UW-Green Bay Annual Business Meeting


Campus leadership hosted a UW-Green Bay Annual Business Meeting, on September 30, 2016.  UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary Miller, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance Sheryl Van Gruensven and Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Greg Davis provided an update on the state of the University. The agenda included an overview of the 2017-2019 biennial budget process, what it holds for UW-Green Bay and the ongoing work to advocate for the University. Also provided was an update on UWGB’s current budget, fund balances and overall financial health going into the new academic year. The presentation also highlighted enrollment progress and the correlation between enrollment and the University budgeting process and gave an update on recent expenditure reduction efforts. Each of the two presentation sessions closed with a question and answer session.

Video of the presentation will be available this week.

The presentation file (pdf) is available for download.

UW-Green Bay Annual Business Meeting