Welcome from the Director of Residence Life

Happy New Year! My salutation is a little late-in-coming, but I really do hope that 2019 is treating you well. January regularly gets off to a slow start for us here in gailResidence Life, as our students spend most of the month enjoying the remainder of their winter break. However, their absence gives us a lot of opportunity to prepare for what always turns out to be a busy and exciting spring semester. We were happy to welcome everyone back as they safely returned to life on campus, and officially get things started. The beginning of this semester was especially exciting because we got to kick things off with UWGB’s Homecoming festivities!

In this edition of our newsletter you will find much of the information that your UWGB student will be receiving in the coming weeks. It may seem early, but our residents will soon need finalize their plans to contract for housing for the 2019-2020 academic year. Space is always at a premium, so it’s good to have a conversation with your student now about where they intend to live in the coming year. We will also be looking to fill many summer and fall student employment positions, which is an excellent opportunity for those students who want to both live and work on campus.

Over the winter break period, students also received their fall semester grades. For some, that was a reason to celebrate, but for many others it was likely a time to reflect on an academic performance that could have been better managed. For those of you working with a student in that situation, there are valuable resources in this newsletter that will assist you in working with them to be more academically successful. I encourage you to read the entirety of this edition, and be sure to reach out to the Office of Residence Life at 920-465-2040 or by sending a message to housing@uwgb.edu, if there’s anything we can do to assist you or your student this spring!


Gail Sims-Aubert
Office of Residence Life, Director



Re-Contracting for 2019-2020 Housing

It is that time again! Students who currently live in housing will soon need to decide if they are living on-campus for the 2019-20 academic year.

Students who choose to return next year will be able to take advantage of the following:

  • A 0% increase in room rates for 2019-2020!
  • Safe and conveniently located housing which includes high-definition cable television and wired/wireless high-speed Internet access in every room
  • Living in close proximity to a variety of university programs, services, and leadership opportunities that contribute much to your experience as a UWGB student
  • The option of retaining your room or apartment for the upcoming academic year
  • Staff who provide programming and other engagement experiences, and who foster a strong and connected community

The re-contracting process opened on Thursday, November 1 and ends on Wednesday, March 20 at 11:59PM. On March 26 – March 29, students who have contracted will be able to select their apartment or residence hall room. The time and date for students to select their room or apartment is determined by a student’s number of semesters on campus and academic credits earned.

Regardless of accommodation type, students enjoy the following amenities: private bathrooms, furnished rooms and apartments, high-speed internet access including Wi-Fi, high definition cable television service, and laundry facilities in each building.

We hope that your student has had a positive living experience on campus, and chooses to return to campus housing for another year. Many of our students remain on campus through graduation due to the variety of living options, and the many opportunities to grow and learn in a residential setting.

If your student has questions about the re-contracting process, please have them visit the Office of Residence Life, call (920) 465-2040, email housing@uwgb.edu or visiting our web site.



Are you Ready for Winter?

Not everyone is accustomed to driving significant distances in inclement weather. Please make sure you are prepared for winter and weather/road conditions that can threaten safety.

Following are a few simple driving habits such as planning ahead, driving at a safe and legal speed, driving alert and sober, and buckling up could ensure that you make it to your destination safely.

If you must use your car during a storm:

  • Plan your travel, selecting both primary and alternate routes.
  • Let someone know your travel routes and itinerary so that, if you don’t arrive on time, officials will know where to search for you.
  • Check latest weather information on your radio.
  • Try not to travel alone – two or three people are preferable.
  • Travel in convoy (with another vehicle) if possible.
  • Drive carefully and defensively. Watch for ice patches on bridges and overpasses.
  • Take note of your odometer and coordinate it with exit numbers, mileposts, or crossroads so if you are in a crash or slide off the road you’ll better be able to identify where you are and summon law enforcement officers, rescue workers, or tow truck operators more quickly to your location.
  • If a storm begins to be too much for you to handle, seek refuge immediately.24206926036_8978e275e6_z
  • If your car should become disabled, stay with the vehicle, running your engine and heater for short intervals. Be sure to “crack” a window in the vehicle to avoid carbon monoxide build-up.

Be courteous to those awaiting your arrival:

  • Call ahead to your destination just as you are leaving.
  • Let someone at your destination know the license number of your vehicle, what route you’ll be traveling, and give a realistic estimate of your travel time.
  • If you have a cell phone, give that number to the party at your destination.
  • If you have friends or family at your place of origin, you should call when you arrive to let them know you have arrived safely.
  • If road conditions, tiredness, etc. delay or postpone a trip, make a phone call. Let people on both ends know of the delay.

