Group Airfare for Mexico Trip!

Great news for anyone interested in the Mexico Study Trip.  Due to the interest in this Spanish immersion opportunity, Dr. Vandenhouten has negotiated group airfare for anyone leaving from Northeast Wisconsin.  More details will follow once fares are finalized.

Also, anyone interested in  taking the course not for credit may audit the course.  Finally, anyone wanting to take the course for only two credits can register for two credits rather than three.  For alumni and others not needing the graded credits for degree attainment, auditing two credits may be ideal.  Taking the course for three credits will requre completion of a project after returning from Mexico, while two credits will not require a project.  

Anyone still interested should contact one of our advisors soon as registrations should be made by October 1.  If you have additional questions, especially related to airfare and travel itinerary, contact Dr. Vandenhouten at

8 thoughts on “Group Airfare for Mexico Trip!”

    1. Please watch for updates in fall. The 2013 trip will be planned by October.

    1. Thank you for your interest. The 2013 plans for the Mexico travel course are not yet available. Please check back on our website starting in September. A news posting will be added as soon as details become available.

    1. There will not be another Mexico trip during 2012. Plans for an early January 2013 trip are in the works. Check back in early fall of 2012 for a post to our website news. Details should become available at that time.

    1. Tignor,

      The registration deadline has passed for joining the trip to Mexico. If you are interested in attending in the future, please contact the Nursing Department at UW-Green Bay next summer and inquire about applying to the university as a “Special Student” for purposes of taking the travel course. It is likely we will have another trip in early 2013.

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