Summer Staff Spotlight – Tia Hoppe

In just under two weeks, we will kick off another academic year and the duties of our summer student employees will come to an end. They have blown us away this entire summer and we cannot begin to thank them enough. Before summer can end, we have one final summer employee to recognize with a summer staff spotlight. Tia Hoppe is working us for the first time this summer as one of our Summer Operations Assistants!

Tia comes to us from Bonduel, Wisconsin and will be entering her senior year here at UW-Green Bay. She is a Social Work Major with a minor in Human Development and an emphasis in Child Welfare. Tia loved working with us this summer as a SOA because of the flexible schedule. Just because you have to work, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy summer! When she is not working in Residence Life, Tia is a Student Assistant at the Cofrin Library as well as a member of the Ballroom Dance Club and the Social Work Club.

Tia, thank you so much for an amazing summer. You were an amazing addition to the Residence Life Team and we wish you the best of luck this academic year. We here at the Office of Residence Life are so happy with how this summer went and cannot wait to see what the academic year has in store!Image - Tia

Fast Facts!

Name: Tia Hoppe

Position in Residence Life: Summer Operations Assistant

Hometown: Bonduel, WI

Year in School: Senior

Major: Social Work (Child Welfare)

Minor: Human Development

Favorite Part about UWGB: I love that the campus is close to town, but far enough way that we are not in town

Best Study Spot on Campus: Study nook in the Library Commons

Favorite Movie: anything Disney

Current show you binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: Royal Pains

Hidden Talent: I quilt

Are you a cat or dog person? Cat, all the way!

Summer Staff Spotlight – Ben Berndt

With #gbmovein just two weeks away, we have two more hardworking summer employees to feature under the Summer Staff Spotlight! This spotlight is on our returning Social Media Specialist Ben Berndt! He has been working with us in this position for the past three years and will continue with us throughout the next academic year. The duties of our Social Media Specialist include managing UWGB Residence Life’s official39760812_224585628401891_4024661072504946688_n social media platforms, generating content, helping with marketing efforts, and even attending programs to take pictures.

Ben is going to be a senior this year at UWGB studying Communication (PR, Organizational Communication, and Social Media). He is originally from Omro, Wisconsin, which is about an hour south of Green Bay. His favorite part about working with Residence Life is the flexibility that the job provides. He loves having a lot of creative freedom over Residence Life’s social media platforms. When not working at Residence Life, Ben is a Co-Director of the University Student Ambassadors, Director of Communication for the Green Bandana Brigade, and the Executive Communications Director for RHAA. Thank you Ben for another great summer and we look forward to having you as part of the Residence Life team for the rest of the year!

Fast Facts!

Name: Ben Berndt

Year in School: Senior

Major: Communication (Public Relations, Organizational Communication, and Social Media)

Hometown: Omro, WI

Favorite Part about UWGB: The various connections that can be made, since we are a smaller university, I am able to connect with upper administration, faculty, and staff that I may not be able to at a larger school.

Favorite Class/Professor: Social Media Strategies with Danielle Bina

Best Study Spot on Campus: The Library Commons or the Office of Student Life

Favorite Movie: Definitely Maybe or Pitch Perfect

Current show you are binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: 13 Reasons Why and Riverdale

Hidden Talent: Juggling

Are you a cat or dog person? Dogs, but I do like cats.

Best piece of advice you ever received: Everything happens for a reason.

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? Beyonce, duh!

If you were stranded on an island and could bring three items, what would they be? Probably just a blanket and a pillow because there is no way I could survive in nature.

Summer Staff Spotlight – Rebecca Kuhl

Another hardworking summer staff member who we have working for us summer is Rebecca Kuhl. Rebecca is joining us this summer as our Special Projects Assistant! She has been working at Residence Life for the past two years. Originally from Marshall, Wisconsin, Rebecca is Image - Rebeccaentering her junior year here at UW-Green Bay with a double major in Political Science and Democracy & Justice Studies (Law Studies emphasis) and a minor in Spanish. When asked what Rebecca’s favorite part about with with Residence Life is, she responded, “My job has helped me meet some of my closest friends on campus, who I get the pleasure of working with here at Residence Life!

When Rebecca is not working at Residence Life, she is very involved with a variety of organizations on campus including the University Student Ambassadors, Social Chair for Kappa Beta Gamma Sorority, College Democrats, Feminists for Action, and Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society! Thank you for an outstanding summer full of hard work, but most importantly, a lot of fun!

