Introduction to Julialicia Case

Along with a new face on the English faculty team there is a brand new course being offered this coming spring! Meet Professor Julialicia Case.

ENG 436 Sci-Fi Giants (Tuesdays 6-9 p.m.) will examine a variety of science fiction novels, short stories, films, TV programs, and digital games to explore topics such as alien encounters, technology, space travel, dystopian worlds, and more. We’ll even do some creative worldbuilding so students can design their own imagined futures. Authors include: Isaac Asimov, Margaret Atwood, Octavia Butler, Samuel Delany, William Gibson, N.K. Jemisin, Ursula Le Guin, and others.


First tell me a bit about yourself and anything you’d love the students here to know. Hobbies, family, where were you before UWGB, etc

I just moved to Green Bay from Cincinnati, where I was in the graduate program at University of Cincinnati. I think Wisconsin makes the eighth state I’ve lived in. My mother was a librarian with the army, and I spent most of my childhood in West Germany. As a kid, I looked to books as a way of trying to understand my American cultural identity, but I was always frustrated that the experiences of the characters in books were nothing like my own. I think this what drove me to become a writer, and I’ve been writing fiction and creative nonfiction for as long as I can remember.

My connection to games came out of living in Germany, too. When my dad brought home an Atari, I was immediately hooked, and I also spent a lot of time playing games on our Apple IIGS. I was really drawn to the storytelling elements in digital games like King’s Questand The Bard’s Tale, and I loved interactive narrative wherever I could find it—Encyclopedia Brown, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure, the Infocom interactive fictions, etc. I have some funny memories of sitting in the library playing D&D by myself, just rolling dice alone while I waited for my mom to get done with work. When we moved back to the States, I got my first Nintendo, and I think because my parents wanted me to fit in with my new American peers, I somehow escaped the technological regulations that they later imposed on my younger siblings (haha). Games and books have been my favorite things for a long time, and I’m not sure I would have survived my childhood without them.

Nowadays, in addition to games that tell stories in interesting ways like Life is Strange, and What Remains of Edith Finch, I also like social games like Hearthstoneand World of Warcraftthat allow me to keep in touch with friends and family who are far away. My husband lives and teaches in Illinois, so gaming is an easy way for us to spend time together. I also spend a lot of time running on the treadmill while watching Netflix, and I love music, particularly indie bands and singer/songwriters like Bon Iver, Phoebe Bridgers, Metric, and Of Monsters and Men. I’m always looking for recommendations for great new bands, excellent books, and games with strong stories!


If you would have a superpower, what would it be and why?

I’m torn between two superpowers. Often, I find myself wishing I had Hermione’s time-turner from the Harry Potter books. It would be great to have extra hours in the day to read, explore, learn new skills, listen to music, spend with friends, etc. I would also love to be able to instantly transport myself from one place to another. I spend a lot of time thinking about technologies like self-driving cars, high-speed trains, and other transportation approaches that might address both of these issues simultaneously.


What is your favorite piece of literature?

This is such a hard question! I really love Marilynne Robinson’s novel Housekeeping. I don’t often re-read books if I’m not teaching them, but this is one I’m always happy to re-visit. My favorite thing about that novel is its voice and rhythm; some of Robinson’s lines feel like lyrics in a song. Another book I really like is Jennifer Egan’s A Visit from the Goon Squad, which is interesting in the way it moves through time, starting with historic realism and moving seamlessly into the speculative at the end. I know I’m seriously pushing the constraints of this question, but I’d also like to mention the digital game Firewatchby Campo Santo, which is a fabulous and beautiful game about empathy and the wilderness, and is one of my favorites.


What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?

I guess the term “cool” is up for debate, but some of my favorite memories have to do with traveling. In particular, one of my life/travel philosophies to is try to push myself to do things that are slightly intimidating. I think I learn the best, am the most present in the moment, and feel the most excited about life when I am outside my comfort zone. In my early twenties I was inspired by writers like William Least Heat Moon and Jack Kerouac to spend a lot of time driving around America by myself, just camping and talking to people. As a young woman, traveling alone felt dangerous and scary, but I wanted to become a person who felt comfortable pushing the boundaries of my own sense of security. I didn’t want to be hemmed in by social ideas of safety, which seemed particularly confining for women.

