Shaping the Future

With Teambuilding Adventures

McKinsey & Company recently released a report “The new normal arrives: Trends that will define 2021—and beyond.”

In it, they predict “2021 will be the year of transition. Barring any unexpected catastrophes, individuals, businesses, and society can start to look forward to shaping their futures rather than just grinding through the present.

The report also points the way to a transformation of office life with remote work continuing for a significant segment of workers.

That will make teambuilding even more important. If employees aren’t encountering each other in their offices, hallways and face to face meetings, how can a manager or supervisor ensure teams coalesce into collaborative and performing units.

Teambuilding adventures, that’s how.

A teambuilding adventure is a great way to network, socialize and get to know each other better. An adventure can also be a celebration of achievement or a boost to an upcoming initiative. Depending on the adventure, it can also help foster an environment of creativity and innovation.

And Wisconsin – with its four seasons of inspiration – is the perfect place in which to play and connect with co-workers.

The communities around Lake Michigan in particular offer a number of exhilarating or uplifting options for your next employee outing!


Blackhawk Shooting – a modern indoor shooting range; open year round
Harbor Point Mini Golf – beautifully landscaped, fun-filled outdoor nautical themed 18 hole mini golf course; seasonal
Road America – the 640-acre, park-like grounds offer amazing viewing opportunities, fantastic concessions and high-speed excitement to thousands of spectators each year; seasonal
Longhouse Axe Bar – Sheboygan’s Viking handcrafted axe throwing experience;  open year round

Manitowoc/Two Rivers

Strand Adventure – an indoor activity complex where a variety of adventures await all ages; open year round
Tapped on the Lakeshore – over 20 beers on tap, axe throwing, corn hole and more games; open year round
What the Lock – a physical adventure game where participants are placed into a room and have to use teamwork along with elements of the room to solve a series of puzzles, find clues, and escape the room within a set time limit; open year round
Glaze & Paint 
– ceramic painting studio; open year round

Green Bay 

Green Bay Axe – axe-throwing experience with adjoining escape room; open year round
Board & Brush – DIY wood sign workshop; open year round
Green Bay Ghost Tours – must-experience tours for ghost story enthusiasts and history buffs; seasonal
National Railroad Museum – relive years of railroad history and take a fun, educational train ride during your visit

Door County 

Hands On Art Studio – a do-it-yourself Door County Destination, offering a free-wheeling art experience; seasonal
DC Adventure Center – offering professional programming designed to facilitate adventure, enhance teams, develop leadership, and create lasting memories; seasonal
Door County Trolley Tours – experience VIP treatment aboard one of 16 uniquely themed trolley tours – best charter in Door County; seasonal
Door County Kayak Tours – experience the natural beauty of Lake Michigan and the Door Peninsula with a memorable tour or rental on the water; seasonal
Scenic Cruises & Charters – Door County’s original and oldest sightseeing cruises; seasonal


River Rafting  – providing some of the most thrilling and challenging rafting in the entire Midwest; seasonal
Sno-Haven Pottery – celebrate creativity in pottery, jewelry, drawing and painting; open year round
Laughter Yoga Yooper – combineing laughter exercises with yoga breathing; open year round



UW-Green Bay and the Wisconsin Department of Tourism are collaborating to revitalize travel in Northeast Wisconsin by hosting a virtual Tourism Summit on Thursday, April 22, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Tourism is an integral part of the Wisconsin economy. The pandemic created challenges and disruption for the many businesses and workers that make up this multibillion-dollar industry.

The Tourism Summit is tailored for any business or frontline worker associated with tourism in Wisconsin, including restaurants, hotels, golf courses, other recreation and attractions, communities and more. The Tourism Summit is hosted by UW-Green Bay’s Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement.

Learn more about the Tourism Summit by visiting or by contacting Melissa Betke, Program Specialist at and 920-663-7337.


McKinsey & Company. “The new normal arrives: Trends that will define 2021—and beyond.”

