Re-Contracting 2019

It’s that time of year again. Time to make the rewarding decision to re-contract to live on campus for the 2019 -2020 academic year. Beginning IMG_8261November 1, returning students can officially re-contract to live on campus. Re-Contracting will end on March 20 at 11:59 p.m.

Among other things, students choosing to re-contract will enjoy some pretty cool features:

  • Convenience of living where you go to class, study, work, etc.
  • High-definition cable television and wired/wireless high-speed Internet access in every room
  • The option of retaining your current room or apartment for upcoming school year
  • Staff who provide programming and other engagement experiences, and who foster a strong and connected community

For more information, head over to our website at If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at (920)465-2040, stop by the Community Center, or send us an email!

Happy Re-Contracting!

UWGB Wash Alert

We at Residence Life know that most students don’t like to haul all their dirty clothes down to the laundry room just for all of the washers to be in use. So, the Office of Residence Life has the perfect resource to prevent that!

Our laundry system has an online resource called “Wash Alert” allowing students to monitor the washers and dryers and even get alerts when the laundry services are available. It’s easy, it’s convenient, and most of all it’s FREE!

To access Wash Alert all a student has to do is navigate to and choose the appropriate res hall/apartment. There, students can monitor how much time is left and enter their e-mail to get an alert sent straight to their inbox when the washers and dryers are available. This screen also allows students to submit a service request on the laundry services if something is not working correctly.

From the main page, before a student selects the correct building, you can also sign up to get text alerts sent straight to your phone by clicking “Get Alerts via Text.” It’s just that easy!

So, no more trips down three flights of stairs to just have to wait another half an hour before a washer is available. Use Wash Alert and know exactly when it’s the perfect time to do laundry!

Re-Contracting for 2019-2020 Housing

This year returning students may re-contract for 2019-20 housing beginning November 1, 2018. Students who currently live in housing will soon need to decide if they are living on-campus for the 2019-20 academic year.


Re-contracting early has its benefits!

  • Students who return will have the option to choose their own roommates.
  • Students may return to the same residence hall room or apartment (room retention)
  • Students can select their own housing! At UW-Green Bay, we offer shared bedroom apartments, private bedroom apartments, and shared residence hall rooms.
  • The advance deposit for current residents is rolled over for the next year.

The re-contracting process opens on Thursday, November 1 and ends on Wednesday, March 20 at 11:59 p.m. Then on March 26 – March 29, students who have not already retained a room will be able to select their apartment or residence hall room and roommates.

Regardless of accommodations type, students enjoy the following amenities: private bathrooms, furnished rooms and apartments, high-speed internet access including Wi-Fi, high definition cable television service, and laundry facilities in each building.

We hope that your student has had a positive living experience on campus, and chooses to return to campus housing for another year. Many of our students remain on campus through graduation due to the variety of living options, and the many opportunities to grow and learn in a residential setting.

If your student has questions about the re-contracting process, please have them visit the Office of Residence Life, call (920) 465-2040, or email

Why Get Involved!?

Students who participate in extracurricular activities in college do better in class and are more satisfied with their overall experience. Taking part in clubs, organizations, intramurals and other events allows students to meet others and build connections. Many of the skills learned though involvement opportunities will transfer into job skills and make students better applicants when entering the job market. Residence Life offers many ways for students to be active on campus. Listed below are some of our most popular Residence Life student groups.

Residence Hall and Apartment Association (RHAA) – RHAA is a student group who plan events and serve as the student government board for Residence Life. Students who join this group have the opportunity to discuss and vote on recommendations to the Office of Residence Life for changes or improvements for the students who live on campus. This group also creates and implements events for students to attend to meet other people, make connections, and have fun for free!

Photo1The meetings are every Wednesday starting at 5:15pm in the 1965 Room in the University Union. All residential students are welcome – Advised by Gail Sims-Aubert the Director of Residence Life and Julianne Crayton the Financial Specialist for Residence Life

To find out more information please visit the RHAA web page.

Event Planning In Communities (EPIC) – EPIC is a group of students who come together to plan events for other students with the help and guidance of a full time professional staff member who serves as an advisor. In the past they have hosted game nights, Halloween events, social gatherings, and many other fun activities for students living in housing.

Any student living on campus can join EPIC which meets on Wednesdays at 8:00pm, location TBD – Advised by James Zarling and Jeff Willems, Area Coordinators for Residence Life

To find out more information please visit our leadership web site.

Flu Vaccine Available On Campus

Health & Counseling Logo

Vaccination is one of the best ways to protect yourself against the flu.

