What is YOUR favorite spot on campus?

What makes a place memorable? The location? Function? Ambiance? A potential student considers all of these when choosing a school, and UWGB has plenty of places to offer for consideration. I asked several UWGB students about their favorite place on campus and I got a wide variety of answers, all of which helped display the many assorted appeals of our campus. Continue reading What is YOUR favorite spot on campus?

UWGB Nites

UWGB Nites – Good things happen late at nite!

Once a month, the sun goes down, the children and elderly get tucked in, and Green Bay Students stay up till one in the morning at UWGB Nites.

UWGB Nites is a program hosted by various campus departments and students orgs geared towards the bored student that is looking for something fun to do late on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. Continue reading UWGB Nites