Gloria Galicia

Good morning everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your Friday! Today marks the sixth installment of our Senior Series and today our graduating senior is Gloria Galicia! Gloria is originally from Chicago, Illinois and Wausau, Wisconsin and has a major in English with a Creative Writing emphasis and a minor in Women and Gender Studies. Here is a little more about Gloria!


What was your favorite course?

Novel Writing Workshop and all the Women and Gender Study courses offered.


What will you miss most about UW-Green Bay?

The beautiful campus and the dedicated professors I had for all my courses.


Any advice for future graduates?

Never be afraid to share your opinion or life experiences.


From all of us here at Widows and Orphans, congratulations Gloria!

Eliot Klutz

Happy Thursday everyone! Today is the fifth installment of our Senior Series and our graduating senior is Eliot Klutz! Eliot is originally from Manchester, England and has a double major in both English with a Creative Writing emphasis and Philosophy. Here is a little more about Eliot!

What was one thing you learned during your time at UW-Green Bay that really stuck with you?
That sharing what I’m writing with others, getting to read what they’re writing, and having conversations about what we’re writing really amplifies the enjoyment of the whole writing process.
What was your favorite course?
I don’t have a favorite. I enjoyed all of them in different ways. But if I were to just say an English class that comes to mind straight away that I liked a lot, it would be English 304, Creative Nonfiction Writing. That was a good one.
How are you feeling about the timing of the pandemic?
It’s happened when it’s happened and now we still have choices. I think that what happens and when it happens is infinitely less important than what we choose to make of it.
What will you miss most about UW-Green Bay?
I value every single interaction I’ve had with every single person I’ve come into contact with at UW-GB, so whenever I think back on my experience at GB, I will be glad for all of it. To sum that up: the community here is something I will remember very fondly whenever I think of it.
What was most memorable about your senior year outside of the pandemic?
Just having really great conversations with both my classmates and my teachers, both within classes and also after classes when people still had more thoughts to give voice to.
Any advice for future graduates?
I don’t think anyone needs my advice, because I think everyone has access to their own answers.
From all of us here at Widows and Orphans, congratulations Eliot!

Zach Schneider

Good afternoon! I hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday! Today brings us the fourth installment of the Senior Series and our graduating senior is Zach Schneider. Zach is originally from West Bend, WI and has pursued three majors during his time at UW-Green Bay. They include English with an emphasis in both Literature and Creative Writing, Humanities with an emphasis in Digital and Public Humanities, and the BFA (Writing and Applied Arts). Along with his majors, Zach also has a minor in Education and is currently the Editor in Chief for Sheepshead Review. Here is a little bit more about Zach!

What was one thing you learned that really stuck with you during your time at UW-Green Bay?

College isn’t meant to teach you all you’ll need to know, it teaches you how to think critically and how to dedicate yourself to achieve success however you define it.

What was your favorite course(s)?

Ethnic Literature: Race and Sex with Dr Schuetze, Sheepshead Review with Dr Meacham, and World Building and Writing Science Fiction with Dr Rybak.

How are you feeling about the timing of the pandemic?

I’m horribly disappointed at the timing of the pandemic. I’ve been with many of my peers for years now, struggling along side each other, and now when I’m feeling closes to both them and my professors, the physical relationship has been ripped away. I’ll never get back the end of my senior year, but all we can do is move forward and adapt. At least commencement has been rescheduled.

What will you miss most about UW-Green Bay?

I will miss the community. Similar to as I mentioned above, I feel really close to my peers, and we share passions within English. I will miss the intellectual community that offers amazing conversations and insights or critique to my own thoughts and writing.

What was most memorable about your senior year outside of the pandemic? 

The most memorable thing from my senior year has been the friendships that have been set in stone and will hopefully last a lifetime.

Any advice for future graduates?

My advice is to do things. You’ve got amazing opportunities and you should take advantage. Don’t worry about falling short in any measure, you’re in college for the experiences.


From all of us here at Widows and Orphans, congratulations Zach!

Erin Penzel

Good morning everyone, I hope you’re Tuesday started off well. Today marks the third installment for our Senior Series and our graduating senior is Erin Penzel! Erin is originally from Burlington, Wisconsin and has been pursuing an English Literature major, along with a Education minor. Here is a little bit more about Erin!

During your time at UW-Green Bay, what was one thing that you learned that really stuck with you? 

I really learned how to participate in the classroom and know that my opinions are valid and important. This is something that I carry with me, and it allows me to be more vocal in my daily life.

What was your favorite course? 

My independent study with Professor Schuetze on Teaching LGBTQ+ Literature.

How are you feeling about the timing of the pandemic? 