Lessons from Caregiving

According to recent research by AARP, one in six of our co-workers is likely caring for a loved one in addition to work and family. This is a daunting prospect for most of us, but life is made up of moments, and there are some lessons to be learned from caregiving, which might in fact add value to the rest of your life.

Here are six lessons provided by Guideposts, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring the world to believe that anything is possible with hope, faith and prayer.

  1. Self-care first.

This will mean different things for different people, encompassing any/all of the following: consistent sleep, adequate exercise, recreation, good nutrition, stress-reduction techniques and a sense of humor.

  1. Mistakes are fixable.

Perfectionism can handicap the efforts of caregivers, making every task a drudgery. Instead swap the perfectionism for self-compassion, because according to psychotherapist and author Anne Wilson Schaef, Ph.D., “Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest order.”

  1. It’s okay to not be okay.

Experts and experienced caregivers agree it’s not healthy for caregivers to wear a “I’m fine” mask and suffer alone. It’s not a sign of weakness to admit this. It’s a sign of bravery. Ask for help.

  1. Compassion helps.

Caregiving teaches and nurtures compassion, the mother of all virtues. If we all used a little more compassion in our lives, the world – and caregiving – would be in a much better place.

  1. Practice mindful communication.

Old family dynamics can often add stress to caregiving situations, making clear and open communication essential. Listen. Speak. Observe nonverbal cues.

  1. Make room for hope.

The point of caregiving is holding hope between you and your loved one, despite the minutia of tasks — doctor’s visits, medications, meals. Or maybe because of. Hope is the reward for patience and kindness, and hope “never asks a crumb” of you.

Emily Dickinson’s poem “Hope is the thing with feathers” is an apt metaphor for caregiving and can provide a meaningful daily meditation.


New Dates Available for Train-the-Trainer
The Wisconsin Caregiver Academy has scheduled new train-the-trainer sessions through July 2021. When taking a train-the-trainer course, employees can become state-approved trainers for assisted living providers. This eliminates the cost and burden of having to bring in outside trainers into your facility to train staff. You, an employee or a consultant can become a state-approved trainer!

See All Dates by Topic:

Medication Administration
Standard Precautions
Fire Safety
First Aid and Choking

Sustainability’s Many Inter-Relationships

Peace & Prosperity for People & the Planet

In 2015, all Member States of the United Nations collaborated on a call to action to forward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for all countries in a global partnership.

The SDGs build on decades of work by countries and the UN and acknowledge the need to address challenges synergistically and unilaterally in order to have meaningful impact.

Each goal is important and significant, and collectively the 17 Sustainable Development Goals represent an ambitious framework of change.

Many of the SDGs have been impacted by COVID-19, demonstrating the inextricable link between human and planetary health

The latest Global Development Sustainable Report (GSDR) concludes:

The COVID-19 pandemic may give us an unexpected opportunity to make deep structural changes in our energy system, our food system, and our economy that may have seemed too expensive or too disruptive before. We have the chance to build back better and greener. By working with nature and using nature-based solutions, we can not only protect the environment but also benefit from nature’s capacity to help us enhance our resilience and address a whole range of development challenges. For the sake of our planet and our human family, we cannot let this chance slip away.

To underline the importance of the moment, we share below the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. NO POVERTY – End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
  2. ZERO HUNGER – End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
  3. GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
  4. QUALITY EDUCATION – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  5. GENDER EQUALITY – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
  6. CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION – Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
  7. AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
  8. DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
  9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE – Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
  10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES – Reduce inequality within and among countries.
  11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES – Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
  12. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION – Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  13. CLIMATE ACTION – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
  14. LIFE BELOW WATER – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
  15. LIFE ON LAND – Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
  16. PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS – Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
  17. PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOAL – Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.


At UW-Green Bay, we have created a noncredit Sustainability Certificate Program that encompasses the multi-facets of sustainability — environmental, business practices and public policy. The program not only adopts a proven and successful model, but it is affordableaccessible, and flexible.

