The Driftwood #2: Theater & Arts Events

From the 3/3-3/16 Issue:

Featured Event: Menominee High School Presents Legally Blonde: The Musical!

Theater & Arts iconMarch 12th, 13th, 14th, & 15th: Come on down to Menominee High School to see this year’s musical: Legally Blonde! Watch as sorority girl Elle Woods tries to get into Harvard to win back her ex-boyfriend. Tickets are required and are $10.00 at the door, or they can be purchased in advance for $9.00 at Menominee High School and the Jack’s Fresh Market in Menominee. Performances start at 7 p.m. on March 12th – 14th, and at 2 p.m. on March 15th.

  • Tues., March 3rd: Danica Oudens Visiting Artist Talk: Theater Gallery, 12:30 p.m.
  • Tues., March 3rd: Vintage Truck Sign-Making Class @ Prickly Pear Studio and Ceramic Cafe. Pre-registration required. Cost $45. 5:30-8 p.m.
  • Fri., March 6th & Sat., March 7th: Harry Potter Nights @ Spies Public Library. Pre-registration required for 2nd-6th graders. 6 – 7:30 p.m.
  • Thurs., March 12th: “Sip and Paint” Bob Ross-Inspired Painting Class for Teens @ Stephenson Public Library. Pre-registration required. 2 – 3:30 p.m.
  • Sat. March 14th: Ordinary Person EP Release Show/ Celebration with Musician Abigail Nygren @ EnJoy Gifts and Gathering. 6:30 p.m.
  • Sat. March 14th: “Beautiful Sunset” Acrylic Painting Class with Sherry @ First Street Art Gallery. Pre-registration required. Cost $30. All supplies provided. 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.
  • March 12th, 13th, 14th, & 15th: Menominee High School Presents Legally Blonde: The Musical.

—Cassidy MacArthur, Theater & Arts Editor

The Driftwood #2: Campus Clubs

From the 3/3-3/16 Issue:

Visual Arts Club

Say hello to Visual Arts Club (formerly known as VPAC)! President Abigail Marquardt and Vice President Nikki Grom lead this club, and lately they’ve been combining the arts with movie nights. So far, they’ve explored latch hooking, crochet, and clay! This is a great club for exploring creative interests, so I highly recommend you swing by their next meetings on March 5th or March 12th! (See the “Campus and Community Events” section for locations and times.)

—Indigo Ramirez, Clubs & Services News Editor

The Driftwood #2: Campus & Community Events

From the 3/3-3/16 Issue

Events IconFeature: Discounts from Local Businesses

Did you know? Several local businesses in the Marinette-Menominee area offer student discounts with your UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus ID. Get a portion off your check at really good restaurants, local gyms, gas stations, and movie theaters, and more. Check out the updated list here!

Feature: Apply for Scholarships!

M&M Community Foundation Scholarships: The scholarship application window is open for the M&M Area Community Foundation Scholarships. Visit and click on “UW-Marinette” to learn more and apply. Deadline is March 31st at noon.

UW-Green Bay and UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus Scholarships: In addition, UW-Green Bay’s Main Campus and the Marinette Campus offers many scholarships that Marinette students can apply for. To apply for the Marinette Campus scholarship, download the application and fill out the instructions right on the application itself. Deadline: April 1. To apply for Main Campus scholarships, visit the UW-Green Bay Scholarship website, and click on the relevant links to apply for various scholarships (deadlines vary).

