What is it?
Students, as individuals or groups, share information with an audience. The audience is entirely variable depending upon the instructors preference, learning outcomes, and class environment. Students might present information in-person synchronously to audience members; streaming via web meeting with audio, camera, or screen sharing to a remote audience; or via a pre-recorded video using applications like Kaltura, Teams, or Zoom. See this post from Duke University’s Learning Innovation Center about online student presentations for more explanation.
When to use it?
Student presentations are a versatile learning activity that can be a summative or formative assessment depending upon what an instructor wishes to assess with their learning outcomes. Presentations can also be individual or collaborative and each combination of summative/formative + individual/group + modality has different technology considerations.
Modalities Examples:
- In person:
- Hybrid:
- Blended:
- Interactive Video:
- Virtual Classroom:
- In-person with streaming capabilities:
- Online: