Faculty Collaborate to Publish Chapter on E-Learning

Faculty members from University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Professional Program in Nursing (including Brenda Tyczkowski, Susan Gallagher-Lepak, Chris Vandenhouten and Janet Reilly) co-authored a chapter with e-learning consultant Eric Bauman entitled “An interface design evaluation of courses in a nursing program using an e-learning framework: a case study” in a just released book, “Interface design for virtual environments: challenges and advances”, (pp. 285-304)  compiled and edited by Dr. Badrul Kahn, a worldwide authority on E-Learning.  The book has been published by IGI Global and is available on the publisher’s website. (http://www.igi-global.com/)

 Interface design refers to the overall look and feel of an e-learning program by the end user (Hall, as cited in Khan, 2005). Dr. Kahn participated as a keynote presenter at the statewide conference on E-Learning in Nursing Education that was hosted by UW-Green Bay in April of this year.  The chapter evaluates courses in the BSN@HOME Program, an early fully online RN (Registered Nurse) to BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) program which started in 1995 to serve associate degree and diploma prepared nurses throughout the state of Wisconsin desiring a baccalaureate degree in nursing.  This statewide program continues to be delivered collaboratively by UW-Green Bay along with UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, UW-Oshkosh and UW-Eau Claire.

Group Airfare for Mexico Trip!

Great news for anyone interested in the Mexico Study Trip.  Due to the interest in this Spanish immersion opportunity, Dr. Vandenhouten has negotiated group airfare for anyone leaving from Northeast Wisconsin.  More details will follow once fares are finalized.

Also, anyone interested in  taking the course not for credit may audit the course.  Finally, anyone wanting to take the course for only two credits can register for two credits rather than three.  For alumni and others not needing the graded credits for degree attainment, auditing two credits may be ideal.  Taking the course for three credits will requre completion of a project after returning from Mexico, while two credits will not require a project.  

Anyone still interested should contact one of our advisors soon as registrations should be made by October 1.  If you have additional questions, especially related to airfare and travel itinerary, contact Dr. Vandenhouten at vandenhc@uwgb.edu.

Mexico Study Trip – January 2-16, 2012

Dr. Christine Vandenhouten, Assistant Professor, invites our Nursing students alumni and community members to join her to travel to Cuernavaca, Mexico – the city of Eternal Spring – from January 2-26, 2012.  Participants will learn about the Mexican Healthcare system, hear from a Mexican “Partera” or Midwife about delivering babies, visit cultural sites and learn Spanish for Healthcare professionals.  There is no language pre-requisite.

Nursing students can earn three credits (course 499) to fulfill either World Culture, Therapeutic Nursing Intervention, Special Topics in Nursing, or partial credit toward Community Health Practicum.  (An independent project to be completed by March 31, 2012 will follow the trip for students wishing the three credits.)   Cost is about $1900 for meals, lodging, entrance fees, excursions and instruction.  There  is a $165 International Education Application Fee and airfare must be indivdually arranged.

For more information and to allow adequate time for application and registration, please contact either Jennifer Schwahn (schwahnj@uwgb.edu) or Sharon Gajeski (gajeskis@uwgb.edu) one of our Nursing Advisors by September 15.

2011 Alumni Newsletter

We’re proud to present the third annual edition of our Alumni Newsletter.  With this yearly publication, we will keep you informed on alumni, recent graduates, faculty and staff as well as news about your alma mater.  Send us updates with your good news!  Also, refer any RN’s who may be interested in our program.  Students can enroll in the national online track from anywhere in the country!


UW-Green Bay Hosts WITECNE Conference: The Professional Program in Nursing hosted an E-Learning in Nursing Conference April 7-8 as the culminating event of a 5 year Dept. of Health & Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant to enhance educational technology in nursing courses. Historic Lambeau Field, home of the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers was the site of the conference at which participants from across Wisconsin heard international keynote speaker Dr. Badrul Kahn speak about International and Cultural Perspectives in E-Learning.  Dr. Diane Skiba from the University of Colorado discussed Emerging Technologies in Nursing Practice and E-Learning.  The conference featured 17 other presenters and tours of the stadium.

Dr. Janet Reilly

UW-Green Bay Assistant Professor, Dr. Janet Reilly presents Technology in E-Learning and Health in Nursing and the NFL as the opening address of the WITECNE (Wisconsin Technology Enhanced Collaboration Nursing Education) Conference.


Technology is ubiquitous in healthcare. The grant assisted faculty at all five UW nursing programs to improve their knowledge and skills with informatics and healthcare technologies so that cutting edge content can be infused into nursing courses.


Congratulations to all of our graduates:

2010-2011 Grads: Summer of 2010 –Cristin Elsing, Stephanie Fouts, Susan Holtz, Tara Lorbetske-Cunha, David Pittman, Chad Sikora and Karen Tobin. Fall of 2010 – Tracy Anderson, Kimberly Bain, Daniel Blaha, Linda Denton, Maggie Fischer, Julie Fuller, Shenandoah Greenwood, Jay Griffin, Cynthia Heiberger, Jeanette Hilary, Deborah Holden, Kristen Holm, Sara Horkman, Trisha Kamps, Sarah Kaspari, Linda Keene, Ellen Knipfer, Lacey Kuehl, Linda Maxwell, Dawn McCullough, Angela Negri, Molly O’Neill, Sarah Ohrmundt, Joan Olson, Helene Salahud-Din, Barbara Seliger, Rebecca Sickels-Wahlers, Jerilou Stiles, Deborah Trossen, Jane Weber, Georgine Wood and Matthew Woodworth. Spring of 2011 – Julie Baeten, Amy Bargander-Sullivan, Carrie Beck, Lorri Birkholz, Jessica Blahnik, Jamey Boucher, Bina Brandkamp, Rozanne Brehmer, Marcia Brodersen, Blaine Conley, Annette Dalka, Anne Earkes, Kelli Frederickson, Jennifer Friend, Amy Gatton, Sherri Glick, Erin Gorham, Dawn Gyrion, Tina Hafeman, Jennifer Hanoski, Leslie Lehrer, Heather Marker, Marci McDonald, Brenda Mroczynski, Stacie Murley, Moses Ngugi, Darcy Overman, Renee Payne, Lisa Radotich, Samantha Roche, Cortny Ruggles, Carol Sippel, Cathy Jo Strand, Marie Swartz, Ashley Topel, Brenda Vanden Langenberg, Nick Vanderbloomen, Wendy Wan, Roseanne Weber, Shelly Wickham, Amy Zabel and Cristiane Zacharias.

Congratulations to our 2010-2011 Scholarship Recipients:

Gallagher Scholarship – Kristen Wiesner; Jessica Kimps

Ruby Wolverton Scholarship – Nicole Langlois

Lorraine Noll Scholarship – Shannon Thielman

Loretta Wells Scholarship – Margaret Peterson Jewel Jamrosz

Ken & Paula Fleurant Scholarship – Shannon Thielman

Spring graduates attend nursing reception: Seated: Stacie Murley (WI), Amy Bargander-Sullivan (MN), Brenda Mroczynski (WI), Annette Dalka (WI).  Standing: Andrew Phiri (MN), Brenda Vanden Langenberg (WI), Lori Birkholz (AL), Leslie Lehrer (WI), Moses Ngugi (MN), Heather Marker (MN), “Nursing Mascot Bones”.


“Must Read” Recommendations from Faculty: Dr. Janet Reilly recommends “M y Stroke of Insight” by Harvard neuroscientist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. It’s a short read that details physiology of left and right brain function and the author’s experience with a stroke at age 37.

Dr. Derryl Block recommends a fun article about the nurse’s cap titled: “What Happened to the Cap? The Dawn of the Cap.”  Click the following link (free log-in/password required): http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/741581.


Alumni Welcome to Join Travel Trip to Mexico: The third annual Study Abroad Trip to Cuernavaca, Mexico will be led by Dr. Christine Vandenhouten. Tentative dates are January 2-16, 2012.  Participants will learn about the Mexican healthcare system with excursions to public, private and rural hospitals. Visits to important cultural sites will be included. Cuernavaca is a beautiful city, dubbed the City of Eternal Spring, for its temperate climate.  It is located about 90 minutes from Mexico City.

There is no language requirement for this travel course. Alumni will need to complete applications as “Special Students” to take this course. All participants need to have passports. The exact cost and final details will be available soon. Contact Ruth Pearson (920-465-2826 or pearsonr@uwgb.edu) if you are interested in this exciting opportunity.


