L. Miller

Chancellor Chats: December 2016

Budget Update with UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank


UW-Green Bay Chancellor’s Office e-mailed the following message to students, faculty and staff on Friday, December 16, 2016:

Chancellor Rebecca Blank from UW-Madison joins Chancellor Miller for his December episode of Chancellor Chats. The topic: How UW-System schools are working together and advocating for support of the 2017-2019 biennial budget. They share their thoughts here:

Chancellors Miller and Blank Discuss State Budget

Happy Holidays from UW-Green Bay

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Wednesday, December 14, 2016.

As the University heads into the frenzy of finals and the hectic days leading up to winter break, I want to share my gratitude for your many contributions during the Fall 2016 semester. Your service to our students is inspiring, and together we are transforming lives while developing the great minds and great leaders of tomorrow. On Saturday, we will confer degrees upon more than 400 students who will go forward and make the world a better place. It is indeed a time for celebration.

In the weeks ahead, I hope you will find time to rest. Rejuvenate. And treasure the things that matter most: family, friends and freedom. If you are traveling this holiday season, please do so safely. We need you.

It’s been said that the holiday season brings out the kid in all of us. In that spirit, we’ve conjured up a little elfin fun with the help of one of our favorite mischief makers, Phlash on a Shelf. You can check it out here: Phlash on the Shelf

Happy viewing…and Happy Holidays!

Gary L. Miller

Thanksgiving Message from the Chancellor

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Monday, November 21, 2016.

As we approach Thanksgiving and our winter holidays, I want to express to you how grateful Georgia and I are to join you in the unique opportunity we have to work together at UWGB.  Your commitment to the transforming power of knowledge and understanding, and your deep dedication to our students and this community inspire us each day.  Thank you.

As you gather with your family and friends during the coming Thanksgiving weekend and through the holidays, we hope you will join us in reaching out to those less fortunate than ourselves.  In this we may, together, make our world a much better place.

With Gratitude,

Gary and Georgia

Statement to the University regarding civility and tolerance

The UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following memorandum from Chancellor Miller to students, faculty and staff on Wednesday, November 16, 2016. The statement includes declarations of civility and tolerance for people of all backgrounds and orientations.


Statement to the University regarding civility and tolerance
To: University Community
From: Gary L. Miller
Date: November 16, 2016
Subject: Statement to the University regarding civility and tolerance

Chancellor Chats: October 2016

You’re making a difference!


UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary L. Miller e-mailed the following message to students, faculty and staff on Friday, October 28, 2016:

This is a perfect time of year to reflect on the thousands of hours UW-Green Bay students, faculty, and staff put into our community each year. Thank you for all you do!

Chancellor Chats: October 2016
Gary L. Miller

The Vision of UWGB for the Future

The UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following memorandum and vision statement from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff on Thursday, October 13, 2016. The vision statement was developed with the Deans, University Planning and Innovation Council (UPIC) and campus leadership to shape UW-Green Bay’s long-term goals.

Memo: The Vision of UWGB for the Future

Memorandum and Vision Statement
To: University Community
From: Gary L. Miller
Date: October 13, 2016
Subject: The Vision of UWGB for the Future

Phuture Phoenix

The UW-Green Bay Office of the Chancellor e-mailed the following message from Chancellor Miller to faculty and staff on Wednesday, October 12, 2016.

Dear Campus Community,

Remember the awe and wonder that washed over you the first time you set foot on a college campus? Elementary school students from across the region will share that feeling this Thursday and Friday when 1,500 fifth graders transcend on the UW-Green Bay campus for their Phuture Phoenix field trip. What an energizing two days it will be!

The University’s signature college introduction program partners with schools that have high percentages of students from low-income families and encourages students to graduate from high school and pursue a college education. The Phuture Phoenix program has hosted more than 15,000 students since it began in 2003.

Students and their mentors will visit classrooms, residence halls, the Cofrin Library, the Kress Events Center and other parts of campus during the tour days. Students will work alongside students and faculty in labs, art studios and other academic spaces. Numerous UW-Green Bay faculty members have special planned activities for students and teachers alike.

None of this would be possible without the enthusiastic support of more than 250 UW-Green Bay students who are serving as role models and group leaders for the day and 90-plus faculty members who are participating. To those who are volunteering, THANK YOU for sharing your pride and passion for education and our university.

As a member of the Phoenix family, I hope you’ll do what you can to make each and every visitor feel welcome. Something little can make a lasting impression—a smile, a wave, a hello or a high five can go a long way. And don’t forget to proudly wear your Phoenix gear this week, another simple way to show our visitors how proud you are to be a part of this family.

Please join me in welcoming these wonderful young people to our campus. They are full of promise and possibilities. They are our future!

Go Phoenix!

Gary L. Miller

Guidance on Political Campaign Activities at UW System Institutions

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary L. Miller e-mailed the following message to faculty and staff on Tuesday, October 4, 2016:


I am providing important information from System General Counsel Tom Stafford regarding our rights and responsibilities as university employees regarding participation in political campaigns.  Please read this carefully and contact Ron Pfeifer if you have questions.

Thank you.


Gary L. Miller

Attachment: Guidance on Political Campaign Activities at UW System Institutions

UW-Green Bay Annual Business Meeting

Campus leadership hosted a UW-Green Bay Annual Business Meeting, on September 30, 2016.  UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance Sheryl Van Gruensven and Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Greg Davis provided an update on the state of the University. The agenda included an overview of the 2017-2019 biennial budget process, what it holds for UW-Green Bay and the ongoing work to advocate for the University. Also provided was an update on UWGB’s current budget, fund balances and overall financial health going into the new academic year. The presentation also highlighted enrollment progress and the correlation between enrollment and the University budgeting process and gave an update on recent expenditure reduction efforts. Each of the two presentation sessions closed with a question and answer session.

Video of the presentation will be available this week.

The presentation file (pdf) is available for download.

UW-Green Bay Annual Business Meeting