I found the timing really unfortunate, because there were so many things I was looking forward to. However, I am grateful that we could continue our education online and wishing everyone the best health.

What was most memorable about your senior year outside of the pandemic? 

I worked as a TA for the GPS Program in an Introduction to Humanities Course. I loved mentoring the first-year students, as well as getting to work with some amazing Professors.

What will you miss most about UW-GB?

I will miss my wonderful friends and awesome Professors that have made my time at UWGB so meaningful.

Any advice for future graduates?

Get to know at least one Professor well; it will open up opportunities for you and strengthen your college experience as a whole.


On behalf of all of us here at Widows and Orphans, congratulations Erin!

Hannah Majewski

Happy Monday everyone! We are back with the second installment of the Senior Series and today, our graduating senior is Hannah Majewski! Hannah grew up in Door county and has two majors, English Literature and Ancient and Medieval Humanities. Here is a little bit more about Hannah.

What was most memorable about your senior year outside of the pandemic?

I’m not sure if it counts, but the August before my senior year I traveled to Oxford with a UWGB faculty-led course and it was one of the most life-changing experiences I have ever had. Absolutely formative to experience one of the world’s centers of academia and the home of writers like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.

What was your favorite course?

My favorite course was definitely Dr. Hall’s class on J.R.R. Tolkien, followed  very closely by his History of the English Language course.

How are you feeling about the timing of the pandemic?

I’m 29, so my graduation ceremony has been a decade in the making and I honestly hate that I may not get to walk across the stage displaying all of my achievements to receive my diploma. Even if commencement is rescheduled for August I will already have moved out-of-state for my graduate program and may not be able to get back for it. So, in short, it sucks.

What will you miss most about UW-Green Bay?

I will miss my professors the most, the people who have truly invested in my education and future, and my peers that have come to be so important to me.

Any advice for future graduates?

Savor it. I will not get to say goodbye to most of my classmates or my favorite professors before I leave UWGB and I wish I had the chance to tell those people how influential they were to me during my time here. So savor your goofy professors and group discussions that go sideways, because you may not get experiences like that again.

From all of us here at Widows and Orphans, congratulations Hannah!

Emily Gerlikovski

Happy Thursday everyone! Today is the start of the Senior Series, where we will be showcasing the graduating seniors in the English Department. Our first senior in the Senior Series is Emily Gerlikovski. She is originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin and has been pursuing majors in both English Literature and Communication here at UW-Green Bay. She has also obtained an LGBTQ+ Studies Certificate. Here’s a little bit about Emily!

Over your time at UW-Green Bay, what is one thing that really stuck with you?

Something I learned specifically in the English department is to be more confident in my opinions. I’ve always been the type of person who wants to agree with others and have people agree with me, but sometimes the best discussions and learning moments in English come when people disagree on something.

What was your favorite course?

Great Works: Tolkien with Prof. Hall.

How are you feeling with the timing of the pandemic?

I’m not happy with it haha! It’s messing up my last semester and graduation, as well as my planning for graduate school. But my family is healthy, so I am very happy about that.

What was most memorable about your senior year outside of the pandemic?

I was recently awarded a Chancellor’s Leadership Medallion; that has been pretty memorable!

What will you miss most about UW-Green Bay?

I will miss the campus environment and the connections I have made here. I will also miss taking English courses, as I will be going to grad school for Communication instead.

Any advice for future graduates?

Definitely plan out your semesters and don’t overload your last couple. You’ll want more time to apply for jobs/graduate school your senior year, and doing that with 18 credits, jobs & extracurricular activities is not a lot of fun. So if possible, plan ahead so your last semesters won’t be overwhelming.


On behalf of us here at Widows and Orphans, congratulations Emily!

Interview with Professor Meacham

Happy Saturday! Today’s interview is with Professor Rebecca Meacham who has been the face for many new additions to the English Department here at UWGB. From continuing to run the literary journal “Sheepshead Review,” to launching the new BFA degree, she has created many unique opportunities for students at UWGB over her time here.

One of her most recent notable accomplishments is having her nonfiction piece “Feather Rousing” nominated by Gigantic Sequins for a pushcart prize! Check out her interview.

First tell me a bit about yourself and anything you’d love the students here to know. Hobbies, family, where were you before UWGB, etc

I grew up in Toledo, Ohio, which is the hometown of Gloria Steinem, and which was ridiculed in a song by John Denver, breaking my heart, since his was the first concert I attended at age 6. I went to college and two grad programs in Ohio. My whole family originates in Columbus, where my Uncle Don was such a Buckeyes fan that he drove a van custom-painted in scarlet and grey.

Also, I never was an English major until my PhD program, which is a bad time to start. In college, I majored in American Studies, and then I attended an MFA program in Fiction, where I developed an emphasis in Multiethnic Literature. So I’m always kind of catching up on what English majors already know.