Fast Facts!

Name:  Rebecca Kuhl

Hometown: Marshall, WI

Position at Residence Life: Special Projects Assistant

Year in School: Junior

Major: Political Science and Democracy & Justice Studies

Minor: Spanish

Favorite Part about UWGB: Thomas Joseph Sielaff, Front Desk Extraordinaire

Favorite Class/Professor: Professor Alison Staudinger, and her class American Political Thought

Best Study Spot on Campus: The deck at the CC!

Favorite Movie: The House Bunny

Current show you are binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: Brooklyn 99

Hidden Talent: I do a really good Mickey Mouse impression

Are you a cat or dog person? Dog person for sure, although I do love cats!

Best piece of advice you ever received: If you worry about something it means you have to suffer twice.

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? Gail Sims-Aubert

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three items, what would they be? A hammock, a copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and my crocs

Summer Staff Spotlight – Shontrea Hogans

Shontrea Hogans is joining us at the Office of Residence Life for the first time this summer! She is an outstanding addition to our hardworking team of Summer Operations Assistants. Shontrea is originally from Beloit, Wisconsin and will be entering her fourth year here at UW-Green Bay with a major in Psychology and a minor in Democracy and Justice Studies. Shontrea’s favorite part about working with us at Residence Life is the flexibility that the position allows.

When she isn’t working at Residence Life Shontrea is very involved all over campus. She is involved with the Psi Theta Nu Sorority, Women of Color, and works at the Dean of Students as well as the Vice Chancellor’s Office. Shontrea, thank you for an outstanding summer these past few months and we are extremely lucky to have you on staff for the next few weeks!

ShontreaFast Facts!

Name: Shontrea Hogans

Hometown: Beloit, WI

Year in School: Senior

Major: Psychology

Minor: Democracy & Justice Studies

Position in Residence Life: Summer Operations Assistant

Favorite Part about UWGB: The Campus

Favorite Class/Professor: Dr. Regan Gurung

Best Study Spot on Campus: Common Grounds

Favorite Movie: The Princess and The Frog

Current show you binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: The Four

Hidden Talent: Painting

Are you a cat or dog person? Dog

Best piece of advice you ever received? Be nothing but yourself.

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? Rihanna

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three items, what would they be? potatoes, water, and a tent

Summer Staff Spotlight – Adrian Nelson

The end of the summer is a very busy time for our SOAs. With many residents moving out and preparing for the arrival of our students in September, they truly work so hard to keep our operations running! Their hard work has definitely earned their turn under the Summer Staff Spotlight! This spotlight is on third-year Residence Life employee Adrian Nelson!

Adrian has worked with us at Residence Life in a variety of positions over the past three years including Summer Housing Assistant, Summer Operations Assistant (for two summers), Front Desk Assistant, Desk and Facilities Manager, and even assumes the role of Director of Residence Life when Gail steps away. He is entering his senior year at UWGB as a Human Development major with a Psychology minor. Originally from Kingsford, MI his favorite part about working Residence Life are some of the people he gets to work with. More specifically Gail because she keeps his vase out and Dawn because she gives him garlic! When not working for Residence Life you can find Adrian acting as a peer mentor of Image - AdrianDr. Sawa Senzaki’s Psychology First Year Seminar course and a group facilitator for Queer People of Color (QPOC).

Adrian, thank you for another amazing summer, as well as the past three years you have been part of the Residence Life! Your hard work, and contagious laughter, is extremely valuable to us here UWGB Residence Life!

Fast Facts!

Name: Adrian Nelson

Year in School: Senior

Major: Human Development

Minor: Psychology

Hometown: Kingsford, MI

Favorite Part about UWGB: There are so many places to snooze.

Favorite Class/Professor: Dr. Sawa Senzaki

Best Study Spot on Campus: 6th floor of the library in the corner group project room with the little window because there’s always little inspirational sticky notes or messages on the window. I can also take my shoes off without judgement.

Favorite Movie: Birdemic: Shock and Terror, Birdemic 2: The Resurrection, and The Greatest Showman

Current show you are binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: The Handmaids Tale and Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Hidden Talent: I can wiggle my ears?

Are you cat or dog person? Dog. I want to adopt a lil guy one day. Aquatic pets are currently where it’s at for me

Best piece of advice you ever received: Sleep on it. The decision you made won’t change with one night of sleep if it’s truly what you want.

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? Kelly Steffes because I want to have a twin.

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three items, what would they be? Pad Thai, Sriracha, and maybe a life vest.

Summer Staff Spotlight – Jazmine Drebenstedt

In addition to our BSAs and SOAs, we have some additional student employees who work a variety of other jobs for us over the summer. Jazmine Drebenstedt is working this summer as our Summer Assignments Coordinator! Jazmine works extremely hard to coordinate the stay of our summer camp guests, Snowbirds, visiting Interns, and any other guests who stay on campus during the summer months. Her position requires a strong knowledge of the inter-workings of Residence Life, and we can assure you that that is no easy task. Jazmine has worked with us now for two full academic years and two summers. She has worked in positions such as Front Desk Assistant, Summer Operations Assistant, Desk and Facilities Manager, and now as our Summer Assignments Coordinator.

Image - JazmineJazmine is going to be Senior this coming Fall double majoring in Human Development and Psychology, with a Mental Health Emphasis. She comes to us from Watertown, Wisconsin. On campus she is also involved in Phi Eta Sigma and Psi Chi and has a Research Assistantship with Dr. Burns starting this fall. When asked what her favorite part of working at Residence Life is, Jazmine responded, “Having the opportunities to try so many different positions within the same organization. It is nice because you can try new jobs and push yourself but all within an environment you are already comfortable in. Having the same professional staff throughout the different positions is definitely helpful, too!”

Thank you Jazmine for all of our hard work this summer! We are so lucky to have you as part of the Residence Life Team!

Fast Facts!

Name: Jazmine Drebenstedt

Year in School: Senior

Major: Human Development & Psychology (Mental Health Emphasis)

Hometown: Watertown, WI

Position in Residence Life: Summer Assignments Coordinator

Favorite Class/Professor: Favorite class, content-wise, would have to be Abnormal Psychology. My favorite professor is either Dr. Wilson-Doenges or Dr. Cowell

Favorite Movie: Paul Blart Mall Cop is a lowkey favorite of mine. I also love Bandslam. I think I did movie reviews for both in the summer newsletter last year.

Current show you are binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: Just finished binging Arrow season 6 and the pilot season of The Good Doctor. My binge watching is at a standstill now so I’m open to recommendations!

Are you cat or dog person? I think it depends on the day

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? Anyone who lives in a bigger city, like Chicago. I am interested in seeing how daily life in a highly populated are differs from simply visiting for a weekend.

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three items, what would they be? Sunglasses, chapstick, and a book

Summer Staff Spotlight – Hailey Schunk

With July winding down, we are entering the final month with our outstanding summer student employees! However, we still have a few more students to highlight with a Summer Staff Spotlight! This spotlight is on BSA Hailey Schunk! Hailey is working with us here at Residence Life for her first summer and she is doing an AMAZING job! Hailey is about to enter her junior year at UWGB as a Human Development major with a Image - HaileyBusiness Administration Minor. Originally from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Hailey is very involved on campus. She is the Sisterhood Development Chair for the Kappa Beta Gamma sorority, PR Manager for the Love Your Melon Crew on campus, and a Valet for the Weidner Center!

Hailey loves working at Residence Life because the fun, friendly, and outgoing staff! Thank you so much for all your hard work this summer. We look forward to another month of you at the front desk and in the mail room!

Fast Facts!

Name: Hailey Schunk

Year in School: Junior

Major: Human Development

Minor: Business Administration

Hometown: Oshkosh, WI

Favorite Part about UWGB: Being a part of an amazing sorority and being able to be a part of Greek Life!

Favorite Class/Professor: Tap Class in the Theatre Department

Best Study Spot on Campus: The Library Commons on the second floor of the Cofrin Library

Favorite Movie: Forest Gump

Current show you are binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: Friends

Are you a cat or dog person? Dog

Best piece of advice you have ever received? Be the bigger person

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be? Ellen Pompeo

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three items, what would they be? A picture of my dog, my memory foam pillow, and a big box of granola bars!

Summer Staff Spotlight – Ashleigh Henrickson

Ashleigh Henrickson is working with us this summer for the first time! She is going to be a sophomore this coming year majoring in Business Administration. Originally from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, Ashleigh is working this summer as a Business Services Assistant. Our BSAs work our front desk helping guests check in, answering phone calls, and answer guest questions, as well as in our Community Center mail room. Ashleigh’sImage - Ashleigh favorite part about working with Residence Life is all of the new people that she gets to meet and having a different perspective of the on-campus living experience.

