Opportunity for Growth Starts with You

In today’s dynamic workforce landscape, professional development has become a vital tool for organizations to stay competitive and ensure employee retention and growth. However, the success of these programs doesn’t solely rely on their design or the expertise of trainers; the participant’s willingness to learn can play a pivotal role in their effectiveness. It’s the individuals’ enthusiasm, engagement, and proactive approach that turn training into a transformative experience.

Working in the training and development industry, it can be interesting to see how people find their way into professional development opportunities. There are those who are motivated intrinsically, looking to expand their knowledge and skills for their own benefit. And then there are those extrinsically motivated, looking for a raise, a promotion, or more prestige from their employer or colleagues. People will come by their own choice, by recommendation, or required by their organization. Sometimes they come alone, others with their team, or as a group representing an organization. People from all walks of life may find their way into professional development opportunities, but there is one thing they all have in common: the opportunity to grow from the experience lies within each of them.

You might find yourself intrinsically or extrinsically motivated, or maybe both, but you hold the key. Whether it is seeking personal growth, a promotion, or representing an organization that wants to stay on top of their industry, a willingness to learn is the driving force behind finding success. And so, seize the opportunities before you, or find the means to show others the opportunities that could propel them towards their own goals and aspirations.


UW-Green Bay’s Continuing Education and Workforce Training Division is continuously looking for ways to stay on the cutting edge of professional development for its clients. Be sure to check out the continuing education website, and reach out if you have ideas for new content you want to see! https://www.uwgb.edu/continuing-education/


Writing/Research Credit: Christopher Ledvina, UW-Green Bay Business Development Specialist