More International: Collaboration with our partner Universidad Nacional de Tumbes in Peru resulted in a real-time videoconference in March. Dr. Christine Vandenhouten led nursing students from both campuses in discussions about healthcare, nursing and nursing education. Peruvian nursing students shared that they attend classes for 5 years, followed by a 1 year internship.  Their typical patient load is about 30-40 patients per one nurse, compared to 5-10 in the US. For more information, click:  http://blog.uwgb.edu/inside/index.php/featured/leading-learning/04/06/global-learning-nursing-peru/.

An earlier course combining our students with the Peruvian students ran during Fall of 2010 titled “Nursing Diagnosis Across the Globe”. The course featured guest instructor Heather Herdman, PhD., Executive Director of NANDA International.

Work of  BSN-LINC Students Accepted for Publication:

Mark Hunter and Tracy LaRock were notified this spring that their work in revising nursing diagnoses was accepted for publication in the upcoming NANDA International Nursing Diagnosis: Definitions & Classification 2012-2014.  Mark revised the Risk for Infection diagnosis and Tracy revised the Powerlessness and Risk for Powerlessness diagnoses.  Tracy and Mark were students in the Fall 2010 Nursing Diagnosis and Functional Health Patterns course instructed by Heather Herdman, Executive Director of NANDA-I and Susan Gallagher-Lepak, Associate Professor at UW-Green Bay.

Faculty News:

Dr. Derryl Block returns this summer as Chair of Nursing after serving as Interim Dean of Professional & Graduate Studies since 2009.

Lecturer Brenda Tyczkowski: Authorization to plan a new online collaborative program in Health Information Management Technology (HIMT) has been granted by UW System.  Brenda Tyczkowski has taken a lead role.

Associate Lecturer Rebecca Hovarter has taken a new position as of 7-11-11 as Health Officer/Public Health Director at Shawano Co. Health Dept. Congratulations Becky!

Alumni Updates:

Mary (Podoski) Rosner (2003) has taken a position in Public Health with Marinette Co. (WI) after being with Oconto Co. for 5 ½ years.  Congratulations Mary!

Carlene (Farber) Lange (2008) was recognized this past year for 25 years of employment with the State of Minnesota in adult mental health. Congratulations on this milestone!

Lorri Birkholz (2011) co-authored an article published in the Journal of Nursing Education titled “Using Distance Technology to Learn Across Borders: A Virtual Travel Course in Nursing” with Peruvian student Carlos Christian Melgar Moran, Peruvian Professor Yrene Esperanza Urbina Rojas, and UW-Green Bay Professors Derryl Block and Susan Gallagher-Lepak.

Crystal Malakar (2009) participated in the “Posters in the Rotunda” event this April at the Wisconsin State Capital.  Students from UW campuses showcased their scholarship and interacted with legislators.  Crystal conducted research with the team of Drs. Mimi Kubsch, Derryl Block, Susan Gallagher-Lepak and Chris Vandenhouten.  Crystal’s research originated in Dr. Kubsch’s Nursing Research Course and developed into a survey of 500 plus RN’s to document the level of, and the factors which influence political involvement.  Psychological engagement (political interest, efficacy, and information) and greater resources (time and money & civic skills) were most predictive of political participation.

UWGB Nursing Launches Facebook Page:

Click on the above link to the Professional Program in Nursing Facebook page which we launched this winter.  It serves as a vehicle for prospective students to find out about us, a resource to existing students, and a great way for alumni to stay in touch with our program. Plus, it allows for some fun updates about our campus and community. Sign-up for Facebook, find the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay RN to BSN Program, and be sure to “Like” us!

“Bones” Dresses for the Super Bowl!

‘The Nursing Skeleton,’ normally and previously a dignified teaching device, was decked out in Green Bay Packers gear as the Super Bowl approached.  His “spirit” helped to spur the Packers to victory! Bones, a plastic skeleton, is regularly on display at the Professional Program in Nursing suite on the third floor of Rose Hall and is commonly featured on the Professional Program in Nursing’s Facebook page.


We want to hear from you: Please tell us of your professional accomplishments including new jobs, publications, successes at work, degrees after graduation, etc. Please send information updates to: nursing@uwgb.edu.