Ashleigh, thank you for an amazing summer so far and keep up the hard work through August!

Fast Facts!

Name: Ashleigh Henrickson

Year in School: Sophomore

Major: Business Administration

Hometown: Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

Current show you are binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: Full House

Are you a cat or dog person: Dog

Best piece of advice you ever received: Do stuff that is uncomfortable, you will not regret it!

Summer Staff Spotlight – Liz Brinks

This week’s first Summer Staff Spotlight is on returning Summer Operations Assistant, Liz Brinks! Liz is going to be a junior here at UW-Green Bay studying Spanish with minors in Linguistics and Women and Gender Studies. Originally from Pardeeville, WI they are working their secondImage - Liz summer as one of our hardworking Summer Operations Assistants (SOAs). When asked what their favorite part about working with Residence Life is, they responded, “I absolutely love getting to be outside, on campus, interacting with summer people all summer-long. Our campus is beautiful and I love being able to work here, live here, and make new friends!”

When not working with Residence Life, Liz was a bilingual assistant intern through Eisenhower Elementary this past spring and worked at The Phoenix Bookstore for the past two years! Thank you for choosing to work with us a second time this summer, we cannot wait to see what the rest of the summer holds for you, and the rest of our amazing summer employees!

Fast Facts!

Name: Liz Brinks

Year in School: Junior

Major: Spanish

Minor: Linguistics and Women and Gender Studies

Hometown: Pardeeville, WI

Favorite Part about UWGB: The campus itself, because I think it’s beautiful. Also, the fact that when I came on a tour, they had a folder full of information specific to what I was interested in, and had clearly read over my application thoroughly. I visited like five colleges and Green bay was the only college that had that ready for me.

Favorite Class/Professor: Language and Society with Lorena Sainz-Maza Lecanda

Best Study Spot on Campus: I love going off campus to study, but the library is usually a good spot for me too. A nice quiet room with a window so I don’t feel like a hermit.

Favorite Movie: You need to see The Greatest Showman, I pinky promise it’s amazing

Current show you are binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: I like to watch Animal Rescue on Amazon Prime because it’s heartwarming and stressful.

Hidden Talent: I know the manual alphabet in American Sign Language, and I’ve got a green thumb. I’m pretty big into plants. And fish. I have a fish named Sushi, he’s been with me for almost two years!

Are you a cat or dog person: I don’t like to be choosy, but I think I’d like a dog first, and then maybe a cat-but we’ll see what kind of life I end up living-they require long-term stability.

Best piece of advice you ever received: “You need to get better at listening” because I talk fast and in long amounts, so I’m working on that.

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be: I would trade lives with each of my coworkers for a day just to see how they view the world, and also to see if Adrian and I look at colors differently because sometimes I think we might.

If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three items, what would they be: A hat, some sunscreen, and a knife block from Liebl lounge.

Summer Staff Spotlight – Megan Rasmussen

Halfway through July, and still so many hardworking summer employees to recognize. In addition to some stellar BSAs and SOAs, we have a few interns that work tirelessly over the summer and academic year. This next spotlight is on newly hired Graphic Design Intern, Megan Rasmussen!

Megan is going to be entering her fourth year at UW-Green Bay studying Design Arts. Originally from right here in Green Bay, WI, she is working with us for the first time as our Graphic Design Intern. Megan loves working with Residence Life for the relaxed, yet fun work Processed with VSCO with b5 presetenvironment it provides! In her position, Megan designs all of our official Office of Residence Life promotional materials, web graphics, and posters! Make sure to check out her work next time you are in your Residence Hall or Apartment!

Megan, thank you for all of your hard work already this summer. We look forward to continuing that into the coming academic year!

Fast Facts!

Name: Megan Rasmussen

Year in School: Senior

Major: Design Arts

Hometown: Green Bay, WI

Favorite Part about UWGB: Green Bay has always been my home, so being able to attend a university here makes me very happy!

Favorite Class/Professor: The Graphic Design Studio classes

Favorite Movie: Dazed and Confused

Current show you are binge watching on Netflix/Hulu: The original 90210 series

Hidden Talent: I can touch my nose with my tongue

Are you a cat or dog person? I absolutely love big dogs

Best piece of advice you ever received: “The grass is greener where you water it”