The program is 100% online with three core courses six weeks in duration and a final capstone course requiring participants to put sustainability theory into practice within their organizations. Full program details are available online.


GSDR 2019. United Nations. “Global Sustainable Development Report 2019. The Future is Now: Science for Achieving Sustainable Development.”
The 17 Goals. United Nations.

Why is DEI so Important?

George Floyd was murdered on May 25, 2020. It’s a date to be acknowledged and remembered for many years to come. Since that day, words like “diversity,” “equity” and “inclusion” have been swirling in our social consciousness, known collectively as DEI.

But why exactly is DEI important? For individuals and for organizations?

Because Future Workforce Employees Will Be More Diverse Than Ever

Early benchmarks show that “post-Millennials” are on track to be the most diverse, best-educated generation yet. Other key indicators:

  • Nearly half of post-Millennials are racial or ethnic minorities. One-in-four are Hispanic.
  • More post-Millennials are pursuing college.
  • Post-Millennials are more likely than Millennials to live with a college-educated parent.
  • Post-Millennials are slower to enter the labor force.

As alluded to in our last blogpost, this generation is being shaped by changing immigration patterns.

This is the generation that will be shaping our future. They will expect – if not demand – that their workplaces reflect this greater diversity.

Because Companies Can’t Afford to Lose Women Leaders

Workplaces have been turned upside down with the events of 2020. Many employees are struggling to do their jobs with the stresses aggregating as work and home become blurred. Women are especially affected as the pandemic intensified challenges they already faced.

Senior-level women are significantly more likely than men at the same level to feel burned out, under pressure to work more, and “as though they have to be ‘always on.’” And they are 1.5 times more likely than senior-level men to think about downshifting their role or leaving the workforce because of COVID-19 burnout.

The possibility of losing so many senior-level women is alarming to organizations for several reasons:

  • The financial consequences would be significant as profits and share performances are almost 50% greater when women are represented at the top.
  • Company culture will suffer as senior-level women are more likely than senior-level men to champion gender and racial equity.
  • Workplace women and other diverse communities lose their advocates.

Because You Leave Money Off the Table if You Don’t Embrace DEI

According to McKinsey & Company insights, there is $12 trillion in additional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on the table if we can find a way to close the gender gap by 2025. And there’s $2 billion in potential revenue if we can expand “financial inclusion efforts” to extend more services to black Americans.

Because Moving DEI Forward Gives You a Competitive Advantage

Here are three primary ways that organizations benefit from developing and supporting DEI programs:

  1. It helps businesses attract top talent.
  2. It will help your company grow and innovate.
  3. Workplace discrimination has moral, ethical and financial consequences.

Embracing DEI has become a new organizational imperative, stirring us to reconsider everything we thought we knew about workplace culture. Start at the top with key leaders and decision-makers. If your organization says you’re committed to elevating and protecting diversity, equity and inclusion, but your leadership team doesn’t reflect that, you will lose credibility, and no one will buy into your mission.


The generation labeled “post-Millennials” in this report – referred to also as Generation Z, the iGen or Homelanders – includes those born after 1996. Pew Research Center uses the label “post-Millennials” as a placeholder until more consensus emerges as to their name.

Develop a deeper understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion and ensure your business or organization protects and elevates now and for future generations. UW-Green Bay is now enrolling for a Level 2 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Certificate Program, designed for HR professionals, business and government executives and leaders, managers and team leaders, parents and nonprofit and community leaders, who have completed Level 1 or its equivalent. Starting in March for five weeks. Learn more and register.


Ideal. “Why is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Important to Organizational Success?” Somen Mondal. December 3, 2020.
McKinsey & Company. “Women in the Workplace 2020.” September 30, 2020.
Pew Research Center. “Early Benchmarks Show ‘Post-Millennials’ on Track to be the Most Diverse, Educated Generation Yet. November 15, 2018.