On-Campus Events:
  • March 2nd – March 31st (noon deadline): The scholarship application window is open for the M&M Area Community Foundation Scholarships. Visit and click on “UW-Marinette” to learn more and apply.
  • Tues., March 3rd: Danica Oudens Visiting Artist Talk: Theater Gallery, 12:30 p.m.
  • Tues., March 3rd: Massage for students: M-167. (Must have an appointment. See Student Services.)
  • Thurs., March 5th: Visual Arts Club (VAC) Movie Night & Sculpy Clay Earring: Student Union, 3:30 p.m.
  • Fri., March 6th: Creative Writing Club: T-139, 11:40 a.m.
  • Fri., March 6th: Fanimanga Club Movie Viewing: T-153, 11:40 a.m.
  • Mon., March 9th: Bake Sale for Building Bee Homes: Main Lobby
  • Tues., March 10th: UW-Stout Admissions Visit: Main Lobby, 10:00 a.m.
  • Thurs., March 12th: VAC Meeting: Student Union, 3:30 pm
  • Fri., March 13th: Mind-Body Wellness Club Meeting: Art Journaling/Coloring, M-110, 11:40 a.m.
  • Mar. 16th-20th: Happy Spring Break!
Off-Campus Events:

All of the following events are open to UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus students.

  • Tues., March 3rd: Spring Job & Internship Fair: UW-Green Bay, University Union Phoenix Rooms, 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Wed., March 4th: Career & Educational Opportunities Day, UW-Green Bay, University Union Phoenix Rooms, 9:30 a.m.
  • Wed., March 4th: Innovation In Aging Student Competition,UW-Green Bay STEM Innovation Center, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Wed., March 4th: Depression & Suicide Prevention Presentation: NWTC-Marinette, Room SC108, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
  • Tues., March 10th: Halfway There Party: Burger and Brat Lunch, NWTC-Marinette Lounge, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

—Sierra Adams, Events Editor

The Driftwood: New Library Books

From the 2/18-3/2 edition

Featured Book: Under the Skin: Tattoo Culture and Style

With so much that changes in a college student’s life, it’s common for the average student to search for a new way to define who they are. For some, this could be a new haircut, new car, or new taste in music.Others search for a more permanent symbol to mark their next step in life, such as a time-stamp commonly called a tattoo. Under the Skin covers the different styles and methods of tattooing, and can give essential knowledge or advice to those who may be seeking a more permanent definition of who they were in the past, as well as who they are becoming in their new phase of life.

Other New Human Studies Books in the Marinette Campus Library:
  • Princess of Hither Isles: A Black Suffragist’s Story from the Jim Crow South by Adele Logan Alexander
  • Phantom Islands: In Search of Mythical Lands by Dirk Liesemer
  • The Listener: In the Shadow of the Holocaust by Irene Oore
  • Hidden History of the New Hampshire Seacoast by Terry Nelson

—Emily Burns, Books Editor

The Driftwood: Call for Submissions

From the 2/18-3/2 edition

Northern Lights CoverSubmit to Northern Lights

Hey, did you hear? The Northern Lights Literary and Arts Journal is now accepting literary and art submissions for its Spring 2020 issue! This journal, published by Marinette Campus students, accepts poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, and photography. Read the guidelines and submit your pieces via our website.

Did I mention the contest?

The Northern Lights is also looking for your artistic take on what makes our Marinette campus or community special! The winner of this contest will have their art or photograph displayed prominently on the cover of this year’s issue! Submit your cover art/photo via the submission page on our website.

Northern Lights is on social media.

Northern Lights Literary & Arts Journal is now on Facebook and Instagram. Like our pages to stay connected to the journal.

—Indigo Ramirez, Clubs & Services News Editor

The Driftwood: Important Campus Services

From the 2/18-3/2 edition

Featured Service: Student Emergency Fund

Life happens. If you find yourself unable to get to class due to financial difficulties and have already applied for FAFSA, you can apply for an emergency fund from the campus. It’s confidential, and all you have to do is fill out a short application on the Marinette campus website.

Featured Service: Our Closet

Now, say you just need some toiletries, food, school supplies, but you can’t afford to go shopping. You should visit Our Closet upstairs, Room 200 in the Main Building! In addition to toiletries, canned and dried goods, and school supplies, it also has clothes! Got an interview coming up but nothing to wear? Just want a new outfit? Take some clothes, and if you have clothes you don’t wear anymore, drop them off! Either way, we got you. We got you so much.