Prepare a safety pack for your vehicle:

  • Blankets or sleeping bags
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • First-aid kit
  • Shovel, booster cables and windshield scraper
  • Non-perishable food like raisins and energy bars
  • Water
  • Sand or cat litter for traction
  • Cell phone adapter

Additional Tips:

We’re Open During Break!

Housing at UW-Green Bay is open year-round so residents can come and go as they please throughout the semester break. The Hendrickson Community Center will remain open as a resource for students. The Community Center offers free games to check out, an unlock code if they locked themselves out, shovels if there is a bad storm, and a car booster pack if they are unable to get their car started in the cold.

The Office of Residence Life and Community Center is open 24 hours a day, and during the semester break, Monday-Friday 7:45 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. and on weekends from 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Students may contact our office by calling (920) 465-2040, by visiting our office, or by email: housing@uwgb.edu.

The Student Mailroom, located in the lower level of the Community Center is also open during the semester break. Starting December 23, the hours of operation are Sunday 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday – Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., and Friday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The Student Mailroom is closed on all legal holidays. Student mailboxes are accessible to students during the hours of operation for the Community Center.

Care Packages for Final Exams

Finals week is coming…all the hard work and stress UW-Green Bay students have experienced this semester will come to a head in a matter of days. How can you help brighten their day? Send them some love from home in the form of a care package or letter. Getting an unexpected package or letter is alwstickynoteays exciting!  You do not even have to create it from scratch.

If you’d prefer, you can contact UWGB’s preferred care package provider, On Campus Marketing and buy directly from them. They have multiple options you can choose from and they are easy to work with. You can contact their Customer Service by calling 1-877-942-7887. On the other hand, if you have your student’s favorite cookie recipe no one can beat, send them your own care package filled with goodies from home. Already stocked them full of food to last awhile? Send them an encouraging letter! Support for your child can be shown even from far away. Stressful times are when you need loved ones the most.

Welcoming Your Student Home

Many parents and families recently enjoyed having their college student at home for the Thanksgiving holiday. This was more than likely a good time to reconnect and to learn all about the student’s college experiences thus far. However, some may have been left feeling less joyous about this reunion. Most of these instances probably occurred because the student who returned home for the holidays was noticeably different from the one families moved to campus a few short months ago.

Move In-31For many students, some of the most intense and obvious personal growth occurs during the first year of college. This often means that the student who comes home to visit might be a new (and improved?) version of the student their families have known and loved their entire life. Meer weeks ago, family structure, curfews and house rules were nothing to balk at. Now having gained a sense of independence, loved ones may have been surprised to find these same individuals staying out until the early morning hours, sleeping until noon and cringing at the thought of having to assume former house chores.

The student likely viewed their time at home as a reprieve from the rigors of academics. They regarded their ‘days off’ as a time to rest and refuel before returning to campus to face the challenges of final exams. Given the experience from Thanksgiving or other visits home, families may either be left feeling excited because a few weeks from now they will get to spend the month-long Winter Break with their student or they may be wondering how everyone involved will be able to survive for that long under the same roof.

It’s a challenge, but families should try to remember that in all likelihood, their student was sent to college so that he or she would grow, learn, and develop in all kinds of ways. Those kinds of growth and awareness will occur in both academic and non-academic ways.  As a parent or family member, it’s important to be patient during this time of evolvement, but it’s also important to keep up with some kind of structure when the college student returns home to visit. In preparation to welcome the student home for the next break period, families should try considering the following:

Communication of Expectations

In the coming days, have a conversation with the student that begins with, ‘These are the family plans for the holidays – tell me your plans. What were you thinking you’d do?’ At the same time, it’s completely reasonable to expect the student to participate in family plans and traditions. One just has to remember that the student is probably a much more independent person coming home than they were before they left and they may have formulated their own plans without first consulting with the family.

Be Open-Minded

College students are exposed to new information and knowledge on a daily basis from faculty, staff and peers, much of which challenges many of their values and beliefs; often causing them to reconsider core values and sometimes change position. When this happens, families should try their best to listen and then reflect back what the student is saying. Keep in mind that they are trying to find their own way in life and become the person they believe they should be.

Make Memories

Families may find their college student resistant of ‘old’ house rules, and they may find a variety of ways to express their new found freedom that life on campus has afforded them. However, most still enjoy the comforts of home; things like sleeping in, enjoying their favorite home-cooked meals and time with siblings should be thought of as memories in the making. It’s appropriate to set boundaries, but also try to understand that these moments may be fleeting. Enjoy the time remaining with the student as further separation may lay ahead.