One of my most vivid memories from that time was at Yellowstone, which is still one of my favorite places in the world to visit. In the campground where I was staying, there were many signs explaining how bears and mountain lions had recently been spotted in the area, warning everyone to watch their children and store their food carefully. I had just bought a new knife, and while I was making dinner, I cut my hand (stupidly) and badly. I didn’t have first aid materials, and I struggled to stop the bleeding. I remember lying in my tent that night, my hand wrapped in a towel, imagining that every sound outside was a hungry creature drawn by the scent of my blood. As I was lying there afraid, wolves began to howl in the distance. I’d never heard wolves in the wild before, and it was terrifying, but also so beautiful. It was the first time I became really aware of my small, vulnerable place in a greater ecology, which was a useful revelation, and something I still think about often. In general, I’ve grown and learned so much from traveling, and I try to visit new places as often as I can.


What is your favorite part about UWGB?

I’m so amazed by the faculty here and all of the interesting projects they are working on. It’s rare, I think, to have the freedom to teach as many different kinds of classes as people do at UWGB, and to have so many opportunities to team-teach and to develop new interdisciplinary programs. I’ve only been here a few months, but I already feel very supported in my projects and interests, and I’m excited about working with so many dedicated and talented faculty and students.


If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?

Ideally, I’d like to bring my two giant cats, Charlie and Wendell, and my tiny dog Ari. The cats, in particular, would be very grumpy about being relocated to an island, but I think we could make it work. If pets are not an appropriate answer to this imagined scenario, I would bring a massive stack of paper, a bunch of my favorite Japanese pens, and the board game Gloomhaven, which reportedly takes 1000+ hours to play all the way through, and I will otherwise probably never finish.


Who has inspired you in your life?

There are a lot of professional writers, game designers, musicians, and artists, who have taught me useful and important lessons, but I think I’m most inspired by the people I know closely—teachers, colleagues, friends, and family who are willing to be open about the difficulties they’ve faced and how they’ve worked to deal with them. My mother was told she shouldn’t go to college, but she put herself through school, and just retired as the director of a college library a few years ago. She taught me to work hard and to never give up. My father is an amazing musician and guitar player. He taught me so much about making art, practicing regularly, and using art as a way to connect to others.


What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

I adopted my dog a few months ago, and he’s only just started to become comfortable around the cats. They’ve recently started to play together, which is really funny to watch because they have such different ideas of what play is. The dog doesn’t understand why the cat likes to hide under the table and pounce on him, and the cat is completely baffled that the dog wants to be chased. They make me laugh just about every day.


What did you want to be when you were younger?

When I was a kid, I used to think I would become a lighthouse keeper and live in a lighthouse with walls that were completely lined with books. There’s still a part of me that hopes that maybe this will still happen.


What is your favorite book to movie adaption?

It’s rare for the movie version to be stronger than the book, but I think the film version of Annihilationby Jeff VanderMeer takes an amazing book and makes it even better. I also like the Hunger Gamesfilms for the same reason. (And because Jennifer Lawrence is awesome!)

Introduction to Professor Chris Williams

Welcome back fellow English nerds!

We are beginning a series of posts that will promote courses for this coming Spring 2020 semester and also introduce two new English professors. Kicking off this new series, we have an interview from Professor Chris Williams.

What is one upcoming course you’re excited to teach?

This spring I’m teaching ENG 326: Topics in Publishing, ‘Zine Culture (Tues/Thurs 2:00-3:20pm). This class will explore ‘zines, underground publications, often self-published with small circulation, focusing especially on the intersection between cultural movements (punk, Riot Grrrl, and others) and these texts. Participants will also create their own ‘zines to better understand both the labor and process of DIY ethics.

Tell me a bit about yourself and anything you’d love the students here to know. Hobbies, family, where were you before UWGB, etc

I’m originally from Michigan, near Detroit, and I hold that state and its people very close to my heart.

Before UWGB, I lived in Milwaukee, earning my PhD from UW-Milwaukee. That’s originally where I discovered the particular charms and allure of Wisconsin and decided that yes, I like it here.

I’ve got two cats. Both are impossible jerks and both are excellent.

I tend to be a person who collects hobbies, much to the chagrin of those close to me. I’m deeply invested in poetry, games (both analog and digital), beer brewing, skiing (both downhill and telemark), and rock climbing.

I think of myself as a maker—I make things (poetry, games, books, beer, strange internet stuff) that I need to see in the world. That’s an attribute, I think, that unites a lot of folks who do creative work—the need to make a vision manifest in the world.

If you would have a superpower, what would it be and why?

