New UW System President

Dear UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff,

As you have probably heard, Jay Rothman has been named the next president of the University of Wisconsin System. I am excited to work with President Rothman in his new role. His immense leadership experience and belief in the importance of education will be an asset to advocate for the needs of higher education during his tenure.

I greatly anticipate the opportunity to update President Rothman on the incredible things happening at UW-Green Bay and why our mission is resonating so strongly. We look forward to working with him to further strengthen our university and thereby contribute to the overall success of the UW System.


Michael Alexander

COVID Testing

Dear UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff,

Thanks to the great work of everyone on our COVID Response Team, we have been able to secure voluntary antigen COVID testing for faculty and staff. Please make appointments at the Wellness Center on the Green Bay campus, beginning
Monday, January 24, through the MyPrevea app.

We will not be able to provide confirmatory PCR tests for positive cases so we ask anyone with any COVID symptoms to not come in-person to work. If you are experiencing any COVID symptoms, please consult with your supervisor to temporarily telecommute or use sick leave.


Michael Alexander

Spring Semester Update

Dear UW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff,

Thank you for your patience while we have watched closely and debated how to proceed for the start of the spring semester. Throughout the pandemic, we have tried to wait as long as possible to make announcements to ensure we are as clear as possible on the conditions we are navigating.  We have consistently followed the guidelines of the CDC, local health conditions, and the counsel of medical professionals and will continue to do so.  Our overall strategy to trust each other to do the right thing as the pandemic has evolved is working.

As a result, we are going to proceed as we have done since the fall of 2020.  We will continue to take precautions across the university to keep everyone safe, but we will trust and rely on you to adapt to your local conditions as needed in the opening weeks of the semester while the Omicron variant is so prevalent.  Below is a list of procedures we have to help everyone make decisions around classes and operations for staff.  As always, if you have concerns, please communicate them to HR or your supervisor so we can help navigate individual issues.  I urge you to continue to exhibit attributes like flexibility, care for others, empathy, open communication, and the belief in the importance of education to our students and the region.

I will continue to place my bet on the people that work at this university.  If necessary, we will pivot quickly to respond to changing conditions.  Thank you for your commitment to our students and the important work you all do.

Procedure Guide


  • In the event that an instructor of an in person course is unavailable to provide in person instruction due to a COVID-19 related reason, the modality of the course may be temporarily changed to virtual instruction for a period of one week to facilitate the return of the instructor.  Examples of rationale to change modality include, but are not limited to the instructor being under a quarantine or isolation requirement or being responsible for the care of a person who is under a quarantine or isolation requirement.
  • In the event that a significant number of students are unable to participate in face-to-face instruction due to a COVID-19 related reason, the modality of the course may be temporarily changed to virtual instruction for a period of one week to facilitate the return of the students.  Examples of rationale to change modality include, but are not limited to a significant number of students under quarantine or isolation or the absence of students causing a disruption in advancement of the class (e.g. significant absences during an exam or presentation).
  • In the event that an instructor of any course is Covid-19 positive and physically unable to instruct in any modality, the instructor should report this to their chair.The Chair and Dean will  facilitate colleague coverage as available.  In the event that such coverage is not available, the Dean may suspend the course for a temporary period, and will develop a plan for ensuring completion of learning outcomes within the semester.
  • For any of the above scenarios, the modality change request should be made to the Chair and Dean of the College (copy to Dean’s Assistant) who will review the change. In the event the instructor does not agree with the decision of the Dean, the request may be brought to the Provost.
  • Instructors will need to notify all students via email and Canvas about any changes.  For changes that occur prior to 1/31, written notification should also be provided on the classroom door so that students who are late adds are aware of changes.

Staff Operations

  • In the event that an operational area is unable to provide in person services due to absences of staff for COVID-19 related reasons, operations may be temporarily changed to virtual services for a period of one week to facilitate until a return to required staffing levels.  Examples of COVID related absences include, but are not limited to the employee being under a quarantine or isolation requirement, the employee being responsible for the care of a person who is under a quarantine or isolation requirement, or the employee being symptomatic for COVID-19.
  • In the event that essential employees or a significant number of employees in any area are unavailable to perform work in any modality due to a COVID-19 related reason the Supervisor should report to the Division Director.  The Director will assess the ability of the operational area to continue functioning and any critical impact on the services provided that the absences may have. If it is determined that the risk to continue operation with the reduced staffing is too high, suspension of operations may be considered with approval of the Area Leader.
  • In the event that an operational area wishes to change modality, the supervisor shall make a request to the Director of the Division who will provide approval of the change. In the event the operational area does not agree with the decision of the Director, the request may be brought to the appropriate Area Leader.
    Notification of offices being unavailable for face-to-face transactions will be provided with signage at the location and inclusion on any webpages or other public informational locations.
  • The Division Director shall notify the Area Leader of any modifications of delivery or staff shortages that may impact overall service.  Any staff shortages which will result in impact to essential functions (safety, security, IT continuity) will be considered in making determinations of impact on overall operations in Spring of 2022.


Michael Alexander