A small amount of friction may be inevitable in welcoming college students back into their family homes, but a little compromise, respect and love will go a long way to ensure time together is both meaningful and memorable. Best wishes for a happy holiday season!

Resident Assistant (RA) Selection for Fall 2019

If your student is in need of job for next academic year, make sure they check out the upcoming RA selection process starting soon!

The Resident Assistant (RA) position is among the most respected student employee opportunities on the UWGB campus. Being an RA is more than a job for most, it is a self-development opportunity. Residence Life strives to build leaders, not just hire student employees. If your student is ready for a great experience, send them our way! The RA selection process will begin for candidates soon after the February 4, 2019 deadline.

RAs work 15 hours a week during the academic year and up to 40 hours a week during 2-3 weeks of pre-semester training. They receive training,RA-White support and mentoring by professional staff unparalleled in the student employment arena. For the 2019-20 school year, it is expected that RA benefits will include waived housing costs (ranging from $4100 – $5200 per academic year), a Chartwells meal plan and a stipend of $700/year.

Successful RA candidates will have a minimum of 2 semesters living on a campus (which includes Spring 2019), a grade point average of 2.4 or better, a passion to learn about themselves and others, and a commitment to serve students. More information, including applications and a job description can be found online on our web site.  For initial consideration, applications including references should be completed by February 4.

Our primary RA selection process begins in early February, but we accept applications all year long in case we have vacancies throughout the year. The benefits of being a RA truly complement the academic experience and give students transferable skills that are applicable to their new careers after graduation. For more information, please contact Nicole Kurth, Coordinator of RA Selection, at RA_Selection@uwgb.edu.


Welcome from the Director of Residence Life

UWGB Parents & Family,

Happy holidays! It’s hard to believe the winter holidays are but a few short weeks away. I hope you were able to reconnect and enjoy a visit from your college student over their recent break from classes. Many of them were looking forward to returning home in order to enjoy time withgail loved ones, good food and much undisturbed sleep before heading back to campus to prepare for their first round of final exams.

The time between now and Winter Break can be extremely stressful for your college student. This is the time when they will have the opportunity to prove they’ve retained all that they’ve learned this semester in the form of many tests, papers and projects. Many of us remember from our own experiences what that type of pressure feels like! If you are looking for ways to show your support you may consider sending them text messages just before/after their big exams, mailing cards or letters of encouragement or shipping them a small care package filled with a few of their favorite things. At heightened times of tension and anxiety, even the smallest gestures are both meaningful and impactful.

As I close out my last note of 2018, I want you to know what a pleasure it’s been to serve you and your student so far this academic year. Our newsletters will continue into next spring, but you don’t have to wait for information to reach you. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us; we would enjoy the opportunity to answer any and all of your inquiries. We can be reached at 920-465-2040. Thank you for all you do to assist your student in being successful here at UWGB!


Gail Sims-Aubert
Office of Residence Life

Re-Contracting 2019

It’s that time of year again. Time to make the rewarding decision to re-contract to live on campus for the 2019 -2020 academic year. Beginning IMG_8261November 1, returning students can officially re-contract to live on campus. Re-Contracting will end on March 20 at 11:59 p.m.

Among other things, students choosing to re-contract will enjoy some pretty cool features:

  • Convenience of living where you go to class, study, work, etc.
  • High-definition cable television and wired/wireless high-speed Internet access in every room
  • The option of retaining your current room or apartment for upcoming school year
  • Staff who provide programming and other engagement experiences, and who foster a strong and connected community

For more information, head over to our website at www.uwgb.edu/housing/recontracting. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at (920)465-2040, stop by the Community Center, or send us an email housing@uwgb.edu!

Happy Re-Contracting!

UWGB Wash Alert

We at Residence Life know that most students don’t like to haul all their dirty clothes down to the laundry room just for all of the washers to be in use. So, the Office of Residence Life has the perfect resource to prevent that!

Our laundry system has an online resource called “Wash Alert” allowing students to monitor the washers and dryers and even get alerts when the laundry services are available. It’s easy, it’s convenient, and most of all it’s FREE!

To access Wash Alert all a student has to do is navigate to laundry.uwgb.edu and choose the appropriate res hall/apartment. There, students can monitor how much time is left and enter their e-mail to get an alert sent straight to their inbox when the washers and dryers are available. This screen also allows students to submit a service request on the laundry services if something is not working correctly.

From the main page, before a student selects the correct building, you can also sign up to get text alerts sent straight to your phone by clicking “Get Alerts via Text.” It’s just that easy!

So, no more trips down three flights of stairs to just have to wait another half an hour before a washer is available. Use Wash Alert and know exactly when it’s the perfect time to do laundry!