I view understanding and empathy as core hallmarks of the human condition, so I think I’d love the ability to instantly comprehend any language. I mean language in the broadest sense here—programming languages, spoken languages, love languages, fictive languages. I think the ability to fully understand how someone else is communicating and expressing themselves regardless of background or circumstances would be brilliant.

What is your favorite piece of literature?

This question changes so much from day to day. Right now, I think the answer to this question is probably With Those We Love Aliveby Porpentine Charity Heartscape. It is a hypertext interactive experience detailing a dystopian world in which the player serves the whims of a larval empress. It is transfixing and haunting and, I think, deals with complex questions of identity and survival in an increasingly violent world.

What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?

I spent a summer in Denali National Park in Alaska building trail with the Park Service. If you ever hike the Savage River Loop Trail, you’ll experience some of our work. I met some of the kindest people I’ve ever encountered working there. It snowed on the 4thof July.

What is your favorite part about UWGB?

So far, the students. The folks in my classes have been asking thoughtful, engaging questions and producing vibrant and compelling work.

Something I ask all my students to do is embrace the idea of failure as it relates to the creative process. I want students to try and make something and fail at it, then learn from that failure. It can sometimes be a challenge to get students to be on board with this, but, to a large extent, folks here have seen the virtue of failure and risk. The work they’ve produced is indicative of that and very heartening to see.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?

Well, am I preparing to be stranded on a deserted island, and bringing those items with me? Or am I just stranded and happen to have whatever I’ve always got with me? I’m choosing to interpret this question as the latter, so I’d likely have at least two notebooks (one filled with random ideas for creations, the other with notes about whatever text I’m currently reading/engaging with), a pair of headphones, and a water bottle (assuming I haven’t misplaced it somewhere yet again).

Who has inspired you in your life?

I’m continually inspired by my family and friends, but I think a prominent public figure that I think about quite a bit in terms of my own creative practices is Buckminster Fuller. Bucky was an architect, writer, inventor, and overall just a fascinating thinker. I could write about his contributions to futurist philosophy and sustainability, his work popularizing the concept of “Spaceship Earth,” or his many architectural insights, but his greatest inspiration to me is not what he created, but how he created it. He famously struggled with depressive episodes, but he worked through it and his creative output is a reflection of that. I find that remarkable.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

This morning, a squirrel scared me as I left my apartment for work and I dropped my smoothie all over the ground. The kids getting on the bus across the street thought that was hilarious. 

What did you want to be when you were younger?

Believe it or not, I actually wanted to be a NASA Engineer. I wanted to solve space problems and help explore the farthest reaches of the unknown. But I wasn’t very good at math, so that was pretty significant barrier.

Then I read “The Red Wheelbarrow”by Williams Carlos Williams and all that changed. I was (and remain) captivated by that poem and its short, experimental form. Williams offers little in the way of an explanation about his work and I’ve been searching for the answer to that poem (and to other poems) ever since.

What is your favorite book to movie adaption?

Either Winter’s Boneor No Country for Old Men.Both, I think, are very good examples of translating the particular world of a novel to the screen (the Ozarks in Winter’s Bone, and the United States/Mexico border in No Country). It seems to be almost an act of translation rather than rote adaption.

English students honored as ULA & Chancellor’s Medallion recipients

Congratulations to all of the English students who have been recognized for their leadership, community involvement, and academic excellence by being named University Leadership Award recipients and Chancellor’s Medallion recipients.

Check out the English students who were honored:

Spring 2019 University Leadership Award Recipients
Jordan Safranski
Zachary Schneider
Rebecca Watkins

Spring 2019 Chancellor’s Medallion Recipients
Joseph Prestley
Alyssa Kirsch

The 38th Annual University Leadership Awards program will be taking place on Friday, May 17, 2019 at 6 p.m. at the Weidner Center. Find the full list of recipients here.

Indented: “The Writing Process”

The latest episode of the Indented podcast from the UW-Green Bay English Department is now here! Hosted by UW-Green student Krynn Hanold, “The Writing Process” features UW-Green Bay Prof. Rebecca Meacham (English, Humanities) and Dean Chuck Rybak (College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) as they discuss all things writing-related. Common writing questions are addressed, and the two seasoned authors explore everything from writing rituals to cover art. This podcast episode is perfect for all the aspiring writers out there!

Take a listen:

Be sure to also check out Indented’s previous episode, “History of the English Language: Will Not Stay in Place.” This episode features UW-Green Bay Associate Prof. Stefan Hall (English, Humanities) and UW-Green Bay Assistant Prof. Emily Ransom (English, Humanities) as they take a look at the English language.

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Winter Break: English Major Edition

It only took one long semester, but winter break is finally almost here! For many, being on winter break means getting more free time. Even though some commitments might stay the same (working a job, for example), not having to attend class or work on schoolwork tends to give most students more time on their hands.

What do you have planned for break? If you’re not quite sure yet, check out our ideas that are well-suited for English majors:

Read all the books!

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English majors tend to be avid readers, and while you might have had time to read a couple books “for fun” this semester, there are probably still about a hundred books left on your “want to read” list. Winter break is the perfect time to read as much as your heart desires.

Spend time at your local library

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Show some support for your local library by spending some time there over winter break. Whether that means checking out a few books every week or bringing your laptop and hanging out at a table for the afternoon, the library is a great place to be on a chilly day. You can always volunteer at the library too!

Revisit your old writing… or start something new!

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Have you been putting off revisiting your old pieces of writing because you are “too busy” or you’ve accepted that you’ll “just do it later”? Well, now is the time to jump back into writing. You can choose to revise a previous work or create something completely new.

Time for some professional preparation

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Over break, make sure you use that extra time to your advantage. If you’re planning on graduating soon, it’s beneficial to take a look at the career market and find jobs that you’re interested in. If graduation is still far off for you, you should try to find and apply for internships to help build your resume. Luckily, we have already created a detailed guide to help you get that internship or job.

Make reading resolutions for the new year

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Not into making any New Year’s resolutions? Maybe try creating some reading resolutions instead! This could mean making a list of books you want to read in the new year or challenging yourself to read outside your comfort zone, such as reading a book over 700 pages or reading from a genre you haven’t read from before.

Watch movies/TV shows based on your favorite books

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There are countless movies and TV shows out there that are based on books, and winter break provides the perfect opportunity to do some serious binge-watching. Now’s your chance to see what your favorite book looks like on the big screen (or your computer screen). Check out Netflix, HBO, Hulu, and other streaming services to find some adaptations that you might be interested in.

Look ahead to next semester

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I know. The last thing you probably want to do is think about school during your break. But you might feel better going into the next semester if you’re at least somewhat prepared. This means finalizing your academic schedule, double-checking to see if you’re on track to graduate when you want to, and making a list of goals you want to achieve next semester.

Browse the shelves of a local bookstore

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Show small businesses some love by heading to an independent bookstore near you this winter. Local bookstores tend to be interesting places to explore, and you might find something unique to read next.

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An English Major’s Guide to Twitter

As an English major, who should you be following on Twitter?

Whether you’re looking for inspiration, motivation, or just some humor to get you through the day, here’s our round-up of Twitter accounts that are either relevant or beneficial to English majors:

Note: This is by no means a comprehensive list, but instead showcases a sampling of the great Twitter accounts out there that can be appreciated by English majors. 

Writing Resources

Looking for writing prompts, writing advice, and other writing-related things? Give these accounts a follow! They might just help you start your next great piece of writing.

Advice to Writers @AdviceToWriters

AP Stylebook @APStylebook

Grammar Girl @GrammarGirl

Merriam-Webster @MerriamWebster

NaNoWriMo @NaNoWriMo

Poets & Writers @poetswritersinc

Writer’s Digest @WritersDigest

Writer’s Edit @WritersEdit

Writer’s Relief @WritersRelief

Literary Organizations & Libraries (& Related Resources)

Keep up with the latest book and author news by following accounts that are run by literary organizations and blogs, as well as libraries.

American Library Association @ALALibrary

Book Riot @BookRiot

Dear English Major @DearEnglishMjr

Electric Literature @ElectricLit

Goodreads @goodreads

L.A. Public Library @LAPublicLibrary

Library of Congress @librarycongress

Literary Hub @lithub

The Millions @The_Millions

NY Public Library @nypl

Poetry Foundation @PoetryFound

Literary Journals & Related Resources

If you’re interested in seeing your work published in a literary journal someday, following these accounts might be a good place to start. You’ll gain greater insight into what kind of work they publish and be able to stay updated on various deadlines.

Creative Nonfiction @cnfonline

Indiana Review @IndianaReview

The Iowa Review @IowaReview

Kenyon Review @kenyonreview

The Missouri Review @Missouri_Review 

New Pages @newpages

The Paris Review @parisreview

Ploughshares @pshares

The Review Review @TheReviewReview

Submittable @submittable 

Tin House @Tin_House

Publishing Houses

Keep up with the publishing houses behind some of your favorite books – all while learning more about the publication process and discovering some new books and authors.

HarperCollins @HarperCollins

Little, Brown and Co @littlebrown

Penguin Books @PenguinBooks

Random House @randomhouse

Simon & Schuster @SimonBooks

UW-Green Bay English

Last but not least, the UW-Green Bay English Department is active on Twitter in several different forms. We might be a bit biased, but we think these accounts deserve a follow!

Sheepshead Review @sheepsheadrev

UW-Green Bay English @UWGBEnglish

UW-Green Bay Novelists @uwgbnovelists 

Other Twitter Suggestions

  • Your favorite authors
  • Your local library
  • Librarians and other literary advocates
  • Reading and literacy organizations

Internship Series: How To Get An Internship

Welcome to the second installment of the UW-Green Bay English Department‘s Internship Series! In our previous installment of the Internship Series, we discussed why internships are so important. Now that you’re well-versed in all the ways that an internship can be beneficial, the next step is to figure out how exactly to get an internship.

Step One: Finding An Internship

Before you can even start the process of applying for an internship, you have to first find internships that you actually want to apply for.

There are several websites out there that are dedicated to searching for both internships and jobs: Indeed, Monster, CareerBuilder, LinkedIn, and there’s even a website called UW-Green Bay students can use Handshake to find opportunities. If you know exactly what company/business you want to work for, you should try to go directly to their website and see if any internships positions are available. Also, UW-Green Bay’s Career Services provides many useful resources!

When searching for internships, here’s a handful of things you should keep in mind:

  • Type. The biggest deciding factor when looking at internships is the type of an internship that it is. Are you looking to get experience in copywriting? Editing? Marketing? Event planning? Social media? It’s a good idea to write down the exact career paths you want to look into, and search for internships with those keywords.
  • Time Period / Hours. Are you looking for a full-time internship during the summer or a part-time one during the school year? Do you want it to be only a semester-long or last the whole year? It’s important to look at your own schedule and know how much time you will be able to dedicate to an internship. Some internships might require less 10 hours a week, while others might require you to work full-time.
  • Location. If you live on-campus during the school year, it’s essential that you look for internships that are either on-campus or near the Green Bay area so that your commute is practical. During breaks, it might be easier to get an internship near your hometown, or you could even look at internships in far-away cities or different states! There is also the option of getting an internship that only requires you to work remotely if that’s more your style.
  • Paid or Unpaid. Here’s the thing about internships: some are paid, while others are not. It’s a completely personal decision on your part on whether or not this makes a difference to you.

Step Two: Applying For An Internship

Create a Resume & Cover Letter

At this point, some students might lose motivation to apply for internships: creating (or updating) a resume and cover letter does not seem like a fun task for most. But it’s not impossible!

  • Find A Template. Luckily, there are hundreds of fantastic templates out there that not only help you create a good-looking resume, but guide you in what to put on your resume as well. I used Canva to create my current resume, and this free program made it easy to create an aesthetically-pleasing resume. You can also find tons of templates on Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  • For Your Resume: Focus on your strengths. If you don’t have much work experience yet, it’s important to emphasize your skills, education, and coursework. If you want, you can also choose to add references, a.k.a. people you’ve worked with in the past who would be willing to vouch for you. For more resume tips and tricks, check out this article on creating a professional resume.
  • For Your Cover Letter: I think of a cover letter as the “long” version of my resume since you should be expanding on different areas of your resume. Your target audience is also a very important thing to keep in mind when writing your cover letter. You want to make sure your cover letter is crafted for that specific internship. For example, if you are applying for a social media internship, you should emphasize any previous social media experience and express your thoughts regarding social media. Need more guidance? This article on how to write a cover letter is packed with great information!

Follow the Instructions 

Once you’ve made your incredible resume and cover letter, make sure you know what to do with them. How does the employer want the resume and cover letter – submitted through LinkedIn? Emailed? It’s also important to note when your internship application is due by.

In the Meantime… 

  • Create an account on LinkedIn. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account yet, here’s your sign to make one!
  • Create ‘professional’ social media accounts. This is completely optional and may depend on what kind of career you want to pursue, but ‘professional’ Twitter, Instagram, Facebook accounts are becoming increasingly more common. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out this article.

Step Three: Interviewing For An Internship

Obtaining an interview is an achievement in itself, so you should be proud of yourself for getting this far. However, interviews can be a bit nerve-wracking, but luckily there are steps that you can take in order to feel prepared:

  • Research! It’s important to know about the company or business that you want to work for, which means learning about their history, mission, and anything else you find relevant. Taking a look at news articles about them (if applicable), their website, and social media will also give you a better sense of who they are and what to expect.
  • Be prepared for common questions. There are some questions that one can expect to be asked at an interview, and this article goes over 31 common interview questions.
  • Put your best foot forward. Even though you might be super nervous during the interviewing process, you have to try to relax and be your best self. This means staying positive and upbeat in your responses and keeping a smile on your face, even if you feel tense and anxious.

Some Advice, One English Major to Another

I have gotten several internships throughout college, and I think my biggest piece of advice to those who want an internship is that you should just keep applying. Even if an internship seems completely unattainable, you might be surprised. Don’t let yourself be intimidated since it doesn’t hurt to at least try.

It’s also important to remember that even if you don’t get the internship you applied for, you shouldn’t give up! It’s easy to get discouraged, but there are other internships out there and one of them will work out for you if you continue to put in the time and effort.

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Let’s Not Forget MWS + ‘Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein’ Cast Member Interview

From Left to Right: Dr. Rebecca Nesvet, Podcast Producer Krynn Hanold, and Dr. Jessica Van Slooten.

The newest episode of the Indented podcast from the UW-Green Bay English Department is live! In this episode, listeners are reminded not to forget about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, who wrote the famous novel “Frankenstein,” which just so happens to be celebrating its 200th anniversary.

Hosted by UW-Green Bay student Krynn Hanold and featuring UW-Green Bay Associate Prof. Rebecca Nesvet and UW-Green Bay, Manitowoc Campus Associate Prof. Jessica Van Slooten, this LIVE podcast episode (recorded during Phoenix Studio‘s night of live podcasts) delves into “Frankenstein” and the writer behind the famous work.

Take a listen:

Podcast Producer Krynn Hanold also had the opportunity to conduct an interview with James Donovan, who portrayed Dr. Victor Frankenstein in “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein” presented by Aquila Theatre, which was performed at the Weidner Center on Friday, Oct. 26, 2018.

Check out the exclusive interview:

Question: What is your part in this production?

James Donovan: Dr. (Victor) Frankenstein

Q: Do you have any places in particular that are your favorite to go to?

Donovan: You know, we’ve had fun across the board, in terms of prettiness and how aesthetically happy the most fun town to look at was Pennsylvania, driving through Pennsylvania was just ridiculous, the leaves are changing, it was absolutely stunning. But in terms of fun, I had loads of fun in Indiana. We were walking and it was lovely, and we were walking around Notre Dame and it was just lovely.

Q: So it’s very different?

Donovan: Oh, absolutely.

Q: Are there any productions that you’ve been on before that you’ve liked in particular?

Donovan: I’ve worked a lot of Shakespeare in the Globe, so I have a history in some classical theatre. The Shakespeare Globe is a wonderful, prestigious theatre in London. I’ve worked on War Horse, and it transferred to Broadway eventually. I suppose those two are my favorites. Yeah, Steven Spielberg came to see our production of War Horse and then decided to make the film.

Q: Why did you want to be involved in this production?

Donovan: I worked in America last year, and I absolutely fell in love with it, and just the prospect of touring America, I wouldn’t typically go on one holiday so to speak. It was just too appealing, and the show itself and Aquila Theatre are wonderful to work for. So, the prospect of that, plus touring America was just fantastic, and I got the job and I was like “oh wow, I’m so excited” so yeah, we have such a fun time.

Q: What’s challenging about bringing the script of this to life?

Donovan: Since there are so many different versions of it, I tried to avoid watching the films, and watching everyone else because I just thought, this is going to be my version of this adaptation and I don’t want to steal anyone else’s ideas, or whatever it may be, and he’s just a man of heart, it’s very long, it’s very big, and Dr. Frankenstein goes through such a big journey and to play that convincingly it’s a huge task, but I’ve had so much fun doing it, it’s brilliant.

Q: What do you love about portraying your character?

Donovan: I suppose his emotional act, his journey, he goes through such an emotional journey that he starts off at the beginning of the play, and I don’t want to give too much away in terms of where we’re placing, because it’s very much placed in modern day time, our version, he just goes through a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, we sort of jump back in time in our version, so you see a huge transition from where he is emotional because he goes through all the pain and suffering and then right back to the end of the play you see the jump.

Q: How do you and your cast make the production of Frankenstein unique?

Donovan: Our director, she transforms that, it’s her version of the play, and I think because it is modern day, trying to make it modern day with the novel being 200 years back.

Q: How do you make it modern day?

Donovan: Everything from clothing, we transpose the text, make it a tiny bit more modern day, and equipment in terms of like waking Frankenstein up, everything, to where it’s set, everything.

Q: What are your thoughts on the story of Frankenstein, especially as compared to other things you’ve worked on?

Donovan: This man goes through act after act, and the age-old question we’re always being asked and is especially prevalent t in this country I suppose is is it right to play god and what role does science have in our modern day world that’s the one that poses the biggest question in that that hangs out when telling the story, especially to an audience in our political climate at the moment. So I suppose that’s the real topic of interest that’s pinned down. He’s doing it for the greater good, playing with a power that I don’t think anyone’s really discovered and it’s only with the monster but his then his reaction is “Oh my god, what have I done.”

Internship Series: The Importance of Internships

Welcome to part one of the UW-Green Bay English Department‘s Internship Series! This post will focus on why internships are so important and take a look at all the benefits they have.

English majors (and, honestly, all college students) should consider getting at least one internship while they’re in college. Why? Because internships provide a myriad of benefits, from helping you figure out what career you want to go into after graduation to gaining real-life skills that can be listed on your resume.

Internships can:

1. Help You Pick the Right Path

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Sometimes it’s hard figuring out what exactly you want to do after graduation. That’s where internships come in: they give you the chance to “test out” areas you’re interested in to see if they are truly the right fit for you.

2. Strengthen and Expand Your Skill Set

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Internships can allow you to both sharpen your current skills while also giving you the chance to gain new ones. For example, you might consider yourself a strong writer, but you may not have any experience writing press releases until an internship requires you to do so.

3. Give You the Chance to Learn Outside of the Classroom

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While you can definitely learn a ton from your classes, you can expand your knowledge by joining the professional world. Internships also provide the opportunity for students to use the skills and knowledge they’ve picked up on in the classroom and apply them to real-life situations.

4. Prepare You for Post-Grad Life

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Internships – especially those that are full-time – can offer a taste of what life after graduation is going to be like. Just being immersed in a real work culture environment can teach you a lot about what it’s like out there in the “real world” – and what you can expect once you obtain a job upon graduating.

5. Improve Your Resume

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Perhaps the most obvious benefit of internships is that they give you something to put on your resume. Whether your internship was paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time, the time and effort you put in matters. The extra experience and skills you gained through your internship will definitely mean something to potential employers.


Now, I’m sure you’re probably thinking, “That’s great and all, but how do I actually go about getting an internship?” That’s a valid question and one that will definitely be covered in a future installment of this internship series.

For now, check out these great opportunities for English majors that are offered through UW-Green Bay:

(Note: This is by no means a comprehensive list, but a sampling of what is available through UW-Green Bay!)

Sheepshead Review – Sheepshead Review, UW-Green Bay’s very own journal of art and literature, also offers internship opportunities for specific positions, such as Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, and several others. Through this opportunity, students can gain first-hand experience when it comes to creating an issue of the journal. Each internship position can be worth three credits.

UWGB Creatives – With positions like Podcast Producer, Chief Copywriter, and Programming Director available, this team of interns for the UW-Green Bay English Department helps spread the word of the English program. These positions give students the chance to become more involved with the English department. Each internship position counts for three credits.

UW-Green Bay Office of Marketing and University Communication – With positions such as Editorial/Public Relations Intern and Social Media Assistant offered, the Office of Marketing and University Communication at UW-Green Bay can provide great experience for English majors interested in pursuing careers in editorial work or social media.

Voyageur – Voyageur: Northeast Wisconsin’s Historical Review is a great opportunity right here on campus for English majors who are interested in editorial work or publishing. Through this semester-long internship, students work on copyediting pieces for the magazine and assist in research, layout, and other aspects. Internship positions can be taken for three credits.

Internship Draft Day – This event is right around the corner! On Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018, students are invited to come to Lambeau Field and meet with representatives from over 60 local employers to obtain internships or jobs. Registration is required.

UW-Green Bay Career Services – Of course, Career Services right here on campus provides many resources for those looking to obtain an internship.

Faculty Focus: Associate Prof. Valerie Murrenus Pilmaier Interview

Associate Prof. Valerie Murrenus Pilmaier (English) at UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus has won the prestigious 2018 Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award. Only three winners are chosen on an annual basis. Funded by an endowment from Alliant Energy, these $3,000 awards are given to extraordinary teachers at UW-Madison, UW-Platteville and UW Colleges. Learn more about the Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award.

