From the Director’s Desk: Navigating the College Decision Process

Choosing the right college can feel like navigating a maze with countless twists and turns. With so many options available, it’s no wonder students often feel overwhelmed. As educators, it’s our job to help them make sense of the chaos and find the path that’s right for them. In this post, we’ll explore strategies and tools to guide your students through this important decision-making process. Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: Navigating the College Decision Process

From the Director’s Desk: What is Open Access?

group of students hanging outside on-campus radio station

At UW-Green Bay, we are proud to serve out our mission and vision to be a university that fearlessly meets challenges, solves problems, embraces diversity, cares about our region and provides access to education for all who want it. We believe learning never stops and we work towards equitable access for all. So, what do we mean when we say “UW-Green Bay is open access”? It means giving every student the chance to change their life for the better with advanced education. It means we want to provide education for all who seek it. No matter where they start. No matter where they have been. No matter where they want to go. Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: What is Open Access?

From the Director’s Desk: Summer 2023

Executive Director of Admissions Rachele Bakic It’s hard to believe another school year has come and gone. As I reflect on the past year, the only words that come to mind are thank you. Thank you to everyone who brought a class to campus for a group visit. Thank you to everyone who worked with our admissions counselors to set up visits at your high schools. Thank you to everyone who helped students complete their college applications. Thank you for all that you do every day for students. Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: Summer 2023

From the Director’s Desk: January 2023

Executive Director of Admissions Rachele BakicAcceptance. Confirmation. Enrollment deposit. What do all these words have in common? They are all used interchangeably among colleges and universities once a student decides to attend. At UW-Green Bay, we use the word “committed” – without requiring an enrollment deposit to secure a spot. This language allows us to be on the same page with a student about their plan to attend UW-Green Bay. Why does committing matter? It ensures students receive timely information about their next steps.  Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: January 2023

From the Director’s Desk: Spring 2022

Executive Director of Admissions Rachele BakicBeyond all of the visits and admitted student excitement, we’re also here for your rising students – freshmen, sophomores and juniors alike. Meagan Strehlow, Associate Executive Officer for K12 & Community Relations in the Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement (CECE), has been working diligently with her staff to develop programming for your younger students. Summer events are coming soon, but CECE also offers a wide range of ways for students to earn college credits in high school or receive assistance through UW-Green Bay.

Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: Spring 2022

From the Director’s Desk: Winter 2021

Executive Director of Admissions Rachele BakicLast fall, I talked to you about the support services that allow your students to get off on the right foot here at UW-Green Bay. We always want to support our students and give them the best chance to succeed as they embark on their college journeys.

I want to assure you, the early support that our new students receive continues after their first semester. Our mission is to provide access to education for anyone who wants it, and the academic and personal services at UW-Green Bay help us do good by that mission. Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: Winter 2021

From the Director’s Desk: Fall 2021

Executive director of admissions Rachele BakicAs we look forward to a new class of amazing students joining us this fall, I wanted to share a bit about our support systems that allow a wide variety of students to succeed here at UW-Green Bay. We are a multi-campus comprehensive university, with a deep commitment to diversity, inclusion, social justice, civic engagement, and access to education for all who seek it.

This past summer, we offered our first Bridge Program focused on assisting students toward success in their first year at UW-Green Bay. This program allowed select students to take foundational credit-bearing courses and partake in co-curricular activities in the weeks prior to the start of the fall semester. Our support programs utilize the weeks prior to the semester to create a longer, more gradual transition period for these students.
Continue reading From the Director’s Desk: Fall 2021

From the Director’s Desk – Spring 2021

As the situation with COVID-19 continues to change, so do our adjustments and accommodations for prospective students. Here at UW-Green Bay, we’re striving to remove as many barriers as possible for you – and the students you serve. From programming options and counselor resources to our new student portal, we’re working hard every day to bring higher education to as many students as possible.  Continue reading From the Director’s Desk – Spring 2021

From the Director’s Desk – Bachelor’s Degrees at All Four Campuses

Over the last two years, UW-Green Bay has grown not only in enrollment but also as a regional foot-print in Wisconsin. As a regional comprehensive university, we’re committed to the mission of serving the communities in which we reside. Since the announcement of our reimagined four-location university, leadership at UW-Green Bay has had the opportunity to partner with the Marinette, Manitowoc, and Sheboygan communities to assess the industry needs that can be met by additional options and offerings from UW-Green Bay. Continue reading From the Director’s Desk – Bachelor’s Degrees at All Four Campuses

The “Why” Behind Application Material Requirements

As we move into another exciting fall of wonderful students and exciting college applications, I wanted to share a little background on UW-Green Bay’s requirements for official application materials. As you know, it’s important for us to review accurate academic information to align our decisions with students’ greatest likelihood of success at the UW-Green Bay campuses. High school transcripts and test scores are an important way of gathering that information about historical academic performance.

Continue reading The “Why” Behind Application Material Requirements