—Indigo Ramirez, Clubs & Services News Editor

The Driftwood: Theater & Arts Events

From the 2/18-3/2 edition

Featured Event: Preview Screening of Around the Corner with John McGivern, Feb. 18, 6 p.m.

(Tickets are are available at the front desk in the Main Building or at the Marinette-Menominee Chamber of Commerce.)

Come on down to UW-Green Bay, Marinette Campus Herbert L. Williams Theatre to get a preview screening of Around The Corner With John McGivern, featuring our very own Marinette community! John McGivern explores Marinette and interviews our campus CEO, Cindy Bailey. There will also be a drive for the campus resource room, Our Closet, which provides food, supplies, and clothing items for the campus community. The event is free and open to the public, but tickets still need to be acquired to go. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the screening will start at 7 p.m. John McGivern and his crew will be there to kick off the event! The show will air on PBS on Thursday the 20th of February.


—Cassidy MacArthur, Theater & Arts Editor

The Driftwood: Campus & Community Events

From the 2/18-3/2 edition

Featured Event: Homecoming, Feb. 24-29

Monday the 24th is the start to Homecoming week at UW-Green Bay, and Marinette campus students are welcome to join in. There will be events throughout the main campus all week. On Saturday, February 29, Green Bay will be hosting a double header for the Men’s and Women’s basketball teams against Youngstown State at 2 p.m. Then join everyone between the games for the Krash the Kress Tailgate, from 4 p.m.- 6:45 p.m., for awesome food and games. Attend the tailgate for the chance to win a semester of tuition! ($4,000 value!) Then, following the games, go enjoy the Homecoming dance with all of your friends. Click here to register and for more details.

NOTE: There will be a free bus taking students from the Marinette Campus to the Green Bay Campus on the 29th at 2:45 p.m., returning at 10:15 p.m. To reserve a spot, sign up at the link above or e-mail Bethany Welch or Shelby Hassell.

  • Mon., Feb. 17: Random Act of Kindness Day, Main Lobby, all day.
  • Tues., Feb. 18: Around the Corner w John McGivern Screening, Theater, 6:00 p.m.
  • Wed., Feb. 19: Safe Ally Training: M-117, 6:00 p.m.
  • Thurs., Feb. 20: Visual Arts Club Movie & Crochet, Student Union, 3:30 p.m.
  • Fri., Feb. 21: Fanimanga Show Viewing, T-153, 12:00 p.m.
  • Fri. Feb. 21: Creative Writing Club Meeting, T-139, 11:40 a.m.
  • Mon., Feb. 24: National Cupcake Day, Main Lobby, 11:00 a.m.
  • Thurs. Feb. 27: Visual Arts Club Meeting. T-149, 3:30 p.m.
  • Fri., Feb. 28: Fanimanga Meeting, Cafeteria, 12:00 p.m.
  • Fri., Feb. 28: Mind-Body Wellness Club Meeting, M-110, 12:00 p.m
  • Feb. 24-29: Click here for a list of Homecoming events on the Main Campus. 
  • Tues., Feb. 25: Peshtigo Chamber Career Expo: Peshtigo High School, 3:00-6:00 p.m.
  • Wed. Feb. 26: NWTC Voter Registration Drive: Lounge, 11:30 a.m.
  • Thurs. Feb. 27: NWTC Winterfest, Room SC108,11:30 a.m.
  • Sat., Feb. 29: Krash The Kress, UW-Green Bay Main Campus, 2-6:45 p.m.

—Sierra Adams, Events Editor

The Driftwood: Meet Coach Morris!