The UW-Green Bay English Department is honored to feature Dr. Pilmaier on our blog. We got the chance to speak with Dr. Pilmaier about her big win, teaching and, of course, the subject of English.

First, some background on Dr. Pilmaier:

A native of Menomonee Falls, she went on to attend UW-Oshkosh, where she double-majored in English and International Studies and minored in German. She went to Marquette University for her M.A. and Ph.D. in Literature, with a specialty in Irish and British Studies, trauma theory and the novel. 

On to the questions:

Q: First of all, congratulations on winning the Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award. What does it mean to you to win this award?

Dr. Pilmaier: I cried when I got the email that I was one of the three chosen. The Underkofler is an extremely prestigious teaching award and requires that your application materials are vetted by colleagues from all over the state who are exceptional teachers. The competition is stiff, and it is an incredible honor to even be in the running for the award, much less win it. For me, this award signifies the amount of support that I have received from my family, friends, mentors, colleagues, and institution throughout my entire academic career as well as the amazing students that I have had the opportunity to teach and learn from because, without them, there is no way that I would be the teacher that I am today. I was lucky enough to be chosen as a Wisconsin Teaching Fellow Scholar twice, and both years were transformative for my pedagogy in terms of first becoming more student-centered (for the first year that I attended in 2012-2013) and then in 2017-2018, engaging with my institution-wide colleagues on utilizing student-based research (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) to enhance the student experience in my classes. I am hooked on SOTL research and have been incorporating it into my courses since 2010, and this award helps to confirm for me that what I have been doing with my students is making a positive impact on them. Honestly, this award means everything. My research interests are varied, but all center on gender equity issues: using rape culture to teach rhetorical analysis in the composition classroom, gender disparities in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and teaching gender equity using the plays of George Bernard Shaw.

Q: How long have you been teaching at UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus? What do you like the most about teaching at this school?

Dr. Pilmaier: As stated above, I started here in 2009. Our campus was formerly a campus in the UW Colleges, which is an institution dedicated to the first two years of college, with the intent of getting students to their Associate of Arts and Sciences degree or transfer to a four-year school. As an institution of access, we have a high percentage of First-Generation students (always at least 65%), non-traditional students, ELL (English Language Learners) and developmental students. I absolutely love this group of students because a majority come in wondering if they are college material, and we have the ability to help them understand that they are exactly where they need to be. We can mentor them and help them on their path, but ultimately, we help them to see that they are the force behind their own success. It is a privilege to work with this population of students.

Q: Why did you decide to enter the teaching profession?

Dr. Pilmaier: I always wanted to be a teacher. My favorite thing to “play” at home was school, and I did that even through sixth grade (I was a nerd, I will admit it). I then had multiple teachers through high school and college who encouraged me to go into teaching, but I freaked when I heard stories from friends at Oshkosh who had to spend semesters taking classes where you had to design bulletin boards. I knew that was not for me. I didn’t even consider college teaching until one of my professors suggested that I take the GRE and apply to grad school. It blew my mind that I, the daughter of factory workers, could possibly do that. When I was awarded my TA-ship at Marquette, it was my opportunity to see if teaching was for me, and it was a perfect fit from the beginning. I can’t imagine a better job and I feel lucky every single day to do this.

Q: What kinds of teaching strategies do you use in your classes?

Dr. Pilmaier: I’m taken with Freire’s liberation method of education, so everything is problem-posing and student-centered. I want my students to understand that they have a voice, that voice is important, and it can affect social change. It is my job to ensure that they have the skill-sets that they need in order to effectively convey their ideas to their intended audience to make those messages clear, but they do all of the hard work. I get to enjoy the process. J. In literature, I get to help students understand the conventions of the discipline, see how literature speaks to the human experience, and show them how literature can be transformative in their lives. Could anyone have a better job than I do? I doubt it.

Q: Lastly, what do you enjoy the most about teaching the subject of English in particular?

Dr. Pilmaier: Wow, what don’t I enjoy about teaching composition and literature? There is an energy that comes from a discussion of ideas, and every day I learn something essential from my students. Of course I am biased, but I believe that I teach the most important discipline that students can learn because I help them to take ideas in their head, refine those ideas through research, shape those ideas through the skill-sets I can teach them, and watch them grow their confidence as global citizens as they present those ideas to a global community. I’m incredibly blessed to be able to do this every day. I must have done something incredible in a past life to deserve this life.

Once again, congratulations Dr. Pilmaier on winning this prestigious teaching award!