New CDC Guidelines

Dear UW-Green Bay Students, Faculty, and Staff,

Yesterday, the CDC released new guidelines for people who have been vaccinated.  I urge you to read the guidelines.  While we cannot get into the specifics in this e-mail of what every detail from the guidelines means, attached are proposed changes to University policy that we will work to implement as soon as possible pending any additional guidance from UW System.

Since the pandemic began, we have consistently followed the guidelines of the CDC, state, and local health agencies to keep our campus communities safe. We have also trusted the campus communities to be responsible and always take into account how your actions could potentially impact another person’s health. We will continue in the spirit of the previous two sentences and immediately adopt our policies to reflect the new guidance from the CDC.

I would like to emphasize a few additional points.  First, nobody will ever be prohibited from wearing a mask and any abuse of those who choose to continue to wear a mask will not be tolerated.  Second, if you have any concerns about your safety under the new CDC guidelines, please connect with the Dean of Students for students and supervisors or Human Resources for faculty and staff.  Third, this is clearly an important milestone in the pandemic.  I hope you can find joy in it, but continue to be respectful of the health of those around you.  We are a Phoenix family and all of us have a responsibility to each other.

Finally, thank you.  I can’t say those two words enough.  This University continues to inspire me.


Michael Alexander

Attachment: Interim Building Hours and Access Policy (COVID-19) Draft