If you would have a superpower, what would it be and why?

The ability to create freshwater, to catch amazing seafood, and to channel wi-fi and communicate across the world telepathically.

What is your favorite piece of literature?

Beloved, by Toni Morrison.

What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?

So I’m old and have had a pretty great life. With friends, I’ve backpacked across Europe, camped in Utah, and sold homemade beads at Grateful Dead shows. My college chorale sang Carmina Buranawith the Cincinnati Ballet and Bernstein’s Masswith the Illinois Philharmonic. I’ve researched archives at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem. Thanks to my mom, I’ve seen “Hamilton” with the original cast on Broadway. I know it’s corny, but I gave birth to the funniest, smartest kids in the world who, for now, like hanging out with us. Recently, for the book festival I help organize, I rode on a Green Bay fire truck with writer Susan Orlean, and I shared a crème brule with Margaret Atwood and a puppet. Even more recently, a program I created, the Writing and Applied Arts BFA, made it through approvals at all branches of our campus, all 13 UW colleges, and the UW Board of Regents, and now is the only degree of its kind in the UW-System. And now it has 31 students enrolled— and our first graduate walks December 2019!!

What is your favorite part about UWGB?

The students! UWGB students are the most hardworking, innovative, and good-hearted people I’ve encountered every semester since 2002. My colleagues and the staff are pretty wonderful, too. Also, tunnels.

 If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?

Well, since my superpower is the ability to create freshwater, fish well, and to connect via telepathy and wi-fi with the whole world. So my three things are a sailboat with a motor, fuel enough to get me to land, and an endless supply of podcasts on an iPhone that never dies.

Who has inspired you in your life?

My parents. My mother started law school at age 38 and became the second woman ever hired by her law firm in the 1980s. She was such a tough negotiator that a nurses’ union once sent her a bag of coal for Christmas. My dad was a controller at a major corporation until he retired at age 55 to a house in the woods on a lake. He’s now 82 and does 10,000 sit ups each year on his birthday. Plus whatever number he’s aged to.

Both my parents grew up dirt poor and became successful people who remain generous and giving. They’re cynical of systems of privilege. They’re also huge readers, lifelong learners, and very darkly funny.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

Here would be an example of darkly funny: we have two cats. While the girl kitty is sweet and makes Yoda-like noises, our boy kitty is the hunter.  And we live in the country.

And this is how I found myself standing on our upstairs hallway carpet, on Halloween morning, staring down at the face—and only the face—of a mouse.

What did you want to be when you were younger?

As a kid, a “joke-teller” and a carpenter.

Interview with Professor Ransom

Happy last day of classes! Many of us have had the chance to take a course with Professor Emily Ransom, but may not know the amazing things she has done in her life. Professor Ransom specializes in the Renaissance. Her previous research has focused on Renaissance devotional complaint poetry, both English and continental, in addition to Thomas More and Northern Humanism, Reformation theology, Catholic recusant literature, constructions of English nationalism (especially in Spenser and Old English antiquarianism), the history of the emotions, theodicy, genre theory, print culture, and Milton’s biblical poetics. Here’s a sneak peak into her life.

First tell me a bit about yourself and anything you’d love the students here to know. Hobbies, family, where were you before UWGB, etc

While many people have “travel lust,” I grew up jealous of people who are “from” somewhere. In college I hated being asked where I was from, and started to answer “the Chicago-Atlanta-Raleigh-Paris-area, thereabouts”—by now I’d have to add Notre Dame and Green Bay to places I’ve lived, and I had shorter opportunities to study in Ireland, England, and Rome, and have family connections in China and India. Despite that, I maintain a (delusional?) image of myself as a country girl from a small town in North Carolina, where I lived in high school and college and where the liminal members of my family always return to the family farm.

I’m an all-around dabbler in the arts. I love watercolor, pen-and-ink, hammered dulcimer, photography, ukulele, singing, cooking, crochet, embroidery, and acting when I can, and I’m often told my handwriting looks like Elvish.

If you would have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Like many of us, I always wanted the powers that were the inverse of what I really have. I wanted invincibility (I’m such a softy!), but instead I have the power of walking through walls (empathy, diplomacy).

What is your favorite piece of literature?

Hmm…I’ll answer that when you tell me who is your favorite child.  Seriously, favorite for what?

What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?

I’m not gonna lie—I’ve lived a pretty cool life.  I’ll list a few: witnessed the birth of my nephew on Christmas Day, debated capital punishment in Latin in the Roman Coliseum, traipsed alone through the Irish and Welsh countryside sleeping under the stars, jumped out of a plane, lain of the floor of the Sistine Chapel to look at the ceiling with only four other people in the room, jumped in the Seine downriver from Paris with my little brother, heard Bob Dylan, B. B. King, and Doc Watson in concert, and researched things that have me handling medieval manuscripts and ancient human body parts.

