senior couple dancing outdoors

Dance like there IS a Tomorrow

The population of the United States is aging. And aging rapidly. By 2060 older adults will number 92 million. That’s a threefold increase from 2000.

With age comes physical inactivity, causing a harmful cascade of health and emotional issues, including heart and circulatory diseases, depression, anxiety, dementia and frailty.

Health researchers around the globe have been investigating ways to counteract this dangerous trend, and they have discovered a promising solution: dance.

Studies in North America, South America, Europe and Asia found that dance can significantly improve muscular strength, endurance, balance and other aspects of functional fitness in older adults. Dance has added benefit of providing artistic expression, enhancing not only fitness but self-motivation, positively affecting depression, anxiety and even sleep.

And it doesn’t seem to matter what kind of dance. The results track for ballroom, contemporary, cultural, pop and jazz, making it the perfect solution for older adults of any background.

So foxtrot or folk dance, dancing is a great way to maintain well-being into old age.

NOTE: If redefining healthy aging for an exploding population of older adults excites you, explore the new Geriatric Healthcare Certificate program.

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