E-mail: UWGB 2015-16 Budget Reduction Impact Summary

UW-Green Bay Chancellor Gary L. Miller released the following message via e-mail to employees on Friday, April 15, 2016:

I am sure you have now seen the budget impact sheets released by UW System for each campus.  You may find the one for UWGB at UWGB Budget Reduction Impact. This report was prepared at the direction of UW System to inform the Board of Regents, legislative colleagues and our community partners about the general effects of the budget reductions enacted by the legislature last year.  The reductions listed on this sheet went into effect this past year. As we routinely argue, universities are integrated organizations and, thus, cuts in one area affect many other areas.  The list of effects of these reductions reflect this integration.  This sheet is not intended to be a detailed list of all reductions.  Rather, it is designed to give the reader a clear impression of the overall effect of reducing the university budget by more than $2 M.

Our current expense reduction process is also noted on the summary sheet.  The details of that additional $2 M reduction related to soft enrollment will be disseminated to the University community in the coming days as decisions are finalized.

I continue to believe UWGB is in the best position possible to work through our current difficulties and expand our role in this community.  However, please know that our Trustees and I continue to strongly urge policy makers not to apply additional reductions to the University in the coming biennium and to enter into a discussion about a rational tuition policy.  I will share a copy of the Trustees’ statement in the near future.

Thank you all for your great work and, most especially, for your commitment to our students and this community.

Gary L. Miller