The Teaching Press

UW-Green Bay's student-managed publisher and press

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‘What’s Past is Prologue’: An Interview with Greg Neuschafer

Author Greg Neuschafer published The Lower Fox River Clean Up: An Electronic Resource Library with The Teaching Press in October 2023. Email the Teaching Press to buy your copies! 

Interviewers’ notes: This interview was conducted via e-mail by Abby Jurk and Autumn Johnson, in stages, from 2022-2023. 

Why embark on this project?

Let me begin with some converging parameters.

In “The Tempest” William Shakespeare wrote “what is past is prologue”. In geology, my chosen field of university study, a basic tenant is, the Uniformitarian Principle which describes that the same natural processes that operate today in our environment have operated in the past.

Author Greg Neuschafer speaks at the book launch, October 2023

Winston Churchill in a 1948 speech to the House of Commons paraphrased American philosopher George Santayana, who said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. During four decades of oceanography research for the US Navy I learned the need to chronicle scientific processes and progress in order for new discoveries to stand future scrutiny.

For a number of years, I have supported UWGB’s Professor Kevin Fermanich’s Lower Fox River Watershed Water Monitoring Program. In a meeting with him after his annual student conference in 2018, he showed me a video clip of the operation of the high-tech filter-cake PCB cleanup process. We discussed the enormity of the Fox River Restoration in terms of scale, funding resources and time. I rhetorically asked if someone was summarizing all the effort going into this project? Dr Fermanich said he believed UWGB’s Professor Emeritus Bud Harris who had been a personal consultant to the technical cleanup operations was assembling a memoir. Continue reading

Meet the Lead Designer of The Viking House Saga and A Portrait of Grief and Courage

The Teaching Press had 21 students working as interns and staff in Fall 2023. We’re featuring their work in small batches—the same  way we print books at the Press! 

Emily Heling was lead designer for two  Teaching Press titles in 2023: The Viking House Saga: A Journey into Experiential Archeology at UW-Green Bay, by Owen Christianson and Heidi Sherman (October 2023), and A Portrait of Grief and Courage: Hmong Oral Histories and Folktales, by Sandra Shackelford (December 2023). Her design work included researching Old Norse carvings and Hmong story cloths, boosting photo quality for color and black and white images, designing book covers and interiors, choosing fonts and colors, and meeting about  style options with three different authors.


Meet the Project Manager and Chief Copyeditor of A Portrait of Grief and Courage

The Teaching Press had 21 students working as interns and staff in Fall 2023. We’re featuring their work in small batches—the same  way we print books at the Press! 

Olivia Meyer became the Project Manager on A Portrait of Grief and Courage: Hmong Oral Histories and Folktales, in early 2023, when the manuscript was still part of a collection Sandra Shackelford was arranging to donating to the UW-Green Bay Cofrin Library Archives. She met with the author, guided the project through its full year of workflow, collaborated on the book’s “Introduction,” and wrote the biographies of  translator May Lee Lor and transcriber Ma Lee Lor.

Kat Halfman has been the Chief Copyeditor of this title since early 2023. She created the most ambitious style guide The Teaching Press has encountered, standardizing spelling of  numerous individuals’ names and dozens of place names from multiple spellings from multiple translations; researching the use editorial  conventions in oral histories; and leading two semesters’ staffs through multiple rounds of copyediting.



Meet the Interns: Promotion, Publicity, and A Portrait…

The Teaching Press had 21 students working as interns and staff in Fall 2023. We’re featuring their work in small batches—the same  way we print books at the Press! 

This team of Fall 2023 interns focused on creating engagement and interest in our books, especially our 2022 titles Call Me Morgue and Wandering Toft Point: A Nature Journal. They brainstormed memes and campaigns—one even took a road trip up to Toft Point for blog and social media content.  They also fact-checked and copyedited the page proofs of A Portrait of Grief and Courage: Hmong Oral Histories and Folktales.  for which they created the Media Kit, designing the project web page, writing  blog posts, and conducting  the author interview.


Meet the Interns: Promotion, Production, and A Viking House Saga

The Teaching Press had 21 students working as interns and staff in Fall 2023. We’re featuring their work in small batches—the same  way we print books at the Press! 