From the 2/18-3/2 edition

Marinette Campus Women’s Basketball Coach/Athletic Director

Tyler Morris moved to Marinette in fall 2019 to coach the Marinette campus women’s basketball team. He also does double-duty for our campus as the Food Service Lead/Catering Manager.The Driftwood talked to Coach Morris about his background and his expectations for the 2020-21 team and our campus cafe. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in Iowa, then met my wife Melissa. Melissa and I have three children: Mason, the oldest, is nine, followed by a set of twins, Finnley and Elliot, who are both seven.

How did you decide to become a basketball coach?

I received my Elementary Education Degree and taught third, fifth, and sixth grade. Later on, I became a Division Three Assistant Coach for a year, which really made me realize that coaching is what I wanted to do. After receiving an offer to hold the position of head coach for women’s basketball at UW-Green Bay, Marinette, my family and I packed up [our home in Ohio] and headed towards Wisconsin.

We were sad to learn that there would be no Marinette Campus women’s basketball team this year. What are your plans for the future of the team?

I have high intentions for the basketball team in the future! Since I’m not from the area, looking for possible players is pretty challenging. The biggest part of making basketball possible is just reaching out to people. [Campus CEO] Cindy Bailey and the other UW-Green Bay campuses have been extremely supportive throughout the process.

What kind of new items can we expect in the campus cafe?

Back in Ohio, I was the owner of an Italian restaurant “The Flour Mill,” where we made homemade pizzas, pastas, ravioli, you name it! Cooking has always been a big part of me, which made me choose to work in the campus cafe. Watch for new specials and homemade lunches in the future!

Favorite food and why?

PIZZA! Owning an Italian restaurant played a big part in why I love pizza, but after trying “fish-n-chips” [on my honeymoon] in Australia, I’ve become a big fan of that!

—Interview by Breanne Bedgood, Profiles Editor &
Driftwood Social Media Coordinator

The Driftwood: Sports Events

From the 2/18-3/2 edition

Congratulations to our Buccaneers!

The Marinette Campus men’s basketball team ended their playoff run for the state championship this past Saturday (2/15) with a loss to the UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus Wombats. The Driftwood staff congratulates our Buccaneers on a solid run, especially with a few key players sidelined by injuries. Great job, Buccaneers!

What happened to the Marinette Campus women’s basketball team? 
Due to a lack of eligible women’s basketball players, the Buccaneers women’s basketball season has been cancelled. Coach Tyler Morris is hard at work recruiting players for next year to ensure our women’s team is ready to go next season! Please sign up for sports in the future to prevent this from happening.
Peshtigo High School Boys’ Basketball:
  • Tue., Feb. 18: Peshtigo v.s. Gibraltar (Home) 7:30 p.m.

  • Fri., Feb. 21: Peshtigo v.s. Kewaunee (Away) 7:30 p.m.

  • Mon., Feb. 24: Peshtigo v.s. Green Bay New Lutheran (Home) 7:30 p.m.

  • Thurs., Feb. 27: Peshtigo v.s. Oconto (Away) 7:30 p.m.

Peshtigo High School Girls’ Basketball:
  • Thurs., Feb. 20: Peshtigo v.s. Oconto (Home) 7:30 p.m.

Menominee High School Men’s Basketball:

  • Tue., Feb. 18: Menominee v.s. Ishpeming (Away) 6:15 p.m.

  • Fri., Feb. 21: Menominee v.s. Gladstone (Away) 7:15 p.m.

  • Mon., Feb. 24: Menominee v.s. Kingsford (Away) 6:45 p.m.

Marinette High School Boys’ Basketball: 
  • Tue., Feb. 18: Marinette v.s. Little Chute (Home) 7:00 p.m.

  • Fri., Feb. 21: Marinette v.s. Fox Valley Lutheran (Home) 7:00 p.m.

  • Thurs., Feb. 27: Marinette v.s. Freedom (Away) 7:00 p.m.

Marinette High School Girls’ Basketball:
  • Thurs., Feb. 20: Marinette v.s. Denmark (Home) 7:00 p.m.

—A.J. Corey, Sports Editor