The Counseling and Health Center, SS1400, is offering Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (quadrivalent) to all Faculty/Staff and Students by appointment only.

Set up your appointment by having your campus ID# or Faculty/Staff ID# available, (it’s the one on your ID card that starts with 6017200… we only need the last 9 digits), then calling the Counseling and Health Center at 920-465-2380.

Cost:   $20.00 students & $25.00 Faculty/Staff

Payment can be made by cash, check, or pass points.

Students may also put it on their SIS account.

Join us for Family Weekend

Please join us for the 20th Annual Family Weekend to be held October 19-21, 2018! For a list of events, please see the Family Weekend web page.

Most events are ticketed, even the “free” ones, and most require advance payment. We do that so we can make sure we have enough seats at the events. The Hay Wagon rides, Comedy City and Bingo events “sell out” quickly every year! Ticket sales will continue until October 4, or tickets are sold out. For events that require a ticket (even “free events”), remember to get one for your UWGB student if they are going to attend.

Some events, like the UWGB Women’s Volleyball game require ticket purchase at the door. Tickets for the Lambeau Field and Packers Hall of Fame Tours events are non-refundable, because we purchase the tickets on your behalf from the Packers.

If you have any questions, please contact John Landrum at 920-465-2532.

How Can I Send My Student a Package or Letter?

The Student Mailroom is located in the Hendrickson Community Center and serves over 1900 residents at UW-Green Bay. On average, student employees process over 40,000 packages and mail items during the academic year alone. Each student resident is assigned a campus mailbox that they typically keep throughout their stay in campus housing. All items delivered to the Student Mailroom must be addressed properly to ensure accurate/timely delivery. Do you want to send a package or letter to your student?  Address packages and mail per the formal below:

Full Name
Campus Mailbox # (student’s campus box number)
Building Street Address
Green Bay, WI 54311-7070

Campus mailbox numbers are not public information. Full mailing addresses for all student residents are found in SIS, and can be provided to you by your student.

It can mean the world to a homesick student to receive a card or letter from home!  If you have questions, be sure to call our office, (920) 465-2040, so that we can help ensure receipt of your student’s mail and parcels.

Phoenix Cares

Each student matters at UW- Green Bay, regardless of which one of our four campuses they are attending.  Student success is the goal of every member of the Phoenix family.   However, sometimes students need a little help when life hits a bump in the road. The Dean of Students Office at UW-Green Bay has created a new program entitled Phoenix Cares to help support students when they need it the most.

The Phoenix Cares website offers information for students needing help with academics, mental health, personal safety, food resources, and even homelessness. Resources are available both on and off campus depending on the issue. It is a one-stop shop to meet for our students most serious needs outside of the classroom.

The website is also a place to ask for help or report someone who needs help using our three web forms. Anyone, student, employee, or parent, can submit information about bias incidents, students who are in a difficult place and need professional assistance, or just general concerns about the campus. Think of it as a place to tell someone, when you aren’t sure who to tell. From the Phoenix Cares website we can route concerns to the best resources to help students. So please, encourage your student to say something about that friend they are worried about, or do it yourself. The sooner we know, the sooner we can help. Check out the webpage at


Welcome from the Director of Residence Life

UWGB Parents & Families,

The hope is that by now your UWGB student is calling and texting with all kinds of exciting news about their academic success, newly formed friendships and gailtheir involvement in campus activities. For some, moving away from home for the first time and into an unfamiliar environment can be overwhelming and life changing for all members of the family. For both you and your student, these first few weeks may have been filled with anxiety as all strive to settle in to the ‘new normal’. Whether your student is one of those who is charging fast forward into their college experience or one that is being a tad more cautious, please know that the Office of Residence Life is ready to collaborate with you in order to provide the assistance that is most appropriate for your college student.

This e-newsletter is intended to be a resource for you so that you too, can be equipped with answers to your college student’s questions – there will be a lot of them! This publication will be produced quarterly, and we will actively strive to provide you with information that will directly benefit your student while they reside in campus housing. I have every confidence you will find these updates to be a good source of information about what students who choose to live on campus are experiencing or what they need to know to successfully navigate the academic year. However, if there are questions that this newsletter doesn’t answer, all you need to do is send your student our way. There is a Resident Assistant (RA), an Area Coordinator (AC) or an office staff member available to them 24 hours a day. Thank you for the support you give them every day, and thank you for allowing us to partner with them to create a memorable and educational out-of-classroom experience.


Gail Sims-Aubert
Office of Residence Life
920-465-2040 /