But anything involving being an aunt is really the coolest.

What is your favorite part about UWGB?

The students—never have I been so humbled as I am teaching people who have gone so far under so many pressures and maintain their eagerness for more.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?

Notebook and pen (is that already two?), and The Lord of the Rings—I could never get tired of reading it.

Who has inspired you in your life?

People who serve and people who forgive. I used to be attracted to the movers and shakers of history, but the older I get, the more gentleness brings me to tears.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

Anything involving my sister’s German shepherd puppy.  Something about puppies make any action comical.

What did you want to be when you were younger?

An explorer. I vividly remember the day when I had the crushing realization (like the scene from The Truman Show) that everywhere had already been discovered. For that reason I went through a brief astronaut stage after that, but it turns out literature is a kind of exploration of its own.

What is your favorite book to movie adaption?

Cry the Beloved Country, with James Earl Jones and Richard Harris—the music and visuals manage to translate the beauty of Paton’s prose across media.

Interview with Professor Young

Only one day left of classes! Interested in taking a course with Professor Jennie Young this coming spring? Get to know yet another faculty member better with this interview. Professor Young directs the Composition program at UWGB and teaches Professional wWriting and Women in Literature.

First tell me a bit about yourself and anything you’d love the students here to know. Hobbies, family, where were you before UWGB, etc

I grew up in Ohio and initially majored in interior design; the first decade of my career was spent designing things like mobile homes in Indiana, mountain homes in Colorado, and public libraries in Ohio. I had always dreamed of being an English teacher, and I finally went back to school (twice! — once for my master’s and once for my doctorate) when I was in my thirties and forties. Remember that you don’t have to have everything figured out right now! I moved to Wisconsin for my job here at UWGB, and I am extremely happy here. The people are friendly, there are cheese curds, and I love living right downtown on the Fox River.

If you would have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Definitely flight. If I could fly I would never be afraid of falling.

What is your favorite piece of literature?

I’m not sure I can pick a favorite, so I’ll pick my favorite title from my favorite genre, which is creative nonfiction memoir: Edges of the Earth, by Richard Leo.

What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?

I’m currently working on a book project that chronicles my quest to overcome arachnophobia by exposing myself to spiders. It’s terrifying, but it’s cool.

What is your favorite part about UWGB?

My students and my colleagues! The students and faculty here are the nicest group of people I’ve ever worked with anywhere, hands down.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?

My Kindle, provided I could get WiFi

My golden retriever, Willow.

A net, to keep spiders off me.

Who has inspired you in your life?

Too many people in too many different ways to list, but probably my parents most of all.

What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

I was given a dead tarantula by Professor Mike Draney to carry around as part of my exposure therapy, and I used it to freak out my professional writing students. I’m not sure they thought it was funny, but I thought it was hilarious.

What did you want to be when you were younger?

A veterinarian.

What is your favorite book to movie adaption?

Hasn’t happened yet; the book is ALWAYS way better.

Interview with Professor Nesvet

As finals loom closer, breaks are needed from the hours of studying and stressing about deadlines. Here is another fun interview with Professor Rebecca Nesvet as a distraction! Professor Nesvet teaches 19th British literature, modern world drama, and digital humanities. Her research concerns Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and (more recently) “Sweeney Todd” creator James Malcolm Rymer and his radical and Romantic contexts.

First tell me a bit about yourself and anything you’d love the students here to know. Hobbies, family, where were you before UWGB, etc

Before UWGB I was a PhD student at UNC-Chapel Hill. I have a cat named after a woman who wrote science fiction / space fantasy over a century before Mary Shelley and a rooster named Dorian Gray Rooster.

If you would have a superpower, what would it be and why?

The ability to appear not-a-woman to those people who make trouble for women because we’re women.

What is your favorite piece of literature?


What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?

Got to teach at UWGB

What is your favorite part about UWGB?

The students. You want to be here. You take charge of your education and lives. For the most part, you are eager to make your education improve the lives of people other than yourselves.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?

Internet connection and a communication device
Paul Brantlinger’s book Crusoe’s Footsteps, in part to remind me what my purpose was before being cut off from society, and part to remind me why we have this cultural preoccupation with the desert island self-reliance fantasy.

Who has inspired you in your life?

High school drama teacher.
The Chartists.

What did you want to be when you were younger?

An oceanographer. That didn’t work out.

What is your favorite book to movie adaption?

Right now, Andrea Arnold’s Wuthering Heights (2012).