2011 E-Learning Conference Summary

Over eighty nursing professors and instructional designers attended the 5th annual (and final) WI TECNE conference entitled E-Learning: Design, Delivery, Innovation, and Evaluation that was held on April 7-8, 2011. The conference opened at Lambeau Field with a presentation on how technology and health are similar and different between nursing and the NFL, presented by Dr. Janet Reilly, the WI TECNE Year 4 and 5 campus leader at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. Faculty from each of the four UW System campuses next presented on how they have used technology in e-learning over the past five years of the HRSA funded WI TECNE grant. Topics covered included using virtual gaming, problem-based learning, case scenario builder software and wikis in e-learning with nursing students. After a tailgate style dinner buffet, keynote speaker, Dr. Diane Skiba from the University of Colorado, addressed the group about new trends in technology in nursing education.

Friday’s WI TECNE session began at the Univeristy of Wisconsin, Green Bay campus with a presentation on sustainability and continuation of technology in nursing given by the WI TECNE Principal Investigator, Dr. Patti Brennan from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Evaluation results of the Year Five Scholars and the Khan Flexible Framework for E-Learning was hosted by Dr. Christine Vandenhouten from the University of Wisconsin in Green Bay. Dr. Eric Bauman and David Simkins, both from Madison, reviewed interface design strengths and areas for improvement for the five core nursing courses in the BSN@HOME program. Attendees also selected three break out sessions from a varitey of e-learning topics: student perspectives of online learning; faculty overload in e-learning; legal aspects of e-learning; the 2011 Horizon Report; virtual gaming; e-learning and Native American, African American and disabled students; and academic dishonesty in e-learning. Presenters hailed from universities and private companies in Washington D.C, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Dr. Badrul Khan was the closing keynote speaker. He reviewed the Flexible Framework for E-Learning and its international applications.

Photographs from the WI TECNE Conference can be found on the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Nursing Program’s FACEBOOK page in six albums. The link is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-Wisconsin-Green-Bay-Nursing-RN-to-BSN-Program/114010198661378

Nursing Graduate Displays Research Findings in State Rotunda

Congratulations to Nursing graduate, Crystalmichelle Malakar who participated in the “Posters in the Rotunda” annual event on April 6 at the Wisconsin State Capital.  Students from University of Wisconsin campuses annually participate by showcasing examples of scholarship and interacting with legislators.  Crystal conducted research along with the team of Drs. Mimi Kubsch, Derryl Block, Susan Gallagher-Lepak and Chris Vandenhouten.  Crystal’s research project originated in Dr. Kubsch’s Nursing Research Course and developed into a survey of 500 plus RN’s, principally from Wisconsin, to document the level of political participation and the factors which influence political involvement.  Higher levels of psychological engagement (political interest, efficacy, and information) followed by greater resources (time and money & civic skills) were most predictive of political participation.  Dr. Vandenhouten served as the Principal Investigator for the research and accompanied Crystal to the capital.

E-Learning in Nursing Conference Hosted by UW-Green Bay

The UW-Green Bay Professional Program in Nursing is hosting the E-Learning in Nursing Conference April 7-8 as the culminating event of a five year Dept. of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant to enhance educational technology in nursing courses.  The conference will begin at historic Lambeau Field, home of the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers where participants will hear Dr. Janet Reilly, Assistant Professor of Nursing at UW-Green Bay offer a presentation on Technology in E-Learning and Health in Nursing and the NFL.  UW-Green Bay is one of five UW Nursing programs (also including Madison, Milwaukee, Eau Claire and Oshkosh) participating in the HRSA grant.  

Conference keynote speakers include Dr. Diane Skiba, Professor of Health Care Informatics at the University of Colorado in Denver; Dr. Patricia Flatley Brennan, Professor in Nursing at UW-Madison and the Principal Investigator for the HRSA Grant; and Dr. Badrul Khan, President and Founder of McWeadon Education, a world renown  educator, author, speaker and consultant in the field of e-learning.  Dr. Skiba will present Emerging Technologies in Nursing Practice and E-Learning.  Dr. Brenan will offer Reflections and Sustainability of Technology Enhanced Nursing Education.  Dr. Badrul will conclude the conference speaking about International and Cultural Perspectives in E-Learning.  There will be an additional 16 presentations including reports of research and technologies developed over the five years of the grant.