From the Director’s Desk: Summer 2023

Executive Director of Admissions Rachele Bakic It’s hard to believe another school year has come and gone. As I reflect on the past year, the only words that come to mind are thank you. Thank you to everyone who brought a class to campus for a group visit. Thank you to everyone who worked with our admissions counselors to set up visits at your high schools. Thank you to everyone who helped students complete their college applications. Thank you for all that you do every day for students.

Many students have plans for the fall already, but if you have students who are still exploring their options, it’s not too late for them to apply to UW-Green Bay. Other schools may put pressure on students to make a decision by a certain date, but students will never face that pressure at UW-Green Bay. We operate on a rolling admission system which means we accept applications for every semester up until about a week before a semester starts. There’s no need to make a huge life decision a year (or more) in advance. A lot can happen during a student’s last years of high school; they may choose to pursue a different academic program in college or something in their personal life has changed and they want to be closer to home. Whatever the reason may be, UW-Green Bay is committed to working with all students, even those that haven’t thought about pursuing higher education, to help them reach their goals.