This group of interns  focused on creating press publicity for our titles, including our Fall 2023 launch of The Viking House Saga: A Journey into Experiential Learning at UW-Green Bay, by Owen Christianson and Heidi Sherman. After a quick summer of editing and designing this book, Manager Matthew Everard and our team were still ready to launch in time for the Midwest Viking Festival in October.  They also worked on printing The Lower Fox River PCB Clean Up , creating publicity for our other titles, and copyediting A Portrait of Grief and Courage: Hmong Oral Histories and Folktales.


The Teaching Press had 21 students working as interns and staff in Fall 2023. We’re featuring their work in small batches—the same  way we print books at the Press!

This group of interns operated our machines and print our books—and Fall 2023 was challenging! Managers Jair Zeuske and Ethan Craft taught our team how to print, bind, and trim two of our titles this semester. Their favorite book to print is Wandering Toft Point: A Nature Journal.  See how our team crafted our Lower Fox River PCB Clean Up book with its fold-in, fold-out timeline and QR codes on every page, in a behind-the-scenes report from our team. They also engaged in community outreach with Sullivan Elementary School’s YMCA Afterschool program, and copyedited  A Portrait of Grief and Courage: Hmong Oral Histories and Folktales.


Meet the Press Director

Who gets to work with all of these amazing interns? Meet the Press Director!

Dr. Rebecca Meacham founded The Teaching Press in 2018 and, with the Press’s first interns,  launched the first book, The Village and The Vagabond by Tim Weyenberg, in 2019. Since then, she’s worked with over 100 interns on a wide range of stories of our region, created two imprints, and engaged the Press in community outreach events and collaborations.  An author of three books of prose, she  is a professor of English, Writing, and Humanities, and founder and Chair of the Writing and Applied Arts B.F.A. program.

Launching in December 2023: Landmark book of Hmong Oral Histories and Folktales

A book cover depicting a Hmong woman holding a pictureLaunching in December 2023, A Portrait of Grief and Courage documents the lives of Hmong refugees in Green Bay, Wisconsin, in the 1980s and 1990s.

Forced to flee from their homes to escape The Secret War in Laos, many Hmong fled to Thailand as refugees, then to the U.S. The first Hmong families arrived in the US in 1975, and thousands soon followed.

Amid the challenges and triumphs of a new life, oral storytelling initially thrived,  providing cultural salvation, safety, and a sense of belonging for Hmong refugees.  However, over time, its role, value, and relevance diminished.

Now, in this unique collection of oral histories, documentary artist Sandra Shackelford— along with collaborator and interpreter May Lee Lor and translator and transcriber Ma Lee Lor— captures the storytellers, storytelling, folktales, and harrowing journeys of these early Hmong residents in Northeastern Wisconsin.  In 1991, when a woman  in a freezing apartment implored the author to “give me the words to tell my grief,” Shackelford listened.  Readers, too, will be moved by the stories in this haunting, yet hopeful, book.

A Portrait of Grief and Courage: Hmong Oral Histories and Folktales, by Sandra Shackelford, with translations by May Lee Lor and transcriptions by Ma Lee Lor, is now on sale. Click this link for purchase and pick up information. 


Teaching Press Folds into Action with Book Launch on October 18

Neuschafer’s book launches October 18.

GREEN BAY, Wis. – Lower Fox River PCB Cleanup Timeline, a new book by Greg Neuschafer, covers one of the most ambitious environmental stability projects in the US to date: the nearly two decades of the removal of contamination in Green Bay’s Fox River.

Published by The Teaching Press of UW-Green Bay, the book will be launched on October 18th 2023, at 4:30 pm in Board Room 131 of the Brown County STEM Innovation Center and via Zoom. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP here.

Neuschafer and book designer Samantha Vondrum test the book’s fold-out pages.

Captain Greg Neuschafer, retired US Navy Oceanographer and University Wisconsin-Green Bay Distinguished Alumni, graduated from Wisconsin Green-Bay in 1973 and held a 36-year career creating navigation charts in the Caribbean before returning to Green Bay to record the events of Fox River’s cleaning process. Continue reading

Skål! The Viking House Saga Launches on October 4th

GREEN BAY, Wis — All who love a Viking tale are invited to celebrate the book launch of The Viking House Saga: A Journey into Experiential Archeology at UW-Green Bay, co-authored by Dr. Heidi Sherman and Dr. Owen Christianson.

The event takes place on October 4th in Wood Hall 215 at 4:30 pm and will be streamed via Zoom. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Guests can RSVP here. Continue reading

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